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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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ok I had this great idea ( I think). I was surfing Myspace and this bullention came up where you can make a poll and peeps vote on it. so here the idea make poll have peeps vote for Tracy and Laura to see who should stay if they try to kick Tracy off the air when Laura comes back and we'll E-mail the poll to them saying look at how many peeps want Tracy instead of Laura and make other polls on Laura staying or not and what she should do if she stay's and post them on different soap websities. they have to listen to the polls if nothing else. so here's the website in case you want to or not make your own poll.

P.S. Keep voting for Tracy even on your on poll and others EVERYDAY just so we can make sure we keep our girl on top.


Edited by tracynluke
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So, doing my morning constitutional. Lots of insider stuff on IL. The most significant was this one:

LuLu goes from bad to worse. Johnny struggles on what to do. Problems arise with Anthony being thrown in the mix. Luke will return soon and expect some Scotty/Luke confrontation when that happens.

Nothing on Tracy directly, unfortunately.

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TeeHee :P You said "morning constitutional". That's what my dad used to call it when he would take his morning newspaper into the bathroom and spend time.

Anyone know if Monica is supposed to be on before Thursday?

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OT: I'm home. And TOTALLY bummed. Like "day after Christmas" bummed. :(

Topic: It didn't take long to catch up, but I'll attribute that to the lack of Tracy and that like funny said, some of us are/were out of town.

halee, as far as I know, no. Thursday is Monica's first (and probably only) day this week. Probably Tracy's only day as well.

tnl, I'm going to decline on the poll, but thanks for the link.

angel, HI!!!! How are you?! Congrats on the lap top. They are VERY cool to have (provided they don't die on you). I hope we see you around LOTS! I've missed ya!

Nancy, long time, no post! You've been busy, I assume?

nex, thanks for the clips, as always!

bsg, yep, the poor Q's are MIA, and they are not very happy about it. ;) See avatar. LOL.

Lainey, hi!

remos, thanks for the spoilers, even though there's no direct mention of our girl.

funny, any fic in the making?

Truke, yep, people are/were out and about.

TL, you got a PM.

Did I miss anyone who's posted in the last few days?

Oh, so I was just going to post something with regards to my mini-vacation and LuNacy and then I realized I might have posted it last year (when I went to the same place). And I did. :lol: Here's (part) of the quote...

Catch some of you later, maybe, in the BR!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Glad you had fun but sorry you are feeling the blues now Ms. Q!

I'm sitting & sitting at LAX airport waiting to fly back home too. My flight has been delayed, not sure if it's earthquake related or not.

Hooked said their house was shaking but all were fine.

I'm bored! I hate airports!

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Hooked just emailed. She and Nex hooked up last night.

She called the earthquake a 'tremor'. It's all what you know I guess. Hurricanes don't fizz her and blizzards don't bother me, but earthquakes and tornadoes scare the bejeebers out of me.

Glad to see you back, Ms.Q.

I housecleaned all day - the joy of being down to one child. Do I know how to live or what!!!!

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Ms. Q. Glad you are back home and safe. It was loney without you here. LOL.

BTW I've been back to my writing self. And are you really refering to the series one fics or just a LuNacy fic in general? If you are then yes on all accounts. I finally finished the damn fic series. WHooHoo! :P

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