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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oy! Before anyone gets too upset, remember that Chat up (who seems to be the most accurate insider around that site) said that they were keeping them together but with pushing/pulling. I am fine with Luke/tracy breaking up temporarily or her threatening to divorce him if he doesn't start shaping up and kicking him out of the mansion, etc. But to me...the only reason they would do this is to make it for a better story for him trying to get back in her good graces. They are not just gonna make them break up and end Lunacy. They have worked too hard to build up that relationship. JE/TG want to work together I am sure of it.

Also, remember, that the reliable insiders at SoapDish like chat up for example, always remind the posteres there that spoilers are worded the way they are for a reason...to generate the most interest, and to be ambigious...so watch for Luke/Tracy to break up, could just mean it is like a two episode deal where she tells him to take a hike when he gets back. We all know Tracy can't resist him for too long. He will charm her right back in no time.

To me, if they have them break up it is giving them an interesting story, and shows they consider them a real, viable pairing. Remember any soap couple needs to have ups and downs. Maybe they are trying to let some of the real Tracy shine through...the one who wants to make LUke pay for his bull@#$t!!!

Could be good stuff coming up!!! It is probably his feb sweeps come back story. And if the other ELQ stuff is true, which I am skeptical of at this point, it could set up for Tracy telling Luke that he could start making it up to her by acting like a responsible adult, etc...changing his ways by doing something not so dangerous, etc...


This was just posted which is a good reminder to take all these spoilers with a grain of salt!

I've said this about five times already but it bears repeating:

Don't listen to any rumblings. About anything. To put it in the vernacular, no one knows crap about what is going to happen after February.

Wolfe is working entirely off the set. He's not there. He and Jill video conference. There's rumors that another writer may be joining in on the head writing duties but no one knows for sure if that's true or not. IF it is, he'll undoubtedly also work offset. The scab script writers are off set and trying to keep their identity secret so they aren't talking.

Scripts for shows this week are finished and distributed.

Scripts for shows next week are finished and will be distributed on Thursday.

Scripts for shows the following week are finished and are being processed for distribution the following THursday.

Beyond that, the only info about what is planned is locked up in Jill's laptop. No one knows and considering the fact the storyline is being developed by a man who has never been a headwriter and a producer who has basically been muzzled for the past five years, its impossible to make predictions about where they will take the story.

Edited by hookedongh
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I'm totally on board with that Hooked. I think you are right. The push/pull has to include a break-up at this point, just to maintain the integrety of the relationship. The only thing constantly being said is that Tracy does all the work in this relationship. Now perhaps they are setting the stage for Luke to do the work. It's about time for someone to woo her, anyway.

I can't see them changing the essence of Luke, but if the soap boards are any idication of the comments TPTB are hearing directly, Lukey has got to start manning up. This teenager in a 60 year old body routine is tired.

Spoilers and rumours have to be taken with a grain of salt (if not the whole shaker), but they are fun to throw around. Especially when we are entering yet another Tracy drought.


Just read your edit, Hooked. That sounds even more tantalizing. He's already shown that he wants the entire canvas as active as they can be. Jill and Wolfe seem to be pulling this baby out of the fire. I'm almost more intrigued by the backroom stories than that goings on up on the screen. B)


Confessions... the seventh


Confessions... the eighth



Yet again from SD...

Do you know if that LUke/Tracy ELQ stuff is true or them breaking up in Feb is true to create some conflict? Or do you just have scrubs info?

I'm fairly certain the Luke/Trace ELQ stuff is true. I don't know about the break up because I don't have details for February yet. I don't think anyone really does at this point.

Edited by remos
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Ya beat me to it Remos! :) I am doing our writing review stuff interspersed with monitoring SD for some Lunacy stuff. This person also said that she doesn't know about Alan but wish she did cause she loves SD. I can't wait to read your confession 7-8 but right now I am being highly educated about Advent, so I cannot be disturbed! :)

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I agree with you, Hooked I would love to see this story. I think it would make for great tv, and, yes, a couple without any obsacles on tv is a couple the writers don't think are worth it in my opinion, so I'm fine with all this. My only problem is their timing, though I guess the strike has influenced this. If they broke them up a little earlier they could have him winning her back in a big, over the top, "tv" kind of gesture that is rediculous any other time but perfect for Valentine's Day in Soapland.

Ny only other thing is that I don't think that she should help him at all in his quest to win her back. I definately want him to and I want her to forgive him in the end (make him suffer, no question, but take him back) but I don't want her to tell him what she wants anyomre. I want her to kicks his arse out and show him he's not doing enough. I think she's been telling him for a while now and it is just reason for him not to do it, that rebellion thing is gettng old, Luke! But is she doesn't say anything and he has to figure it out for himself and work like a dog to get what he wants he's gonna appreciate it and he'll learn better, or at least longer than he would with her serving up the solution on a silver platter

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Hey all! Remos read the new fics, nice job as usual, u writing machine. you're giving us something to read. I have a new as well. this drought is going to cause major issues with me.....

http://thefunny1.livejournal.com/3332.html and yes all believe it its only pg.

This is for those lunactic fans that want luke to earn tracys love again.

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List of people who have voted in the final round (Best of TQ in 2007):











knh, nex, Rach, ILTQ, Magic, and those I might have missed (:o): You can still vote if you want. Final nom list can be found HERE:


You choose ONE (1) from each category. :D

Also, missjane, did you have a favorite quote? 'Cause nothing was in bold for that part. ;) Thanks.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Here are my choices, sorry it took me so long to vote.


April 19, 2007: Luke gives Tracy an ultimatum; Tracy tells Luke that Laura is gone and never coming back.


April 16, 2007: Tracy finds out about oopsie-daisy, and she and Luke decide to try it out for themselves.


November 9, 2007: Luke opens his heart up to Tracy.


Tracy: I love you, Luke, and that is a rare emotion for me. Do not expect it to last forever. I was willing to go after Scott Baldwin, even when there was nothing in it for me -- that is even more rare. Oh, and what do I get for my efforts? Let's see -- mistrust, disrespect, and the privilege of watching you break your own heart. You want to risk wt we have for Laura? Fine, go ahead, I can't stop you! But I did want to mention that Laura is a moot point. It doesn't really matter who her guardian is, because she is not coming back -- to you or anybody else. Your darling, your angel -- is gone. And I am getting really sick and tired of waiting for you to accept it.


“Care to test it?” (re: blood flow)


Wyndemere; before heart attack, at the bottom of the stairs (make-up smeared kiss)


"Cause you’re alive, and I plan to keep it that way” kiss at Wyndemere.


Alan funeral hug.


Tracy’s Cabana boy expression.


“The first time somebody mentions ‘sponge bag,” I’m outta here.”


Linoleum, oatmeal, and bypass surgery




MetroCourt drinks/hospital kiss - Little less than shoulder-length, some oomph


Red blouse, black, fitted skirt – Tracy and Luke share drinks at MetroCourt; later, Tracy breaks it up between Luke and Scott and the hospital, and she and Luke discuss Laura’s rape.

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Just popping in to say i haven't read the stories yet, but will tonight. In the midst of book reports and studying rules for PE final for sports wiht my son.

I must say, I LOVED the diane alexis scene today...loved them high fiving when they said Ric was still their favorite ass to kick!!!

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ms q i like the new pic of realjax and tracy. replacementjax didnt look too natural together on screen. oh i didnt watch todays show or rather made attempted glimpes at it in an attempt to try and watch with lunacy drought. i failed..l i cant enjoy gh without them/ or each individual being on. it sucks. im going to go and write some more. :angry: Edited by funny1
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Ms. Q--you are a genius! I should borrow that for my new avatar at SD!

LOVE IT! We were cheated! That new actor probably went home and was like OMG I got to work with Jane Freaking Elliot and have her all snuggled in to me today!!!! :)

Early breakroom anyone? 7:46 central time...my boys are all watching American Idol--they were waiting with baited breath tonight for it start again. Ms Q you watching it this season? Remember my boys were SOOOO bummer when Blake lost last year?


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