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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for that hooked. So sad that LC and SD continue to have such a small amount. :( I am a bit confused those 'cause the Dever girls aren't playing Molly anymore. Could this list not be true?

So, I just watched some of Ned/Jenny/Tracy/Paul #3 edit (thanks hooked and Lady A), and Tracy/Marco hiding together in the bushes - while spying on Jenny and the senator - is hilarious. They are too awesome for words. They are even more entertaining than LuNacy on this DVD (sorry!).

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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JE will be in 11 episodes in December, that is great! She will have 106 episodes for 2007. That means she is the vet on GH with the most episodes. TG will have 93 for 2007.

A little look back at how many episodes JE and TG had in the last years:

2003 - JE 33, TG 99

2004 - JE 117, TG 88

2005 - JE 78, TG 97

2006 - JE 84, TG 100

2007 - JE 106, TG 93

:) :) :)

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~ 2004 "Tracy" Breakdown ~

Hotel fire, which had, I'd guess 15 consecutive episodes of our girl.

Aftermath of hotel fire (Tracy/Edward/Ned/Skye/Luke).

Tracy tries to make Dillon's life miserable Part 3452 (Tracy/Sage vs. Dillon/Georgie).

Tracy finds evidence that incriminates Skye (Tracy/Jax engagement).

Lila dies (Quartermaines fight for her estate and $$$ - most virtuous Q takes it all).

Murder Mystery at the Quartermaines (Sage and Trent die).

Tracy tries to prove to the Quartermaines that Heather is dragging Edward to the altar.

Tracy/Helena team up to frame Emily and stop her marriage to Nikolas.

Tracy/Skye/Luke/Edward team up to stop Heather.

Nikolas/Em get married.

Skye/Luke/Dillon/Georgie team up against Tracy.

Thanks Sean for the episode count information! :D

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So, I just watched some of Ned/Jenny/Tracy/Paul #3 edit (thanks hooked and Lady A), and Tracy/Marco hiding together in the bushes - while spying on Jenny and the senator - is hilarious. They are too awesome for words. They are even more entertaining than LuNacy on this DVD (sorry!).

Ok, first of all... is there any shot that one of you could get us some clips of that on here?!?!?!? pretty please with sugar on top?!

now for this one:

I know I don't do the negativty thing that often, and this isn't so negative b/c I love TG too, but now that it was pointed out how mny more days JE has in comparison with TG... how much does it suck that she only has 13 more days and he is on a vacation for something like half the year!

That said, who really cares, she's on a whole lot, especially for a vet, and that she has more than TG, the general favorite for every fan, is a feat in itself!!!! So happy.


My thought on the whole GF/L comments. I don't remember what the whole story was, didn't pay close enough atention and I don't want to say anything bad about anyone here b/c everyone is great, but that is also the reason I don't think we should be doing any of that. You are all completely free to make any comment anywhere I guess, but we are all generally a great/happy/fun-luvin' people round these parts, so I don't think we need to be bringing ourselves any negatie attention in a site where we know it is going to happy if those things are said.

Now that being said, I have no problem with venting or ranting on this page b/c we all generally feel the same way about those three characters so none of us are very offended by anything that is said and we know to take it with a grain of salt, but we also now we are not going to be attacked for expressing an opinion that strays from that of the crowd.

the long and short of it is: think what you want, say what you want, you're free to do so, but don't take the negative things elsewehere unless you are expressly trying to start trouble, though that will bring us all some trouble.

peace love and happiness people... I'm spreading some around!!!

one question. I have waited, though maybe I'd figure it out, but what the hell does EWCBO stand for?

Ok, now I have to go, I'm watching Tracy wipe the floor with Skye at the site of the crash. Poor dilutional Skye is still convinved Luke loves her and she's trying to get in by being nice to Lulu, what a waste of time, however.. entertaining

I like this whole relax and relapse thing they have going on soapnet but I personally think the relapse should be of classic GH episodes that fans can never see agan b/c they are not replayed... like the TRacy/Edward heartmeds story or when Alan tried to kill Monica... anything.

Ok, I'm gone now! lata


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Hi all... Ms. Q will probably get the recap before I get this up, but there are a few things that really stood out for me today.

Monica is really pissed. She's just steamrolling this one through - and it's nice to see, rather than caving in to grief. Tracy was honestly trying hard to be supportive, and Monica just shoved it back in her face. I knew it was going to come up that Tracy had all her kids and Monica had none, but I didn't expect it the first scene they had together since Emily's death. I felt for Tracy in that scene, what could she say? Nothing - which is what she did.

TG is playing the almost-dead Luke very well. I was shocked during the first scene today - he really looks ill. I liked that he was angry about being lied to about Lucky. He has nothing right now but his anger, and Tracy was able to look him in the eye and tell him he could trust her to do what was best for him. She's also interacting well with his kids (Lulu AND Lucky) which is nice to see. They are defering to her, as they should. Her place is established.

You could feel the raw pain and worry in the last scene with the two of them. There's a reason Tracy is a successful business woman - she cuts through the crap and gets to the heart of the matter. We all know that everything Luke told her on the island was true, and her bringing it up as a way to prove that she knows he wants to live, was straight to the point. They left us hanging, though. Wonder how that conversation continued....

I don't usually comment on her appearance (your venue, Ms.Q, not mine), but I honestly think the laughing Tracy of Wednesday was absolutely beautiful. The frowning, worried Tracy of today looked tired. Given her laugh lines, I imagine Wednesday is closer to the real JE.


Okay.... Ms.Q didn't get their first. Here is the recap *flexing fingers and beginning to type*....

Edited by remos
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