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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh sweetie, the Soap gods don't hate you... and you're loved by the "priesteses". That LnL fan has had something up her ass since the beginning of November sweeps. Apprently we are only supposed to view history in a pro-LnL way, and those of us who watched, but NEVER got the LnL thing are supposed to be stupid. AND anything pro-Lunacy right now is tearing apart GH history. Man, our minions have been busy, haven't they?


Wow, Ms.Q. That was exactly what was missing. (Now we only need Bobbie, and it's complete.) Thank you

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The first came from May 2, 2005 (I don't have the clips).

The second and third ones came from May 7, 2005 (Clips are here. Credit NeverQuiet). There's some other cute dialogue/expressions in there (i.e "You told me that I couldn't survive without you as my body guard. So now's your chance to walk the walk. Protect me already).

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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And then, I get a comment on "The Way I Am" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4tidp3wucs ) stating "Great video, but I hate Luke and Tracy together. Laura is the ONLY ONE for him."

Question: Why is an LnL fan watching a pro-LuNacy video?

Stupid people. Stupid, stupid people. I hope my review balances out the stoopid, because that was a GREAT vid, and I love the song.

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Awww, Ms. Q. Sometime people can be mean on SOC. :( Especially the diehard LnL fans. Whatever, I didn't think you were being nasty at all. I'm going to have to go check out your new vid and write a nice comment! :)

PS. I love the quote you mentioned from December 2005:

Tracy: I am married to you for one reason and one reason only -- to torture you. You will know no peace, you will never be with Skye, and you will never pull off a successful scam again. I will thwart your every move as long as I have breath.

Luke: I'm touched by your devotion, no matter how perversely expressed, and the feeling is mutual. I'm as committed to this marriage as you are.


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I luv ur story MS. Q.

Heres my updated version of my fanfic its not all the way done yet...not sure if ya'll read it or not. http://countryghgirl.livejournal.com/

BSG..I am going to e-mail u that recipe tonight I didn't forget i just haven't had time to get it out.

I'm outta here for a few hours hope to be back around 8ish or 9 if anybody wants to chat. I'll post a link when I get back.

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Ms. Q, ILuvA&M, will read your fics tonite, during breaks of typing my paper due for school on Monday.

Ms. Q, Posted a comment to youtube about your lovely vid. Unfortunately it wouldn't accept my original comment to that poster. Gee I don't know why it would accept "YOU ARE AN ASS!!" hee hee. Not even when I used symbols in place of the letters. Oh well.

Off to watch my TIVO'd epi of Ugly Betty with my mini-me.

Hope to catch yuz lata.

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Stace you weren't being rude.

The LnL fans are mean and nasty about Lacy because they're bitter about their couple and the fact that ABC/Frons, who apparently were supposed to jump through hoops to get Genie back and reunite LnL, didn't do it.

They're mad and bitter, and there's no way they're going to let fans of Luke with any other woman, be happy.

Hence, my decision to filter. I guess I'm just not much for debating the merits of my couple and I don't feel I should have to. I like them, I want to be able to say I like them in a thread, without being told how much they suck.

The saddest part is, this poster doesn't have the slightest bit of remorse over coming in and bashing Lacy in a pro-Lacy thread.

YOU weren't rude. At all.

Same thing for any LnL fan who would make nasty comments on your videos. They obviously don't have much to do, if part of their time is spent doing things like that.

It's best to ignore them.

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Ms. Q, I think you better invite some of your fellow posters on SOC to the LF. The posters coming out to "heart" Lunacy are very quick, and devoted.


Where did page 483 come from? I thought we were just about to break 480.

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okay have a bunch of stuff to do tonight on the computer...but will be around if anyone is around....breakroom around 7:00pm central after I feed my kiddos???

Edit...in the breakroom...it is 7;40 pm central time...

Okay this is just wrong to watch JE and WK in bed together, but check out this video someone posted on youtube from when Angelica and Justin were on Days together..it is a video of Adrienne vs. Angelica...grosses me out to see Tracy and Ned in bed together--ha ha!


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I didn't realilze it went through. I was almost happy when I thought it didn't. 'Cause sometimes my temper can get the best of me. Anyway, I asked Ms. Q to delete it because even though this person is an ass like I said, I didn't want my nasty comment to be there contaminating the Lunacy love, ya know what I mean?

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Well, that was some action I didn't need to see - Haha. I've seen them in bed before, but just in the same bed, not one on top of the other and kissing. Must have been sooooo strange to go from lovers to mother/son. Only in soaps. :lol:


Here is part of Deidre Hall's Intimate Portrait. Jane's in part of this clip. It seems like she was featured throughout, but unfortunately, the entire episode is not posted - just a minute and a half of it (JE's at the end...No comment on the hair. Just. No. Comment. :o). I feel like I've seen part of this clip before, but not sure...

remos, I tried to invite 2 of them over, but both are not accepting emails from other members. They'll have to adjust their settings. I guess I could make some sort of mention (re: the settings) in the thread.

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Now that is some hair that I never want to see again! OY!!!!

Oops started a whole thing on soapdish tonight...there was some photo of the EWCBO in a sexy little black dress showing how tiny she is now from medifast and I replied, "Can you say PHOTOSHOP!"

Ooohh did i stir up some trouble! Ha ha!

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