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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So Soapdish says Jerry IS the one giving Tracy the money, for her "silence".

Grain of salt and all that. Either way, she's in the spoilers, yay ! Guess we'll have to wait and see how it all turns out. I think it's OOC for Tracy to sit back and say nothing, if she knows someone is bringing in substandard drugs for the hospital (if indeed that's what's going on). Her family has always been involved with the hospital and her mother loved the hospital, her brother was Chief of Staff. I can't see Tracy just sitting by and saying nothing, but maybe getting kicked out makes her desperate for money? Or maybe it's just one of those OOC things we have to swallow.

funny1 I am PM'ng you my email address.


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This is the rumoured new opening sequence...interesting...

Maurice Benard

Laura Wright - between her 'men', not with her husband

Steve Burton

Rebecca Herbst

Greg Vaughan - guess we should be happy the Big Four has expanded to the Big Six, to include a Spencer

Kelly Monaco

Tyler Christopher

Kimberly McCullough

Jason Thompson

Nazanin Boniadi - I know Scrubs fans won't be happy about this, but it's nice to see someone non-white being favoured

Bradford Anderson

Kirsten Storms

Josh Duhon - well, guess this answers the "who will Lulu choose, question"; he has more chemistry with KS anyway

Natalia Livingston - isn't she dead?

Ingo Rademacher - not the husband....?

Nancy Lee Grahn

Sebastian Roche

Megan Ward - hmmm, guess she's not as favoured as it appears

Rick Hearst - nice to see him in this crowd, Ric might actually do something this year

Kent King - hope they are going to do something with Lainey, she has lots of potential

Sonya Eddy - okay, again the question, why Epiphany and not Bobbie? At least Bobbie has family and HISTORY

Dylan Cash

Leslie Charleson

John J. York

Jane Elliot - well, she's with Luke. That's all we needed to know... oh, and she's in the last grouping - good sign

Anthony Geary - not so good, he's been bumped from the last position

Julie Marie Berman

Brandon Barash

Sarah Joy Brown - I liked her Carly.... I really hope this isn't making a big mistake for GH

Remember, it is just RUMOURED...


For your reading pleasure...

Confessions...the ninth


Edited by remos
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I like how Tracy Luke and Lulu are next to each other. I really like them as a family. And I love Lulu with Johnny. Logan is too much of a jerk. JD is definately a good actor, I just don't care too much for the character.

EDIT: WOAH. TG isn't the last person? Dude, what? I thought he always was...?

EDIT again: Would JE have her new hair? I mean, I am sure this was done well in advance, but that would be kind of silly for her to have this new hair for a long time with the old one in the theme.

Edited by missjane
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It seems strange that TC and NL aren't next to each other. And that DC is in-between LC and SE. And MW isn't higher. And that JI is not in the opening (I believe we would have heard if he was on recurring). In any case, I do like that TG and JE are together, so hopefully, if any of this rumored sequence is true, that part is. :D

EDIT: Short little video - Updated fictional credits of Total LuNacy

Some comments:

WK, SC, and LL have been removed from the opening - though the first 2 can guest star.

Kin Shriner has been added.

I chose a different, shorter song, so that's the reason the first 2 had to go; plus, they're not on GH, regularly, unfortunately.

LL had to go since GH was evil and killed Georgie off.



Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Afternoon all, just got up from my nap. i hope its gonna be drama full week. finally tracy and luke are back. i cant take the drought. and noone should tg not be at the end. i dont believe that.

ILTQ did u get the email?

EDIT thanks nex. working on another as we speak.

Edited by funny1
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Remos and funny1 I just read your stories and I loved them both!! :D

As for the new opening sequence, I guess we are just going to have to keep our fingers crossed that A: Its a good opening and B: That Tracy still has her "old" hair and not her new doo. I hate that I still don't like it. :(

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I hope that IS the new opening! I want our girl next to her hubba! Hmmm I'm a little skepticle of this list because Luke is not the last character listed. I think he should be the last one. I guess we'll see.

Thanks for the cute little vid Stace. So we have a spoiler as to where Tracy is headed after the ole heave ho, I wonder what the scoop is on Luke and Lulu.

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GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. So I go to post a happy, happy post about Tracy and the opening and what do I see but a STUPID Genie Medifast Sale banner!?! Grrrrrrrrrrr. Ok. I'm moving on.

I love that Tracy, Luke and Lulu are together (or at least rumored to be together). I hope JE has the old hair!

Yay! Dare I hope for some


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i havent been here in a while, and i really only came to say this: I LOVE TRACY"S NEW HAIR!!! She looke 10 years younger and F-A-B-O FABulous!! it also shows, not only that shes doing good things for herself w/o luke, like updating her style, but it shows that shes important to GH! with all of the frontrunners getting new looks, Tracy is right there with them! And with the new hair came a (i dont know if it was New, persay, but it looked new to me), tighter fitting jacket that showed her off in all of her gorgeous glory. No more flowy [!@#$%^&*]. I thought everypne here would LOVE it, actually. BUT...i, unfortunately, still saw that HIDEOUS jacket with the black feathers appearantly make a re-appearance (its in somebodys banner) has any one seen helen mirren in The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover? because that thing looks almost exactly like a jacket she wore in that film.

Thats all.

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