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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From soapdish story from Josh Duhon's Event (Logan) with Kin SHriner...

Thought this was funny:

Kin Shriner is hilarious! And he can talk, like forever! And Josh...is about as sweet as someone can be and so much better looking in person. His mom was at the event and asked one of the funniest questions!

She asked since Luke is gone will Logan now hook up with Tracy. Josh was like a deer caught in the headlights!

Also...small Monica spoiler:

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I'm home watching live, due to the fact that I took off early from work for my doctor's appointment (which I promptly chickened out of, so here I am at home).

So, I'll do a recap (my first EVAH !) although anyone else who wants to chime in with their recaps is more than welcome. I'll just edit my posts as each Tracy scene happens.


First scene: Hospital

Wardrobe: Friday's black and white number

Scene partners: Logan

comments: short first one, Logan tells Tracy he knows what happened to Lulu. Cut to other hospital scene.

*runs to get grapefruit snack*

COLEMAN !!!!!!!!!!!

(third scene at Jake's) OOOOPS somehow the third scene got up above the second scene...

Coleman hitting on Tracy LOL

Jerry talking to Tracy like he knows her, "how nice to see you again"

Tracy to Jerry" nice for who?"


Jax comes in, the "new" Jax is verrrry dashing. Rowwwrrrrrr

New Jax is a good actor, too. We need to keep him as Tracy's new boytoy *ducks*

Second scene: Hospital

Jane looks striking as always, BTW. PS about the Logan/Tracy thing mentioned up above.....I think Logan/Tracy have more sparks than Logan/Lulu. I wouldn't mind it. The age thing is a little much, but....they would have heat.

Logan is telling Tracy that Luke sent Lulu off to go see her mother. The way JD played it was that he lied to keep Tracy from worrying, at least that's how it came across to me.

Tracy is definitely more mad than worried about Luke, at least so far. She makes a comment that she was glad she didn't have to worry about Lulu, (I think in the first part of their conversation, she said "speaking of manipulative snakes, have you seen my step daughter? Love how Tracy calls a spade a spade, and just doesn't care....). She then says she has to find Luke before he keels over dead from a lapdance. :lol:

Logan telling Johnny that he gave Lulu's stepmother a cover story but it's not going to hold up long. So maybe Logan lied just cause he wants to be a hero? Who knows. Either way Tracy seemed to buy it when he told her.

No Tracy in this segment, I'm assuming the next time we see her, she'll be drinking/drunk?

Fourth scene: Tracy in the background of Jerry/Jax...eating peanuts?? not sure, but it looks like she's cracking something.

And nothing more of her at this point, scene changes back to hospital and the "bomber."


Boring show so far, honestly. You guys that watch live, I don't see how you do it.

Next at Jake's:

Awwww. Coleman watching Tracy moping at her table. little *squee*

Tracy: (talking to Jax and Jerry who were talking about leaving town or something): "that's a good idea, all men SHOULD leave."

She walks to the bar (sorry, I may forget/miss a bit) and gives Coleman back an empty bottle (a BIG empty bottle). She says something about leaving him a 25 cent tip LOL.

Coleman says something to her (couldn't hear it really, it was low) and he is on her side of the bar and tries to hit on her.

Tracy tells Coleman to get his hands off her, twice I think, and the second time Jax is behind him and Coleman walks off.

Tracy says something about if he sees Luke to do something, then she tries to walk off, it looked more like she just tripped and fell, not passed out, but the scene ended, and yes, Jax sort of caught her.

Last part: Tracy still unconcious at the table now, Jax holding her up, sitting beside her. Looks like Coleman is behind them.

Tracy wakes up, Jax says "I thought you had a board meeting" Tracy says "I thought I had a husband."

That's pretty much it, Tracy was filler, but still the best part of the show.

No Tracy in the previews. :(

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Thanks ILTQ--She is not on the rest of the week we know--bummer!

At least Logan was trying to cover to spare Tracy to worry...

So get this...I go get a mammogram today and in the middle I start feeling like I am going to faint. I started getting freezing, then hot and then woozy...and then I told the woman and she made me sit on the floor for like 10 minutes and breathe and have a nurse come in to take my blood pressure, etc. It was the freakiest thing. I was fine after a few minutes. I mean I wasn't nervous or anxious about doing the test, etc. But I hadn't eaten and had lots of coffee this morning, so who knows. Sure recovered enough to go meet a friend for lunch and go to Banana Republic! :)

Won't have time to watch the show til later. Have a PTO meeting and my art class starts up again tonight, so I won't be home til around 9pm or so. Hope tot catch you guys then.

Kids are home...gotta run...more later!

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ILTQ, thanks for the recaps! Off to watch now...

Hooked, sorry about your bad experience today. :(

I need your opinions, what was your first thought on the banner? I meant it "Screw Luke," as in we hate him. Not the other. So I put in the (not literally) to make it help, but its probably still confusing.

Edited by missjane
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Thoughts on today.

Tracy and Logan: Tracy already knows Luke is gone. Logan was giving her a song and dance about Luke telling her to visit her mother. Logan is too funny (in a stupid kind of way): he's trying to convince Tracy that Lulu left because she wants to be a good daughter to Luke, even though "Daddy dearest" doesn't like him. Tracy's reponse (I love this), "well, step-mommy dearest doesn't aprove either".

Logan and Johnny: If you dig deep enough in all the sh-t Logan was shovelling at Tracy, he was actually trying to prevent her from getting worried about Lulu so the three amigos can find her. There is caring there... twisted as it was. He knows Tracy would be frantic about Lulu and would want to do everything to rescue her.

Tracy and Coleman: Man that guy is sleeze, and he's so good at it. Tracy came in to ask where her "pathetic excuse for a husband was", and Coleman comes on to her, talking about his new bed and trying it out. Tracy just looks at him and says "You are a pig". Later, when she returns the empty bottle, Coleman tries again to suggest they do the dirty, this time actually getting right into Tracy's space. She pushes him off, and Jax gets up to rescue her (so sweet).

Tracy and Jerry: "Nice to see you again, Mrs. Spencer." "Nice for who?" Yeah, these two have definitly interacted before. I like the energy between them. Hope to see more.

Tracy and Jax: Sigh.... it would have been so much better with the real Jax. The last two parts between them were sweet. Jax caught Tracy when she pushed Coleman away and tried to walk. Later, they are sitting at the table together, Jax with his arm protectively around her and Tracy with her head on his shoulder. (insert whine "I wanted real Jax..."). She comes around and Jax says he thought she had a board meeting (continuity people, that was why he was at the hospital and spoke to Dr. Lee), Tracy's response..."I thought I had a husband". Sad, so sad...

All the scenes were short, but they were a lot of things happening. Jason was with Max and Spin, wanting to know about Z's condition, then saw Z at prison hospital, then back to Liz's and the fire. Sam knows Joe Smith (owned a garage on the edge of town, bank forclosed, mortgage payment used for health coverage but insurance company not offering it.); Sam tries to keep Liz out of it by sending her away. (Hope this comes out in Sam's favour with Lucky). Spin is so funny today. Max finally gets him awake, then watches while Spin does this strange stretch between reaching for his coffee cup. Max wonders what he's doing, to which Spin responds "realigning my chakras".

Ed. note: My baby's growing up.... he just said "Okay, mom" rather than "Oh-tay, Mom"... a sob just stuck in my throat...

Lulu was industrius but not annoying. Epiph. basically told Ford to STFU. ER was hoping with bodies including Edward and Monica - who offered to treat the pregnant woman herself if Joe would only give up the bomb.

Oh, and Diane mention, Lainey: Max wants Spin to check out the Litigator website to see if they should be celebrating when she returns.

Well... that's it for Tracy for another week at least....

Edited by remos
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Okay Carrie....that is too weird. It was a mammogram I was supposed to go for today. Was this your first one? I've never been before and I completely chickened out.

I hate hate hate going to the doctor's office but Blue Cross Blue Shield called my mother(since she's my secondary contact) and told her I needed to schedule one. I will do it, eventually. Eventually......LOL

I bet you got shaky since you didn't eat. It's good that you started to feel better, though. :)

I LOVED that even Coleman, and Jax, were obviously concerned about Tracy today, even though Coleman did it in a scummy way. Tooooo sweet when Tracy was leaning on Jax. Awwww.

Wow, it sucks that today is the only day we're gonna get. :*(

ETA I did enjoy AZ today, he was the only other part I liked watching. Him and Trevor. Bruce W and Steven M are such good actors.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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im looking at TL's aboved banner. ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. if tracy cheats on luke at least have it be with someone other than colemans slimey greasy mustache. YUCK. :angry: i'd take jax, jerry, or even scott. that would light a fire under lukes ass. then they could make up on v-day. :P

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I'd take out the "not literally" and find a picture of Tracy hitting Luke or hurting him somehow. She is looking a little wistful in these pictures.

AND, since we are a pretty intense group and know what you are talking about, don't worry about the double entendre. We know exactly what you are going for.

Edited by remos
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