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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*runs around the house squeeing* I was going to go to bed, and I just had to stop in the thread once more tonight!!! And I see these!!! *squees some more* I will have to watch. Should wait until tomorrow, but how can I?!? Hmm, perhaps 2 tonight. 2 tomorrow... But once I start, will I be able to stop??? Decisions, decisions... :lol: Thanks Lady A!
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AHH that was the good stuff! Thanks LadyA. I LOVE TrAsh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why can't they bring Hugo Napier back in the summers when TG leaves? Tracy & Ashton could get into all kinds of fun trouble!

Damn you GH!

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Morning guys! So LadyA! Can't wait to watch am downloading now. Just a quick question: Do I have a timeline for this TrAsh fic???

I may have some goodies by the end of the day today if I can figure out how to scan stuff on my printer!

Halee--quick question, can you upload those Trash clips to youtube? Is that something easy to do once you have them on your computer? Or mabye Addie can do it if she is around or Ms. Q! Would be great if they were there!

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Ughh..just ughhn!

This is from Kin shriners recap :

Tracy was going to tell him about Logan dying, but something happens and Nikolas tells him.

I thought it might mean that Tracy goes to tell him but somehow something happens and Nik gets to him first. But on second thought...it might mean Tracy was going to be the one to tell him but they changed it Nik. Seems the latter would be more GH's MO these days.

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Judging by the wording, it doesn't sound like it was cut... "Something happens" seems like Tracy gets preoccupied with something else and Nik is the one who has to tell him (damn though, how AWESOME would that Tracy and Scott scene have been)? If it was the latter, the recap should have been worded, "The writers were going to have Tracy tell Scott the news, but then they decided to change it and have Nikolas tell him." I might be looking too much into this, but check out the tense of the verbs, LOL. "Something happens" as opposed to "something happened." Oh, wait, what if the "something happens" is something lame that gets Tracy offscreen like "Tracy needed to go on a last minute business trip to Europe; Nik, why don't you tell Scott?" :angry:

I guess we probably will see Tracy in some capacity, but it still sucks that she can't be the one to inform him. So Scott and Tracy hate each other, but at least they have some sort relationship and a ton of history. Nik makes no sense at all to me. The police make more sense than Nik. Sooooooo stupid. I don't care if Logan's body was found in front of Nik's clinic; that actually should be a big reason why Nik shouldn't tell him... "Oh, hey, they found your kid's body outside my clinic. Sorry." (ok, so it wouldn't be like that, but still...)

Well, bright side is that Tracy should be on today. :D And I still have the last 2 parts of Lady Ashton's clips to watch.

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Gee, I forget how this is done...

Spixie Sex: less than 1 minute, over by 10 past

Skate/Carjax dominating as usual

Johnny arrested by Logan by 15 past.

Robin hiding pregnancy from Eli.

Thoughts thus far: No TQ but I'm still waiting, show is dumber than my kids' cartoons, we gotta get changes at the top!

I'll be back..

Z's just told Lulu to take a hike, she'd 'done enough damage'

Spin is going to hurt when he lands from his trip to 'Nirvana' - Maxie couldn't get out of there fast enough, and the Borg looked almost amused

Diane alert, Lainey - basically told Carly the press is sharing rumours of Kate/Jax affair

Still no TQ

Back in a bit...


Lulu throws herself down on her bed and then there is a knock on the door. A second knock and then a third followed by Tracy entering. She tells Lulu she's worried about her after what happened to Logan. Lulu tells her Johnny has been arrested for Logan's murder. Tracy says she knew something like this was going to happen. Lulu gets angry at her and says 'Don't you say one more word or I am out of this house. Johnny didn't do it and I know that..." Lulu looks up at her to emphasize the threat and Tracy just looks at her knowingly.

(and I forgot to count which segment. Sorry Nex, but was 3:35, if that helps)


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I have to run (I'm going to be late), but TQ showed up. Probably has one more scene.

hooked, I regret to inform you that she cut her hair again. The outfit is the one from her birthday with Alan interrupting them (it has been worn after that too). If the new person in wardrobe put her in this, there is no hope. She just truly looks "OH MY GOD. WHY?!" Gotta run!

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And the second scene (again, not sure which one)

Tracy tries to be comforting telling Lulu that she's not to blame for any of this, that she knows Lulu feels guilty for putting both Logan and Johnny in this situation but Logan's death is not her fault. Lulu reiterates that Johnny didn't do it, to which Tracy points out that he has friends in this town that will get him off and his family isn't without resources. Tracy wants Lulu to rest and she'll have a tray sent up. Lulu says she really appreciates what Tracy is trying to do - she really does - but she just wants to be alone to think things through. Tracy asks what she has to think through and Lulu yells at Tracy to leave her alone. Tracy turns and walks out the door.

That's all, folks.

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Okay my tracy GH obsession must end! This is way too unrewarding. Probably only Tracy will be smart enough to have an inkling that it was lulu who did it. I thought Tracy was supposed to be funny and helpful. Was she funny?


Okay..guess no follow up to that this week. Wht a let down.

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