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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Okay much like MsQ, I can not bite my tongue, so forgive me. Oh.My.Gawd! The hair, oh the hair. Hmm...what's the right word....horrendous. ::sighs:: I know I shouldn't care but....I do. Whether it be my friends or my favs.

But still... SHE'S GONNA BE ON! Oh the excitement!!!!!

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Greetings from the misty banks of Lurkdom

I usually go with just being nosy, but you ladies [and gents?] are so nice. :D Liking the whole family/community you've got going. It's awesome. Sorry if I sound like a scientist observing you guys through a petri dish. I just finished studying for a biology exam. :D

I also come bearing a question...what Tracy/Luke scene would you consider a defining moment in their relationship (if not the defining moment) and why?

I'm thinking about doing some writing and I need a muse--badly.

And Tracy's supposed to be on Wednesday, no? This whole phantom of the soap opera thing they have going for her character [and most of the other vets] kinda irks me.

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hi <b>Eraser</b>! Welcome! Always nice to meet fellow TQ fans. We do have a fun and friendly family here. :)

Must go to bed. Will respond about defining moment when I have more brain power! I loved all of the history and emotion TG and JE packed into the scene where Luke and Tracy go on the run. Someone on the board put it well when they said that Tracy had waited her entire life for someone to love her for who she is and sweep her off her feet.

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Welcome eraser!!

I will have to think on that, although I love the one that BSG mentioned which was recent! As far as the defning moment...there a few that come to mind...I think after Alan's death when she pulled him into a hug when he told her she had a right to grieve however she wanted to....that seemed to turn things around; when he told her in 2006 during Laura's return that he would want to be married to her if she didn't have a dime; when tracy told Luke off about Laura and how she was not coming back to him or anyone else (and then later at the Metorcourt; the will forging when he told her she was a winner in his eyes, ELQ stock or not; the B&W ball day when he told her she was his future; the heart attack stuff when he talked about making plans, etc; when he brought her back her ring and told her that there was nobody for him, nobody anywhere....

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Welcome Eraser!!!

Give me time this morning to get some caffiene in me before I answer your question, which is a really good one and has got me to do some thinkin!!!!

Read this last night - excellent chapter! Keep it coming....quickly. Helps with the withdrawl!

Edited by LisaQ
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Always happy to oblige. It helps me too - I get to live with them up close and personal... well, as personal as it gets with fictional characters.

So, going over the various boards this morning (yes, my constitutional) and seeing the poll is 124 all.

Now I know we don't number that, so these are regular viewers who have made the switch. Love it!!!

Eraser welcome. I think all of us lurked for a bit until we realized this is a really cool place to be.

As for your question... Mmmm, Hooked covered a lot of the big ones. My very first thought was before Alan's funeral when he told her she could mourn any way she wanted to. As soon as she realized it was Luke, Tracy's demeanor completely changed from the agression she showed with everyone else to the emotional woman Luke allows her to be. For me that was truly the sign that these two were a complete couple.

Lots of Blog action last night, which I'm happy to see. Keep it up m'dearies... weeks... we're down to weeks...

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Welcome Eraser! Off topic- I love that Krump v.s Hyphy vid!lol

I agree with everything remos, Hooked, and BSG said! But other defining moments or scenes In Lacy's relationship, actually sometimes didn't have Lacy in them! Or were very simple! Like when Lucky said that his dad loves Tracy before Lusam went to Mexico, or Luke telling Nik that what he has with Tracy is a once in a lifetime, or Alexis saying " He has Tracy now... and I think he really loves her", or the way Sonny now always says " your Wife" now when he and Luke are talking, or even the way Luke says " My wife" now is so relaxed and loving!

Spoiler Alert...nothing new...

Tracy visits Lulu at Shadybrook.

Edited by Truke
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bumping the thread--off to a bat mitzvah for someone's daugher I could care less about and not sure why I am even invited!

Be back this afternoon.

halee/AMF--still copying...seems it just needed a rest!

OMG the funnies scene of Scott & Tracy going on a boat ride and seeing Lucy and making out in front of her...Lucy is totally grossed out and says that is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life, Scott says to her..."oh yeah...what about the first time you saw Alan naked". LMAO!!!!

They were the best quad around!

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From sd for next week...

Do you have anything at all about Tracy? Do they send her back offscreen again to look for Luke? I thought I read a spoiler about that somewhere that she realizes she needs to find him and fast.

She visits with Lulu at Shady Brooke and she is at Johnny's trial with Alan. Edward is on the jury.

She attends the trial? That is next week right. Is she on at all the week of the 8th or 15th? Is she at the skate wedding do you know?

She is on the following week but I don't have her attending the wedding.

More from another person I think...This is interesting...

Is Laura awake or just in Lulu's head?


She is awake.

Um, if she's awake how does she disappear into thin air when Nikolas arrives this week to see Lulu?

The same way Summer disappeared every time Luke tried to prove that she was real.

She disappears when Tracy arrives too. Lulu thinks Tracy saw her but she didn't.

And finally---from the person who said she is on three days this week...

Just as I said to you the other morning TracyFan, you're always so polite and you don't get a great deal of information.

That's what happens next week and there are no Tracy/Lucky scenes next week.

Someone is having a great deal of fun here with the posters, which is why I decided to post again.

Thank you so much. You are the nice poster who told me Tracy is on three days next week though? And is on the week of the 8th again?

Can you answer a couple of things for me if you know, then I won't bug you again

1) Do you know if they send her back offscreen to look for Luke again?

2) Does she attend the trial or just see Alan outside the court room?

3) will she continue to play a minor role in this lulu story when Luke returns?

3) Has JE been taping at all? I am hoping her airtime will pick up a tiny bit this fall, since she was offscreen all summer.


That's right, that would be me.

1) No she doesn't go off to find Luke

2) She's present at the trial and Alan even sits in the courtroom.

3) Afraid so. Don't expect her to have a huge part in it all.

4) Yes she has been taping but don't expect very much.

You're welcome.

So...at least she is at the trial--hopefully she changes her outfit each day--LOL

And not expecting very much for Tracy fans is easy We never do! Even if she is on once a week it will be an improvment.


And now they are calling them the Fan of Tracyfan insider! LOL I think they are legit cause they popped out to correct stuff someone was spinning. They were the ones who said I was nice the other morning and gave me tracy being on three days next week. if she is at the trial that is good we at least get to see her even though she might not speak--good for her episode count. Bet jane did a lot of knitting during between takes! LOL

I never expect much--but once a week or so will be an improvment from this summer. When Luke returns, do you know if they are on good terms or will stay married for the time being?

Good terms with them changes daily but there are no plans to have them divorce.

Edited by hookedongh
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