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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey ILTQ...no this was like my 7th mammogram or something (I am old remember--:)) This happened to me one other time a couple years ago. It really is NOT a big deal to get one. The nurse said that sometimes when you hold your breath and if it is uncomfortable it can happen to people that they feel faint. I was totally fine last year. IT IS NOT A BIG DEAL!!!!!! GO GET A MAMMOGRAM! I have just gone through breast cancer first hand with one of my closest friends and a few minutes of uncomfortableness (made that word up) is surely worth early detection.

Sorry for the lecture...now back to our regularly scheduled Tracy discussion? Hair, make up, outfit? How did our girl look? Funny that the media net photos for 1/7 ran the week of 1/14. Guess they aren't always so accurate.

The new medianet photos of alexis being attacked are quite funny actually!

Nex--guess you will have a break after today for the rest of the week from clipping! :) Thanks in advance!

Tracy really does get some of the best lines!!!

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I think you're going to need Ms.Q's opinion about hair, etc. Hooked. Her hair seemed 'oomphy', but I'm not a good judge. JE always looks good in black with one alternative colour (or non-colour, as white happens to be).

And I said you were old, remember (the person that's only 2 years behind - but still on the underside of 40 :P)

Edited by remos
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great MissJane! Love that one! Lainey will like it!

Here is my tracy/lucky fic link in case some on this board never made it to the other SON board


Several Tracy threads on SOC now..just started another one about Tracy getting the best lines:

Go forth and support the Tracy Love!

Edit again

LadyA arrived safely in Colorado for her business trip and will be venturing out for a ski lesson tomorrow! :)

Edited by hookedongh
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I just wanted to let you guys know that I will post todays clips tonight when I get home. I just got a new computer here at work (woohoo!) and the tech guy keeps coming in trying to fix any problems.....lets just say that with him working on my computer all morning I haven't done a thing. So before I get fired I gotta get to work!

**waves to funny1, missjane, remos, and hooked.**

Edited by nex4evr
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Just saw today. Tracy really did have some great lines today. I felt like she was sitting with Robert, not Jax, with that accent.

EDIT: for some reason the avatar is not showing up. But when I go to my controls, it is. hmmm...

EDIT: There it is! Never mind.

Edited by missjane
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Too bad it was Fake!Jax that had his arm wrapped around Tracy with her head on his shoulder :(. Would have been hot if it was Real!Jax!

I could not for the life of me understand one thing Coleman said to Tracy. For some reason the sound was not working right or something. I missed everything he said to her before she called him a pig. Then after she called him a pig, didn't she say "see me in an hour"? Almost as if she'd consider it? LOL! Though she didn't deliver it like she meant it that way. I watched this scene again when I got home and I still couldn't hear what he said, 'cept for something about being hot in bed (?). Will have to check the transcript site, though I'm sure the transcript for today is not up yet.

LOVED her "step mommy dearest" comment, and her having to find luke "before he keels over from a lap dance". LOL!

Am waaaaaay disappointed that she is not scheduled to be on the rest of the week that we know of. Next week perhaps? More than once hopefully?

Edited by TracyLuv
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Yeah, Coleman was mumbling alot (must be all that extra facial hair - couldn't see his mouth). I couldn't make it all out either. He was definitly suggestive, taking about checking out his new bed and how she's finally come to her senses to come see him. All Tracy wanted was information on Luke. The "check back in an hour", was about information though. It was not about Tracy reconsidering.

I wish we'd see more of her this week, too. My only consolation is that this next week and a half are considered the same day, so Tracy really can't get sober and focused on Luke in that amount of time. If she's not on at all next week, I'm going to be really upset. The only thing that will console me is if she is on a lot the following week or two, before Lukey returns.

When is his return to air date, has that been written or posted anywhere?

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Copied this piece of the transcript from TV megasite:

Tracy: Where is he? Cole

Man: Working it, lamb chop. Where's who?

Tracy: My pathetic excuse for a husband -- he would be the one with the hospital tags on. Cole

Man: Well, I haven't seen him. But, you know, I have heard that angry wives make real good lovers -- I just bought a new bed. You know, maybe you and I can test that theory out, what do you say, for old time's sake?

Tracy: You're a pig. Check back in an hour.

I THOUGHT I heard her say "check back in an hour". LOL. But she didn't deliver it like the way I would think that line meant. oh well.

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