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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Best part of today: Monica/Tracy.

LC is getting better.. really! That acting muscle is beginning to loosen up after YEARS of no use. HAHAHAHA!

JE's face during that whole thing was PRICELESS. Fantastic. AMAZING!!

Oh.. I think the Dr. Julian part at the end was still part of Luke's "dream," not reality. I don't think we were in "reality" until the hospital room.

Yes!!! I hooted out loud. That is TOTALLY what happened!!!

What he meant is that they do threesomes!!!!

Yup. ;) Definitely. ;)

Holly/Tracy & only sometimes Scott.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

THAT'S MY TRUTH!! And I'm sticking to it.


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I would echo everything everyone has said, but there's no point... so my question is this:

Can anyne tell me why Lucky is southern in this hell?! Any reason for that...

ok, here's another question for you all. I don't remember how it came up but my mom and I's friend Angel (oh yeah, we were talking about making it home from x-mas shopping to catch GH) were talking about the GH history. When was it decided that Luke was this big time cheater? I know it's like a running joke with Tracy, but as far as I remember she is the first he cheated on. He was never particularly serious about anyone but Laura otherwise, but I don't thnk he cheated. Plus when they got married and she was trying to seduce him to get him to divorce her she did the whole "You're a one woman man and when you married me you made me that woman" thing. It was the take me I'm your's episode. I can see him cheating then, when they couldn't stand each other, but now that he is in love with her, or even when they were just staring to love each other, how could he keep doing it?

Just wondering about those.

TL congrats on the paper (I know it's not really a congrats but I don't know what else you say to that) hope you do well with it!

Edited by knh
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Just another quick note on my opinion about the show....

- Loved tracy's thrust with scott :) YUMMO!

- LOVED Tracy's hair and her flirty way with Scott. Mama, was WAAAAAAY SEXAAAAY today!!

- Loved Tracy's reaction to the news about Luke and how she told monica not to talk to her.

- Loved Lulu saying to Logan that Tracy was probably all over her father.

- HATED tracy's hand in the way when she kissed Scott the first time. Enough already!!

- HATED that Leslie was consoling Monica - STFU Leslie! It's Tracy that's in pain here.

There was other stuff but for some reason I can't think of them right now.

Hooked thanks for the screencaps :)

Ms. Q, LOVE your new banner ;)

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Here is some good news...here is tracy for a shot in the soap scoop...apparently luke still needs the bypass. All Dr. Julian did was repair what monica screwed up I think.

The second soap scoop thing is now they are convincing luke to have the surgery once again and he goes to heaven this time I think. THe youtube link is screwed up and has the audio from a OLTL promo but at least we see them again. Oh, and Tracy is at Georgie's funeral sitting next to DIllon and Edward. At least she gets to be with Dillon again.



Sorry I missed you last night TL. I went to bed around 11ish...my neck was killing me from sitting at this computer too long.

Lainey--definitely the threesome joke was how I interpreted that one! :)

And Tracy was SO SO SO right..what the heck was Scott doing there acting all concerned. Just a few months ago he was revealing the rape in court to get custody of laura and devastating Lulu's world, etc. I mean I don't mind Scotty, but it was sort of strange for him to be there with the family ya know.

Love how they showed lulu and tracy front and center getting the reaction shots cause they are really "luke's two most importnant people". The others were in the background!

Remember they were saying two more woman were going to be attacked or killed? Wonder if that is why they are bringing out lesley? She could be one.

Edited by hookedongh
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Thanks for the clips, Hooked!

And the banner Ms Q!

I finally watched the show. Also disappointed that the hell stuff was so over the top.

The writers suck and always have.

IMO, Tony, Jane, & Kin probably improvise most of their scenes and this time they had to stick to the dreck as written.

But on the positive side, at least our faves are getting story.

Not to be argumentative, but doesn't anybody remember that Scott saved Luke's life when he had the heart attack?

I can't believe the writers didn't at least have Scott say something about that when Tracy went off on him.

Kind of hoping that Bobbie reaching out to Scott might mean a rekindling of their relationship.

Would like to see them get married - making Scott & Luke Brothers-In-Law.

AND Fathers-In-Law if L&L3 doesn't get derailed by Johnny Boy (who I think of as Sonny-the-moody-mobster-redux).

Scott & Tracy would be interesting, but I love my LuNacy more.

........So I guess that means I haven't got the Trotts. ;)

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I have read a bunch of stuff about skye and treavor and johnny and ric coming up. She is with ric on xmas with his kids without alexis who is in NY. She refused to work with Treavor and he threatens her and she supposedly lives to regret that one.

I'm off to meetings, my class today and then will be home for a bit this afternoon before I pick up my parents. In that preview for next week Luke is wearing clothes it looks like in bed--either that or like nice silk pajamas! Strange!

No late night chatting for me the next few nights as my parents sleep in this room where my computer is. But will try to be on earlier in the evening if I can!

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I got the link for Georgies funeral, its sad but as you can see, Tracy is sitting next to Dillon at the service. :(


I also have yesterdays clips, sorry it took so long but my computer here at work is moving soooo slow. Hope you all enjoy Hell.


Credit goes to Trudy at Hella Good, edited by me.

I have this spoiler from SOW and it makes wonder, WTF is this all about and why is Tracy's name not mentioned?!?!? :angry:

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Thanks for the clips again Nex! I don't get that spoiler either...maybe Tracy is not begging this time. Maybe she is just backing off or at the funeral for Georgie with Dillon so that is when Skye comes or something and Lulu has another scene alone with her dad. I think Luke is on with everyone but Tracy next Thursday--he has scenes with lucky, skye, lulu, bobbie even I think. Hopefully Tracy is at the Qs with Alan or Dillon or something.

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OOOOH!! That's just my reaction, but I would think that it is his heaven. He is living perfect life still married to Tracy and he's loving it. He has all the best of everything and sees how good his life is (so he doesn't have to keep leaving to find some fun) and he can lounge around in the silk jammies!! Then again, he could just still be in the hospital bed and she brought him some nicer ones if he's gonna be there that long. I didn't see the preview so I don't know.

Didn't have work today with all the snow so I watched live: not THAT bad, as far as the whole show is concerned, but I didn't listen too closely cuz I was makng Christmas cookies. NO TRACY though. Thought you'd all like to know, even though we basically knew that anyway.

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Oh, new thought!! I know it probably means she's just at the funeral and not the hospital, but here's what I want: Tracy has been up Luke's arse, and rightfully so, about getting the surgery, saving hisown life, and staying around for her. It's annoyed him to a certain degree b/c he said he doesn't want her hounding him. Then he had his hell dream and she left him and married Scott. I think She has finally given up, not on him obviously, but on trying to make him do what she wants. When she does this and he goes into surgery he has his heaven. He may see her "giving up" on this as the first step to loosing her like he did in his hell. In heaven he realizes that his perfect life is being married to her and having the life he has right now. That's what I want

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okay...just got a sec cause i gotta go pick up my parents, but today was so so so so boring IMO. All mob all the time. And Georige is making me sad that she is going to kick the bucket tomorrow/monday.

Strange day today on the thread...no Ms. Q posting!! I got an email from MinervaFan...she is on vacation all this week and offline I think. She said hi and that she is okay! Hadn't heard from her in a long time so was wondering....(the mother hen in me!)

I am already having Tracy withdrawls==ha ha and it has only been one day. They all talked about Luke today (Lulu and Lucky but that was it).

Apparently he still needs they bypass part of the surgery done.

Trying to find the soapnet promo that people were talking about at soapdish but can't so far.


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See, I didnt think it was THAT bad today, but maybe it was just me waiting for the whole Georgie thing to play out. I was wathcing for how it led up to that, which it was. Plus, as long as Tracy isn't on it all seems the same to me, no better or worse from one day to the next without her.

As for the promo, I was watching for it too. Wait, is it the one you said they were talking about from the other night on SoapNet? It was supposed to be on around 10 of 11? I watched and I didn't see it on the channel either, so maybe it's an area thing cuz it wasn't on for me and I haven't foudn it anywhere.

I am hoping Tracy is on tomorrow for the scene when she tells Luke he still needs the surgery. I only think that b/c she is still in the same clothes that she's been in. How long can she wear that? Question for hooked (I think?) The picture you posted the other day from the hospital with Luke and Dr Julian, was that supposed to be this week? I thought it said the week of the 14th, just checking. If not I'm cool with next week... as long as it means she's on I don't care when it is

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Yah I didn't see that promo either on Soapnet last night. Oh Tracy is not going to be on again this week knh, according to the scene insider at soapdish who is dead on right so far, she is only on MTW of this week, and W, F of next week--well let me take that back, Luke is onl Wed THurs Friday of next week (the week of the 17th). Tracy is on with him W and F. Thurdsay he is on without Tracy but with everyone else. She could be on another time that week without luke, but I am doubtful. Dillon is on the 20 and 21st. Edward on for the funeral only on friday. Monica not on at all. So who else would Tracy be in scenes with, unless it is Scott.

So as it stands...to sum up..this is what we know for sure for TQ at this point:

Week of the 17th -- Wed, FR

Week of the 24th -- Monday and in the montage for xmas eve

Week of the 31st -- Monday for NYE

Could be more...let's hope she is in another couple of episodes.

They said she was on for 11 eps in December . So far she has been on 5 episodes. The other four we know of will bring her to 9. Then she should have two others we don't know about.

Okay, now that was crazy how much time I just spent rehashing all that.. Gotta go...or my parents will be standing at the terminal going WTF is our ride???!!!

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