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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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The person did say she is on TOMORROW though. Not Friday, which could be interpreted as this Friday or next Friday. But if Lulu is celebrating her birthday (for the 3rd year in a row - oy) in hiding, then Tracy is definitely not going to be on with her.

hooked, are you going to bed? If not, do you want to talk to me in the BR? I'm all alone still. :(

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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^^^ Yeah, yeah, rub it in. :P (Have fun though!) If I weren't so cheap or caught up in the upcoming school/teaching year, I'd SO be there!

*waves to alanmonicaforever*

Oh, hooked, someone on SD asked where you were earlier, saying your girl was getting some gossip! Something about a kiss on set between 2 actors, and some anon said it was TG and JE. Has he even returned to the set yet?

OT - My mail is soooo slow. If someone sent a package of information to me on Friday (last week), it should have been here by now, right?! It's not from out of the country. I had to postpone an appointment 'til next week 'cause it hasn't arrived yet!!! Grrr... :angry:

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LOL halee. It was from earlier so if hooked or I resurrected it, people would have wondered why we were bringing up gossip from 45 pages ago. (It's way more than 45 pages now...)

Here's what was posted though:

Morning SD,

There was a kiss that was the buzz on set because of who was involved. It isn't the first between co-stars but was the first for these two, that didn't seem joking. And no it wasn't NLG and SR, they kiss little pecks all the time and have occasionally liplocked to applause and find it all very amusing, and all in good fun. NLG laughs that older women are better, she is very secure and good fun on set. MB and MW hug a lot but no kisses, they seem to respect one another and are developing a good friendship. KMc and JT will occasionally also exchange kisses but with the humor and joking involved, it is not taken seriously, as she laughs at him a good deal, and he loves that she pokes fun. BH does not welcome kisses from SB, no matter what is said here. She sometimes seems to only tolerate his juvenile humor, she likes him, but more for MS sake. She isn't cold but she isn't the feely touchy type and she doesn't welcome it from anyone, not even other females, she is just VERY reserved. But one couple on set is providing lots of speculations for the rest of us, what was initially just a warm friendship seemed to have become something more on a recent trip. Maybe consolation turned to more, who knows but I doubt it has gone further, but it has generated much gossip here. Believe it as you like or not. Bye all


I didn't see the kiss, but it was discussed in back offices. If I saw it I have no problem stating it, I've seen NLG and SR, KMc and JT kiss. KM used to hug SB and kiss him on the cheek when they first started working together but not at all towards the end. BH didn't even kiss IR on set when they were dating, or so I've been told, I didn't work here then, but I've never really seen her even hug SB, which is funny because she gets antsy during filming of love scenes, and that is true no matter what is speculated here. KMc is also somewhat reserved usually but not with JT, their friendship is deep and filled with respect, it is obvious us to us all. That's what I've seen. The sharks are nipping so I'm going

Who was the kiss before you go?

The kiss was TG & JE

Responses included:

Woot woot!

Where is TF, she will be thrilled her gal got some gossip.


Look at the Tracy fans getting despret (desperate)!

TG and JE have kissed before guys, so I don't think another kiss means anything. And like I said before, I don't even think TG is back on set yet. The scoop was prob. garbage, but at least someone cares enough to make up scoop about our girl. :D (Oh, and I do give him/her extra points for mentioning the "recent trip" as we know TG and JE went to Amsterdam together...more details --> more convincing, you know?) :lol:

EDIT: Am I doing a good job of filling hooked's shoes? ;)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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what's this I hear?!?!?!?

a few things I think.

1) A kiss!??? no one burst my bubble... I mean no one. I love this little rumor and like someone else said, I always (in my own little story in my head) wanted them to be a real life couple!! Hot damn! Lovin' IT

2) and this one is very important.... no Tracy today!!!? tell me I read wrong, wasn't she supposed to be on today? They specifically said it! What gives

3) It was nex's birthday and I missed it? HAPPY (belated) BITHRDAY NEX!!!

Ok, question... maybe just venting, I don't really know yet. Some guy at the bank asked me out today. He comes in all the time so I know him. The part that kinda shkieved me is that he is my parents age. I know at least some on here have seen a pic or two of me so do I look, in any way, old enough for him to date? Clearly I said no, I'm a youngin' and I'm just out of school. He said "Oh my god, nevermind than!" so he was obviously completely shocked, but come on!! Do I look that much older cuz that's a little disturbing. Not to mention that fact that I am pretty sure I went to school with either his daughter or his niece. B/c I think he's from my town and I know he has a kid my age. Whatever... I'm having nightmares tonight, let me tell you that!!

Edited by knh
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Hey everyone, I'm not on my own computer but at least I can post.

Off the top of my head (and in no particular order)...

knh - ewwww... nightmares justified

NYC gang - hope you are enjoying your weekend. Some day.... some day...

Tracy non-sighting - not pleased. I had to sit through a lot of mob sh!t for nothing. Monday perhaps, or next Friday.

TG&JE liplock - I'm in the camp where it's possible. TG just looks gay to the North American populous. If he were in northern Europe (where he lives, surprise surprise) he would look like any other guy. And he's never admitted his sexual preference one way or another. Remember cutie Frank (who's fine, btw)? Very Dutch, very metrosexual, very hetero. TG could seriously be his uncle, and their dress is similar.

Funny - hope this year's screamers are less intense then last year's

Lainey - where ya to?

QT - nice to see you about

Ms.Q - what's the word for the new year? Any positions coming available? Nice ending for Oh Baby!

Oh, and how scary is this: the Diva is watching the Spice Girls Movie, and I'm explaining to her all about the Spice Girls and singing along. Terror or what!

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Okay, yes I am aware that it is past 4 in the morning but I couldn't sleep....so I wrote!

New story from tianikki,

Category: General Hospital

Title: Disenchanted

Genre: Drama/Humor

Rating: Fiction Rated: T

Summary: A Story revolving around the Quartermaines, Spencers, and Zaccharas.

Sorry this is not a JoLu story.....this is a Tracy story. It all starts with a

forbidden desire...then again the Zacchara's don't look kindly upon the word


URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4459496/1/

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