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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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"Nasty Skye!!!" :P You got that right!

I saw Skuke today, and I started screaming at the TV, "Luke, did you tell your WIFE what you're doing today?!?!"

My TV cut in with the president, and then I missed SoapNet. Tracy wasn't on before Skuke, was she? She doesn't know about this little liason, does she????

He needs to tell her -- stat!

And what's up with Luke weaseling his way into the mob war? It makes no sense. He's married to Tracy, who loves him and has more money than god. Why does he need to be in the middle of a mob war?!?! With Skye no less? Yucko!

Not liking this people.. not liking it at all.

I menta-ficed a little anti Skuke piece, but I'm too tired and pissed to write it. Maybe tomorrow. (Title? "Seeing Red" hehe)

Oh -- Ball outfit is yucko!!! I wanted to see her in some daring, all black thing. This is a hybrid mess. And I hope somebody stole the diamonds, because Tracy without diamonds at a black and white ball is just... silly.

Edit: I think you guys are right about "Luke's feet" at the lower left of the picture. She must be at his bedside at Windemere, after he has his heart attack. They probably can't get off the island for one reason or another. The power must have been out, 'cause Logan has a flashlight in his hand.

I have to say, I hope that is Luke laid out there with some ailment, because that would mean she is all stressed out, and it would explain why she looks like sh!t! (sorry... I LOVE that woman.. but she's not lookin' too hot there...)

Edited by LaineyBev714
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I'm sooooo glad our girl will be on during the sweeps/ball stuff. Now, if she could just be an active part of the mob stuff too.

Yeah, I said it. I've never been anti-mob. Just anti ALL MOB ALL THE TIME. And I don't have a problem with her being in that story as long as she isn't calling Sonny and Jason "good and honorable" men. I hope Guza buys a clue and writes her in it in a larger way than what's played out so far. I haven't watched this week or last week either, I have last week on tape but haven't had the time.....I'm so frustrated with this show that right now I can't muster up the energy to even watch for Tracy. But I will eventually, I'm sure. I have to say sweeps sounds kinda interesting. I'm just afraid it'll in the end be one more thing ALL.ABOUT.LULU. Guza's Lulu fascination is KILLING this show.

I have good hopes for Luke and Tracy. I feel some good stuff is coming up for them. I'm just ignoring the Skye spoilers. I'm hoping most of the Skye/Luke stuff gets CUT. *BWHAHAHA*

*waves to everyone*

And Angel, sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you. :)

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Yeah that is true...about him not visiting monica, as they made such a point to say he is a ghost. Anyone else notice how nervous and worried Tracy is about this mob stuff with Lulu?

Also...here is my take on the Luke/Skye thing....I think they are just using it as a way to get luke back into the mob. We know he doensn't need the money, but he is a danger junkie and life at the Qs being mom and pop worriers is just not Luke's style. I actually would rather see him getting back in the game with the mob stuff, then sitting around and being bored and having no storyline...cause if TG gets bored and miserable with his SL, then it could mean end game for Lunacy. I don't think they will have Skye and Luke get back together, but I could see it causing Tracy to get all jealous and feel threatened which could mean some good Tracy scheming against SKye stories. No way is Luke gonna want to get involved with someone who has a baby! The health stuff after the attack will totally be played for laughs I bet. The touching hospital scenes with family will probably be his emmy reel stuff.

Anyway...I think LuNacy is strong enough where is he is not going to walk away from that so fast. He might be totally in deep with mob stuff, but he isn't stupid and he won't blow off a good thing! :)

Sorry Stace--didn't see you had posted those other youtube clips!

I am having a pajama day today for myself. My husbnad is out of town, my kids are off to school, I don't have to be anywhere which is rare and I totally blew off exercing and am staying in my pjs all day!


I had tivo'd GH on soapnet last night to see what was missing during the news break in. So there ws a scene with luke semi-flirting with Skye, but she was not buying it and was like what do you want? She said they did have their moment years ago, but they were both footloose and fancy free then, and now she is a woman with responsibilities and he is a very married man. So then Luke cut the crap and was like okay...here is the deal...you have this land and I can help broker this deal for you . Oh and he also told Skye she had toughened up since the last time he saw her, and that he woudln't be surprised if she had something to do with the hit on Alcazar.

So bottom like he was just working her to get what he wanted to get into this mob stuff. My question is this...if he controls or is the middle man for the pier for the Zacharas to move in to Port Charles, isn't he then going against Sonny?? I know they are old friends, but would sonny put up with that?

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Wow, lots of posts!

Hooked, thanks for the recap. I forgot to watch on SoapNet last night. I thought the same exact thing about how Luke is helping Trevor. It doesn't make sense at all right now. And don't stop the spoilers! They are so entertaining. :)

Honestly, sweeps looks realllyyy interesting. I am pretty excited. I think we are finally going to get our LuNacy dance scene. The shirt is pretty messed up, but it could be SO much worse. Nadine's dress is a frilly mess. And I hate how they bubble up Emily's hair. Ick.

TL, love the massive banner! You are getting quite a collection.


Edited by Colette
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BTW....did I tell ya'll I had a dream that Tracy and Kate were trapped somewhere or held somewhere and Luke and Sonny had to save them?


Now, I hardly dream GH. Probably cause Tracy-less GH is more rotten than a vat full of raw meat left out in the sun. And the memory is vague, it actually happened before Luke came back I think. BUT I could go for it. That's saying a lot, since personally, I'm not all into that "Luke has to have a plot where he risks his life for Tracy" thing. I'd much rather see TG give up a vaca, and LUke give up one time leaving town to be with Tracy, than to see any great "Luke as hero for Tracy" stuff. I don't know. I kinda go back to the fact that one of the things Luke loves about her is that she can rescue herself. I'd much rather, if Tracy were in that situation, to see Luke *try* to help, but have Tracy in the end be right by his side fighting her way out, maybe even rescuing HIM. I think that would impress him, and we'd still get him putting forth the effort of trying to get to her. Which is really all that matters to me, is that we see him being there for her.

Anyway, it'd be cool if someone could fic my dream just based on the little that I can remember. I don't think it was Zacchara keeping them prisoner. Maybe Trevor?

*Looks at Deb or Staci or Carrie or ANYONE who likes to write who might run with this*

Cause you know, having him *SWOOP* in * (I just love that word, LOL) to save the day would be so cool. Don't forget Sonny in the story. Can you imagine Tracy's reaction to having to thank SONNY?


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Just watched the Ned/Jenny #5 dvd--Wow...is all I can say...David Lewis and JE had the most amazing chemistry together. He will always be Edward in my mind. Also watched the Tracy/Monica goodbye scene finally. Wow--again, that is probably the first/only and last time Monica has ever held Tracy while she cries! And Tracy and Marco Dane were just too funny for words--there was one guy who really got her (besides Luke of course). She should have taken him to the Bahamas as planned and had fun with him instead of swiping all the cash! At least she left with a bang in 1993!! She should have won an emmy for her goodbyes that year too.

I am going to send this to LadyA who will hopefully be able to post the clips for everyone of the Tracy/Monica scene that is not anywhere we have seen. Poor LadyA--always having to do the dirty work! :)

Totally unproductive, self-indulgent watching tv day for me all day today. I should be ashamed of myself for lollygagging around this much, but hey every once in a while we deserve it right???

Taking it TQ was not on today. I think we know she is on on Monday for sure.

Hope to catch you guys later. My peace in quiet is officially over in 3 minutes when everyone comes home, friends coming over to play after school, soccer practice, ice skating carpools, etc. :)

Edited by hookedongh
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