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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I was just listening to one of the latest podcasts of Daytime Confidential (241). They only talked about it for a few seconds but they all said how much the FLOVE Tracy busting Luke's balls and making him work for her!!!
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Hopefully I can get the breakdowns again, although we all know how much stock to put in those. So here is the thing...Claudia admits that to a delirious Nik on Monday I think. It didn't appear that Lunacy would get to be on on Monday from the continuation of the stories. But here is my theory...the storm is happening. The card game with Luke/Treavor has got to be on M or T cause Luke gets arrested on Tuesday. There has to be some time for him to get hauled in, Tracy to bail him out and him to have the police station scene. Perhaps because of the storm...they spend the night together and they make plans to leave. Wed. the 21st the storm is over and it is a new PC day so that is the day they probably leave. THe medianet photos show Lulu and Luke that day and Luke with the cash, etc.

Even if it is only a wow that was great last night of them walking into the HS, at least the rest of the world will know they had sex! LOL. I always see people asking have they ever even slept together before places!

So I have spent today buying furntiure, watching my house get totally mutilated by the invasion of the giant media room being installed, and wondering why in the world I have this irrational attachment to a fictional character who I feel like a good friends is going on vacation for two months that I won't see!

I mean hello???? I know she is a fake character!!! And this is a tv show, but somehow....my intellecutal side and my irrational JE fan side are not meshing well right now!

Of course, there is no place else in the world or nobody else I would ever be able to admit this to but you guys cause I know you can relate!!!

There--my confessional for the day!

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We need to have a blog pow-pow in the breakroom later!


Hooked, Tracy may be a fictional character, but she is definitely not a fake character. So, I feel your pain... :) Having said that, I'm still so happy that Tracy and Luke are leaving together, and we're getting this kind of couple payoff. Could be a lot worse.

Don't forget...We didn't even see her for a whole month around Feb.-March and for no reason at all. The time will fly by with Tracy & Luke's Excellent Adventure this summer.

Remos, I was wondering about the Tracy in July vs Jane in July myself. We've seen mid-July and late July mentioned as a return date. If they're still taping about two weeks ahead, maybe it's mid-July for Jane and late July for Tracy.

Edited by QueenTracy
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Didn't SM in his interview say he interacted with Tracy? Having them on all three days is the only way they can get it all in. They are pushing it to the wire as it is.

It's that river in Egypt thing.

Yeah we can relate - scary that. I've been accused of obsessing myself. My defense: I'm with children 24/7 - if I didn't have Tracy and the Lovefest, I'd be a drug addict or alcoholic by now.

Edited by remos
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I have also seen she will be gone offscreen about 6 weeks. I have seen she is due back taping late June. It is quite humorous how nobody knows [!@#$%^&*]. Until we see her return date in the mags or a reliable insider I think we won't know for sure.

The funny thing was, I was buying a couch and some other furntiure today and I am lookin on my calendar in my purse for a 2-3 week delivery date. I start counting weeks as the lady is ringing me up to see if Tracy is gone 6 weeks when would that be....early July if she is gone 8 weeks, mid-July, 10 weeks late July. I am like OMG I am a lunatic!!!!!!!!

I go to Calif. July 26-August 2nd. She better be back when I get home!!!!

I was thinking maybe I will bump into her in Europe while I am on my cruise! LOL!!!!

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Well the GH episode in my head plays that Tracy goes to bail Luke out but because of the storm they get stuck. They spend the night in jail together, Luke puts on her rings and they celebrate their anniversary...LuNacy style! That's how it is in my head...of course that is not what we will get.

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So, is the storm Tuesday then???? LuNacy def. have to be on Tuesday... Or is the storm just Monday? I want to see LuNacy spending the night together during a storm.

Can I hope that JE is returning late June, and we'll get Tracy beginning of July (like the second week or so)? This is going to be like first time in 3 years that Tracy hasn't been on in the 4th of July episode. It's not many times when Tracy is on the exact same date as the previous year, let alone 3 years in a row...

July 4, 2005: LuNacy and the Charity Endowment thing at GH

July 4, 2006: Tracy/Robert on the piers; Tracy and Lorenzo at MetroCourt

July 4, 2007: Tracy/Dillon and Tracy/Ned in ShadyBrook

July 4, 2008: TRACY OFFSCREEN. :( But as you are all pointing out, at least LuNacy will be together. :D

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Tracy & Luke's Excellent Adventure ~ an idea for a format/theme:

Different characters could post in the blog talking about running into Tracy & Luke during their summer adventure. For example, they might go to Dillon for help while he's working on location. Robert is another possibility. Oh, and maybe Ghost Alan could do some blogging. :lol: We can still have some or most of it from Tracy & Luke, but this might be a fun angle.

Any thoughts for now? Let's definitely do breakroom later on this, okay?

I'm setting up a main page that will link to the blog, but can only go so far before we decide on just how we're going to do this.

Edited by QueenTracy
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I'm actually thinking you're not too far off, because when I first read it my first thought was that Tracy would be arrested too, and it's talking about a night in jail. It says "a night," not "THE night", as it would if it were implying it were a romantic night together. So I'm thinking whatever the reason, they spend "a" night together more or less because one or both can't leave. Tracy may be there to bail him out and can't leave because of the storm, or both of them are arrested and stuck there because of that. IF SD is to be believed. It's a toss up.

*waves to everyone* Long day. Going to bed. Nighty-night.

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