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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I had to think about this for a minute, but the Markam Island part is correct. Luke went there twice. The first time was Jan. 2006 after Tracy's car went into the lake. He returned to PC later that month with the chimp and the virus. The second time was April after he got the call from Holly. (Robert had returned just before, wanting to extradite him, and LuNacy were going to renew their vows to delay the extradition).

Also, in defense of SOD, the show has re-worked it, so that Luke did put Coleman in Tracy's bed the night of the honeymoon. It's stupid, since that's not what we saw, but on their one year anniversary, after Tracy realized Robert was in bed with her, Luke had a line about going through all this trouble to recreate their honeymoon. And then Tracy said something like, "Oh yes, when you drugged me and you set me up with that dirt bag Coleman!"

But getting the year wrong of their marriage irritates me so much... It's wrong on SOC too, even though when I submitted an update to the biography (once upon a time, SOC was looking for people to update the bio's; in fact, they probably still are), I noted that the year was 2005. But I guess they accidentally skipped over that part. :(

I'm also a little iffy on the whole Alcazar/hospital board thing... I might be slipping!!! But from what I remember, the month before (June) that Tracy said if Luke acted like a devoted husband and helped her solidify her position as CEO of ELQ (this would take 3 months), she would grant him the divorce. In late July, there was a board meeting, and Skye had the deciding vote for the new CEO but chose Alcazar. Tracy had previously locked her in a broom closet offscreen, but Luke freed her. When Tracy found out about this, she basically noted that their 3 month deal was off and that she wouldn't be granting him a divorce.

All right. I just did some research via transcripts, 'cause this was bugging me. LOL. Tracy did offer Luke the money and divorce in exchange for saving the hospital, but there was never a mention of the divorce after it all backfired --> Carly got Tracy's job (something that SOD didn't even mention, which I think played more of an important role than Alcazar on the board of directors) and Alcazar got a place on the board. The next mention of the divorce was about the CEO of ELQ thing (see above). So, I guess, in the end, SOD got it half right. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I was looking for a place where I could respond to the quiz makers, but I couldn't find what I was looking for (and it was 4 AM here, so can't say my brain was actually working).

And, btw, it was 30 years ago not 20 years ago...

You know, just thinking...

We should write a letter to SOD on behalf of the Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest correcting their answers. Someone would get a charge out of that and might actually publish it.


Oh, and Luke didn't lure Tracy to Los Vegas directly - Dillon called and Tracy came rushing down. Luke was responsible but Dillon did the deed.

Edited by remos
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ARGGGG is right Tracyluv. No matter how much I love Lunacy,..I love Tracy more! This whole scenerio sometimes makes me want to beat my head on the wall. Tracy Quartermaine has always been a woman of strength, and beautiful independence whom wouldnt put up with half of what Luke Spencer has done to her. (better men have burned by her road for LESS then how that lout treats her)

Remember the speech with Lorenzo at the Metrocourt? This is a fierce woman who would NEVER tolerate being cheated on, lied to and left behind on a regular basis!

When the other day she reinterated all he has done to her, and he retorted " and you have never been happier" I wanted to pull my effing hair out by the roots! It was not CUTE or true one Iota to Tracy's spirit or standards

I have absolutly no recollection of things ever beingSO bad, so DESPERATE so low for Tracy Quartermaine, that a man who cheats, and leaves her hanging, over and over, and uses her habitually was better then nothing.

I hate these writers, they have turned Luke into a spineless dolt, (who when Tracy found him with Claudia,..luke should have reminded HER who SHE was dealing with by way of Tracy!)

And turned a woman whom is the pillar of strength, and SELF RESPECT, NO apologizes, I am TRACY GD'ed QUARTER 'F'ing- MAINE who gets screwed over by NO MAN, into a needy settling broad.

I am at my wits end with this show. Tracy wouldnt "settle" for anything less then what she deserves,....I wont as a fan either, and these stories are beneath her as a character and an actress

My 2 cents for the day

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Okay.... latest on the HS thingy...

Luke is there alone, Tracy comes with Edward. All I can think of is that Luke is the host so he has to be there, and Tracy is bringing her father. She's not happy about the opening and the Z connection, but she's there anyway. Apparently there is no 'event'. The opening takes place over 9 days, lots of little conversations and combinations.

One insider did say the significance is not in who the ARRIVE with but in who the LEAVE with (in general, everyone except LuSam, who have another agenda). We shall see.

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Le sigh is right. I agree, these two have such talent, and history. Their friendship in real life translates on the screen so so well. If there was no off screen relationship between them, I think it would be evident, and would show up onscreen as awkward, and dare I say icky???

Same reason LC, and SD work, you can tell at the end of the day they care and respect eachother as people, and artisans, and have decades of friendship between them


I hate the message it portrays to women in general. ( and YES I know, Daytime is NO Place for social messages, its to escape the world outside) But its like the man who has a lover on the side, and the woman who thinks its some badge of honor that "He may F-@#K YOU, but he comes home to ME"

Thats irresponsible, and shows a deep seated lack of self respect. The sniffing and near crying at the fact that he is "home" makes it worse. ( the acting is moving, special, and stunning, BUT NOT realistic, no appropriate to see her all weepy, and grateful his cheating ass is BACK,..MY tracy would twist his nuts off at the base!)

Hello??? Is this thing on????

That my darlings, is NOT the Tracy Quartermaine that can hush a crowd with a hand on her hip and fire in her eyes.

All I can say is I hope if we do get our Lunacy love scene, that Tracy wears a Hazmat suit, because cheaters trend to bring [!@#$%^&*] home you cant cure with asprin.

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Well I love Luke because he loves Tracy. And yes he is BAD at it. And yes he is a f__head. But no one has ever truly loved Tracy for Tracy. Now he will either get better at loving her or not, that's when I decide.

Remember they are doing this whole marriage backwards. And to say these two came to the marriage with baggage is an understatement. Complicated people have complicated relationships. I look forward to hopefully seeing them (especially Luke) grow. I saw a sprout when Luke proclaimed his fidelity. It's just a baby step, but it is a step in the right direction...for me.

Edited by halee
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Yup... more valid points.

As is this...

I want Tracy to say that the drinking she doesn't like, but she'll try not to get worried about when he's not arround; the flirting doesn't thrill her but she'll try not to get bothered by it; just keep it zipped!


This was on SD. Not sure if it was an insider, but I like what it implies...

Luke and Tracy seem on their way back together. I thought they were going to be on the outs for awhile?

that was the scabs, not guza

As much as it pains me, perhaps Guza is good for something other than mob... choke, cough (I need air).

Edited by remos
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Actually in the area of love Tracy has done nothing but "settle" for less than she deserves. She's strong and fierce in other areas of her life, but not with men. So although I don't like that she has put up with a lot of Luke's treatment of her. I think it's been very much in character for Tracy to do so. The fact that she is working at it with Luke (or she will) shows growth for Tracy.

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