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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Well I hope the LuNacy breaks up spoiler is false. I don't want them to have any more angst. They have angst everytime he leaves, or at least she does, and I'm tired of it. People might be tired of seeing them lovey-dovey, but the prob is, that's all they are getting. They are not giving them team scheme storylines like they should be. They were somewhat lovey dovey after last Feb sweeps, and became VERY lovey dovey since his return in October. We've only gotten 2 months of decent closeness in their almost three year marriage. That is not gonna cut it for me. It's not long enough as far as I'm concerned considering that every time he leaves, they are "broken up" to me. So if they break up LuNacy, I will say ta-ta to the show. oh well. It guess it couldn't last forever, soapwise or obsession-wise for me.

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I know it sounds crazy coming from me, but think about how I freaked out that JE was leaivnt the show for five months when TG left this time. Turns out he is only gone for a month or so most likely and she didn't leave with him at all. All that recurring stuff...all speculation.

So in the same moment that the Tracy/Luke break up thing is posted, so is the stuff about Tracy employs luke at ELQ and the stuff about that. So bottom line is...it wont' be both!! Think about the Tracy gives luke a cool recpetion when he came back last time. how long did that last? One scene?

We don't even know if the Tracy won't welcome him back with open arms is true or not. :)


Good spoiler non-lunacy from soapdish under coming up:

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Found the following spoilers on SOC. I guess it's part of that SD one because it mentions luke and tracy breaking up in february....

- Look for Tracy and Luke to break up in February

- Luke regrets going away when he returns and is met with a chilly reception.

- Tracy holds Luke at a distance. she claims she won't be like Monica who was lost when Alan died.

- Luke catches up with whats happened with his family.

- Luke is urged to stay out of it because of his health.

I guess he gets over tracy pretty quickly, just jumping into the middle of mob related stuff like it's business as usual.

Edited by TracyLuv
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yeah, I'm gonna go. I might have to be prodded into it, but I'll go. :) My sister found her first lump at nineteen, and even though it was benign, the doctor did a lumpectomy (maybe because of the size of the lump, I don't know).

I don't have the big breasts problem, so maybe the mammo won't be too bad. Not much to smoosh. :P

About the spoilers: being positive: I actually think the ELQ ones are true. They pretty much line up with the mag ones where JFP said Tracy would do something concerning the Q family that would backfire in her face, and that she would be holding Luke at bay.

I think her hiring him is a condition of her taking him back, but I also think she refuses at first to get close to him again after she sees firsthand how destroyed and devastated MOnica is after losing Emily and Alan.

I think Luke purposely messing things up is part of the "causing havoc for her family", but I also think the mystery client is going to cause huge trouble for ELQ and the Q's. The spec said they're more dangerous than the mob, and that really kinda makes me mad, why does a Q story HAVE to either show them as incompetent or evil, or them bringing about some kind of catastrophe (the condom scandal comes to mind).

I do think it's a good chance because of what JFP already said, that they are true, though.


Could be good, either way, we get more Tracy !

Always a good thing.

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Soap central got those directly from soapdish. The person who dropped the break up was not someone who even ID'd themselves.

Caution again: All the insiders who are legitimate on that site have said over and over again that spoilers are worded to generate the biggest bang for the buck and to be ambiguous.

Chat up who is very reliable said they are keeping them together with pushing/pulling....

I agree with Remos...they need to make Luke change a bit now. I am sure he won't, but I can see luke trying at least initially to worm his way back into her good graces. Now if she stands her ground, he will likely give up, but I don't think Tracy is gonna last long keeping him away. She is way too in love with him.

I think him leaving this way was totally setting them up for this push/pull dynamic for when he got back to keep them fresh and interesting.

Also, the same person who spoiled the ELQ stuff also had said that Kristina would wander off. Now I see tha spoiler on wubs this morning, so maybe it has some truth.

I am glad they are going to let Jane play out being ticked off at him. I don't think it is in Tracy's nature to just take him back this time without at least making him suffer a bit. Their relationship was taken to too high of level for that right now.

Just my opinion.

Question: Do you guys want me to not post any more stuff from soapdish on this site? I will leave that up to you guys. It makes no difference to me either way, I just try to post scoop when I see it. But I don't want to ruin people's day, since we don't know really if much of it is true or not.

Let me know...

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*I hope that's true too. Sounds fun!

*I for one, like reading your SoapDish spoilers...

*I hope Tracy does something to bring back "old Edward". I really don't like this kinda sensitive, hanging out with Alice, slightly bumbling version of Edward. I want nasty fighting with Tracy, givin' em' hell Edward!

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I love all the Tracy spoilers and I hope they're true !


I don't have a problem with anyone posting spoilers here from SoapDish or anywhere else. I think it sucks that we sometimes really get our hopes up for things that never happen, but that's a risk you take when you read spoilers.

I actually think there's a good chance the recent ones could be true. :)

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hey all i love the spoilers. and cant wait for luke to come back to the ice cold tracy. but didnt she give him a chilly reception in january last yr when he came back when she said "who did you see first me or your fake wrife" (something like that) right before alans death. hey i dont want them to break up but breakups arent good unless they are followed by makeups. YUMMY! :P

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Good news....Chat up (the reliable insider at Soapdish just was on and I asked her if she was ever able to confirm if JE was still on contract or not!

She said:

She is still on contract!

I asked her if she found out if the ELQ stuff was true or about the push/pull luke tracy thing and she said she is travelling and not back in LA til early next week. But she will try to find out.

Okay another insider just posted this. Someone (other than me) asked:

Q: Insider, what is the money Tracy is going to get all about? The new ELQ story?

Will the Enduro condom lawsuits come up again?

A: My last post.

Tracy gets a anonymous donation in an envelope delivered to her. In it is ten million dollars. However she must do something first. I have no idea what it is except it will turn PC upside down if she chooses to accept

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Woah. Lots of spoilers. What to believe... What to believe...

EDIT: Do you all remember last year around this time (or rather, those who were with the thread last year) when we got all these anonymous spoilers regarding Tracy? It was prob. late December and the spoilers led into January (so the time-line is close enough). Anyhoo! The spoilers - Tracy/Sam/Edward/Dillon and ELQ - were ALL true. Hope they're true this time as well!!!

And ILTQ, I've been thinking about the spoiler that said

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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