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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Today rocked.....It just.....rocked. Spin and Maxie going around, helping everyone achieve their Christmas wishes was truly wonderful.

Alan and Monica were magnificant....they made me cry, in a good way of course. I wish there was a way to bring Alan back...alive of course. He's so missed.

And Max and Diane were a highlight as well....they are too adorable for words.

Great show! TIIC gets a lovely letter from me.

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I just left a comment at ABC.com here:


It has a place specifically for selecting if your comment is for General Hospital. There's a character limitation, but I managed to use every single character up. Hee! All positive things, of course - from what I hear, they more or less disregard tirades, rants or negatively-worded comments. They're looking for what hits people's happy.

I'm about to record the SOAPnet repeat so I can have it on tape. I watch GH online through CaziGirl's channel, so I want this one to have in my VCR/DVD player.

I think I'll add next week's NYE scene right behind it. SCORE!

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So how cute is this woman?!! I have this adorable older woman who comes to the bank. Confidentiality and bla bla... she's my little italian lady (that's what I call her at home and for purposes of this story I guess). She's from Naples and has the cutest accent ever. She just took her grandkids there a few months ago and we were talking about it b/c that's where part of my family is from. Anyway, she started coming not long after I was hired at the bank and she has only ever come to me. She brings me something everytime she comes, flowers one time, cookies another and she bought me a little handbag when she went home a few months ago. I joke about her b/c she used to come in and deposit $3000 in quarters everytime she came so we'd have to bag all that up (each bag weighs 50 lbs and there are at least 3) but I love her anyway. I was just saying yesteray that I missed her, I haven't seen her since this summer when she got back from Naples. Ironically she came in today. I had gone on my break and she must have come right when I left b/c she was waiting the whole time. I walked in and got excited b/c I hadn't seen her. She jumped and and said "HI! I was waiting for you... and eating all your cookies!! I don't have any bank business today so I just came to visit" She came in just to bring me a Christmas present! Everyone usually brings something for everyone as a group. She skipped them I guess, well, she brought snacks for everyone but she gave me an angel ornament and a bottle of perfume! She's so damned cute!!

Ok, that's the extent of my bank Christmas stories... not very many but it's still cute to me...

Not sure how I feel about todays. I didn't dislike it entirely I was just a little indifferent... It was ok but it did nothing for me. 2 snap shot scenes don't cut it. I hope tomorrow's is better... if not I'll be waiting with baited breath for next weeks'.... Gonna love that!!!!

Night all.

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I'm glad A & M finally got to see each other. Now if only Guza can make Alan come back. And why didn't he have them kiss or say ILY. What is it with Guza and people over 50. They don't get any kind of lovin'. Like he's afraid that if we see it we might run to the hills to wash our eyes. They do have love lives.

Well any way I did like the A & M scenes. And the Spencer were okay but I hate when Lulu thinks everything about Luke should revlve aorund Luara. Like when she asked if he missed mom. I'm like he is missing Tracy, his wife. It's not all about your mom Lulu. ugh.

I can't wait for tuesday and I hope they don't cut anything.

Edited by funny1
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What a great episode! My eyes were teary through the whole thing... it was so cute! I didn't mind the Spencers talking about Laura because the whole theme of the show is family and she IS family! Not mentioning her would have been strange. Alan & Monica were such a tease there at the beginning, I was practically jumping out of my seat. Just put on the darn glasses! Alan is so cute, they need to bring him back. I also thought it was nice that they included Hanukkah. Aww just a nice episode all around! And I had no idea that KS has such a good singing voice!

If I'm not around, I hope that everyone has a fabulous Christmas\Hanukkah and New Year!

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Wait.. I want to make sure I have this right.

No new show on Wed and Thursday?!?! Are we 100% positive?

New show is FRIDAY, not Wednesday? Makes sense since Scrubs have said their wedding is 26. For some reason, I thought new show was WEDNESDAY with repeats or pre-empts on Thursday, Friday.

Someone confirm for me, please.

If Tracy watching Luke scene was cut (and I think it was. They had her leaving the house, but she never arrived anywhere), I say good! We didn't need that B.S. She's sad. We get it.

As for today's show.. I'm going to walk the dog, and then come back and watch it again. Sorry you didn't like Dax, Ms. Q. I really liked 'em. I was glad to see Diane. Its been awhile. And Spixie was just... cute!

And who knew Bernie was Jewish!?!?! Love it!

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Merry xmas to all and happy hanukkah for 11,000 feet in the rockies! Freezing my butt off! Houston winter is looking good right now!

Skiied for a few hours today on really really long runs. My legs are so achey and like jello.

the good thing--one glass of wine goes a long way up in this altitude.

My MIL has been very good and easy to be with. My husband on the other hand...can go jump off a cliff==or a ski slope for that matter!

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Merry xmas to all and happy hanukkah for 11,000 feet in the rockies! Freezing my butt off! Houston winter is looking good right now!

Skiied for a few hours today on really really long runs. My legs are so achey and like jello.

the good thing--one glass of wine goes a long way up in this altitude.

My MIL has been very good and easy to be with. My husband on the other hand...can go jump off a cliff==or a ski slope for that matter!

Merry xmas to all and happy hanukkah for 11,000 feet in the rockies! Freezing my butt off! Houston winter is looking good right now!

Skiied for a few hours today on really really long runs. My legs are so achey and like jello.

the good thing--one glass of wine goes a long way up in this altitude.

My MIL has been very good and easy to be with. My husband on the other hand...can go jump off a cliff==or a ski slope for that matter!

Merry xmas to all and happy hanukkah for 11,000 feet in the rockies! Freezing my butt off! Houston winter is looking good right now!

Skiied for a few hours today on really really long runs. My legs are so achey and like jello.

the good thing--one glass of wine goes a long way up in this altitude.

My MIL has been very good and easy to be with. My husband on the other hand...can go jump off a cliff==or a ski slope for that matter!

Merry xmas to all and happy hanukkah for 11,000 feet in the rockies! Freezing my butt off! Houston winter is looking good right now!

Skiied for a few hours today on really really long runs. My legs are so achey and like jello.

the good thing--one glass of wine goes a long way up in this altitude.

My MIL has been very good and easy to be with. My husband on the other hand...can go jump off a cliff==or a ski slope for that matter!

Merry xmas to all and happy hanukkah for 11,000 feet in the rockies! Freezing my butt off! Houston winter is looking good right now!

Skiied for a few hours today on really really long runs. My legs are so achey and like jello.

the good thing--one glass of wine goes a long way up in this altitude.

My MIL has been very good and easy to be with. My husband on the other hand...can go jump off a cliff==or a ski slope for that matter!

Merry xmas to all and happy hanukkah for 11,000 feet in the rockies! Freezing my butt off! Houston winter is looking good right now!

Skiied for a few hours today on really really long runs. My legs are so achey and like jello.

the good thing--one glass of wine goes a long way up in this altitude.

My MIL has been very good and easy to be with. My husband on the other hand...can go jump off a cliff==or a ski slope for that matter!

Merry xmas to all and happy hanukkah for 11,000 feet in the rockies! Freezing my butt off! Houston winter is looking good right now!

Skiied for a few hours today on really really long runs. My legs are so achey and like jello.

the good thing--one glass of wine goes a long way up in this altitude.

My MIL has been very good and easy to be with. My husband on the other hand...can go jump off a cliff==or a ski slope for that matter!

Merry xmas to all and happy hanukkah for 11,000 feet in the rockies! Freezing my butt off! Houston winter is looking good right now!

Skiied for a few hours today on really really long runs. My legs are so achey and like jello.

the good thing--one glass of wine goes a long way up in this altitude.

My MIL has been very good and easy to be with. My husband on the other hand...can go jump off a cliff==or a ski slope for that matter!

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