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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Here is rest....

Jax: Are you try into get me out of town? (to Jerry)

Tracy: Ooh, that's a good idea. All men should leave town. And if you run into my husband, tell him he's a dead man walking. Special delivery. You can collect your 25-cent tip when you recycle. Cole

Man: Uh-uh, you can't leave now, sweetheart, you're just -- you're getng started, huh?

Tracy: Get your hands off me. Cole

Man: Come on --

Tracy: Get your hands off me! Cole

Man: Ok! Easy, man. Just a little affection.

Jax: Is there a problem?

Tracy: Yes. When god created eve, he should've quit while he was ahead. And if you'll excuse me -- oh!

Jax: Oh, oh, oh --

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Hey ya'll checking in I've been trying to watch todays episode but it ain't working so far lol ealier i was fighting walmart and tonight on soapnet i had to help a friend with her comp lol. I've caught bits and pieces I am so loving Monica though and Tracy was goood tooo esp when she was fighting coleman then collapsed lol I just thought that was funny lol.

Catch ya'll tomorrow i hope on here of course since i haven't found a computer geek to help me through this firewall haha.

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Maybe she said "ill check back in an hour" and they didn't catch the "i'll"!

Still didnt' get a chance to watch! just came home from art and had to help with final exam studying for tomorrow. Will watch in the morning!

Thanks for the transcripts TL!!

Scene insider still hasnt' come back to post for next week. I am gonna try to just enjoy the other Qs getting some screen time this week in lieu of our girl.

Good luck with the firewall rachel!

How did the black and whites come out BSG?

Thanks for the clips in advance tomorrow Nex!

Oh...someone posted "Jerry and Tracy are coming up" as a joke I believe in the inside lounge at soapdish! :)

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Well JE is amazing! She can make you laugh at her pain, and tear up a little for her at the same time. Just brilliant.

But today's episode was not nearly enough Tracy to get me through an entire week (a least). I am afraid I'm going to get a bit agitated, go a little crazy, maybe get the shakes, then somebody's going to put me on a 72 hour involuntary hold at a mental hospital, where they will put me on mind altering psychotropic drugs and then...oh wait, that might not be too bad. But I will still miss Tracy. Damn!

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Threre's another new thread over at SOC... go spread the love my tracy/luNacy lovers! :D

Here's the link... What Do You Want To See Tracy Do Now?

That makes 5 Tracy thread going on over at SOC. And if they merge them, then we'll have one HUGE Tracy thread :)

In the BR for a few if anyone can join.

Edited by TracyLuv
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So am I the only one who didn't hate temp Jax? Oh the actor is all wrong for Jax, but I wouldn't mind seeing him play someone else. I thought he had good chem with Jane in their five minutes together.

And you're not old Carrie. LOL I have rescheduled for my mammo but it will be the first Friday in Feb before my appointment. Eeeeee I'm so excited I can hardly wait. <_< My sister and my mom have both had non-cancerous cysts in their breasts and I know it's important to get checked out. I am going to make myself go because it's the smart thing to do, my distaste for doctor's offices in general, aside.

And yeah, I agree, the "I thought I had a husband"? Saddest line I've heard from our girl in a long, loooong time. *sniff*

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Oh I forgot to comment on the mammogram thing. Sorry you had that weird experience, Carrie.

GOOOOOO! ILTQ. Glad you're going. I have lumpy breasts.... found my first one at 17. When I was 24 the technician told me it was the worst mammo she had ever seen (Idiot! I was 24! She should have been fired. And oh honey.. I may have been lumpy, but they were all BENIGN... so it wasn't the "worst" you've ever seen, just the lumpiest!). Anyway, I'm 40 now.. and I get mammos every six months.. they're all benign cysts, but because they're so many there is a danger they might hide new "non-benign ones." I'll be honest -- mammograms hurt! Especially if you are large breasted.... but there are good hurts in life, and this is one of them. And for the record, if men had to do mammograms with THEIR private parts, that machine would have been improved a LONG TIME AGO.

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Sorry it took me so long but here are today's clips, all 3 min and 12 seconds of them.


Credit goes to Geena, edited by me.

I have to say that I didn't like the new guy as Jax, but maybe as somebody else I could grow to like him. I would have killed to see Ingo with Jane today. :( I felt so bad for her.

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Okay, it's 3 AM, can't sleep. (Lainey???)

Thanks for the clips, Nex. Guess you've got a vacation between now and... whenever... sigh...

Was crusing around SD and found this....

One for you Q.

Tracy employs Luke at ELQ.


Q: Will we see the ELQ offices again?

A: Will we see the ELQ offices again?


Q: what will they be doing?

A: Luke will try to get into "corporate" life. He makes a mess of things intentionally but also makes it up to Tracy by landing a big "mystery" client that will be later shown.


Q: A mystery client? Would this be Claudia??

A: No, more dangerous.


Q: Can we get some clues on Luke's ELQ client, or the name?

A: It won't involve the Mob at all.

how cool! As what? Will we see the ELQ offices again?

You'll see the offices, but it only lasts about 4 episodes.

Here's hoping this is legit...


I see you, my insomnia sister!


And she's gone...

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Gosh how I HOPE and PRAY that those spoilers are true Remos...but somehow I have a hard time believing them. Cause nobody has talked about Kristina running off and Sam and Jax finding her. That sounds made up too. It is just funny to me that someone would make up Luke/Tracy spoilers to bait fans. They usually only save that stuff on soapdish for Liason and Scrubs fans to get them all pissy and fired up.

Keeping my fingers crossed! Would love to see the old ELQ set and Luke/Tracy on the desk (cause you know he'd try).

I asked if anyone knew who dropped those, but nobody did.

Gonna be a slow GH week. I am going to try to watch objectively the rest of the week and try to enjoy the rest of the characters (as much as I can stomach). Jax fans are mad cause on Thursday he and carly are on all seven scenes and he is opening his heart to her about his desire to have a child.

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I really hope they're true as well, Hooked.

One thing that did stand out for me (by way of credibility) is that is was clumped together in the IL, but I had to go looking through the regular post to find each one written. They weren't clumped together then. The Scrubs and Liason discussion was mad, of course, but this LuNacy stuff was dropped in at various points. They were also very insistent that Kristina wasn't kidnapped, just wandered off. And yeah, our couple isn't ever thrown in there to bait anyone. Let's cross fingers. Theoretically all this stuff could happen in February, because they aren't doing a big event, just lots of little ones. And they have been making an effort to tell a story per every fanbase.

{Speaking of fanbases *she snarks* notice who ISN'T being demanded back on SOC?}

As for the Jarly fans, I actually feel their pain (for once). Ingo picked a bad week to be gone, but I guess that's real life for you - rarely convenient.

BTW, Ms.Q., I know you are super,super busy and I'm not going to add to it in any way, but were you serious about photoshoping a 'fix' to yesterdays Trax cuddle?


Okay, this just came up on SD: Look for Tracy and Luke to break up in February (at least is dosen't say "break up for good"; I hope this now means Luke has to win her back because he did nothing the first time)

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