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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey you guys...I am so beyond exhausted...but...just checked soapdish and here is a list of who goes with who to the black and white ball (hope it is true)

TQ is supposed to be on M, T and W.

I am too tired to chat tonight (and you know that means I MUST be exhausted--ha ha.

Hope to catch you guys tomorrow night.

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That guest list is probalby fake since someone pointed out that this Andy guy is not taping, so....

Anyway I really think it sucks that TPTB would not even write Bobbie into this Ball, not to mention Scotty and Lesley. But maybe the real guest list incl. these two. I guess that Scotty might there for some Luke/Tracy/Lulu/Logan drama. Luke and Tracy will definately get some airtime during this event, so we have something to look forward to.

That Tracy/Monica kiss makes me smile, just imagine that! Too funny. And more than a kiss on the forehead won't happen. It would be interesting enough for me to see Tracy being nice, I mean really nice, to Monica and then hate herself for that the next day. I say bring it on! :) Too bad we won't see a real Alan/Monica anniversary story, just a few scenes.

Edited by SeanM
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Well, it's another bright and shiny Monday morning............

Well, not so bright, and not so shiny..........

But still Monday!

Just before I get the kids to work, I was looking around at a few select sites and realized there is a real dearth of Tracy/Luke spoilers.

I'm hoping that means their scenes are pretty contained within themselves, and not caught up in the seemingly endless mob/Jake/Lulu angst that actually seems to make the spoiler pages. [crossing fingers]

BTW, while I was leaving church yesterday, the call came in for Last Rites for my friend, Ada. I don't know as of now if she is still on this earth, but I expect to get the word before the day is out. Thanks, all of you, for your wishes and thoughts. She is/was the kind of person everyone should have in their lives, and I was very privileged to be welcomed me into hers.

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Okay...my house in back in order and I am alone---LOVE when company goes home. Best feeling in the world. How is that for Southern hospitality--ha ha.

Here is the serial drama site's GH week in review...the only good parts were Luke/Tracy...funny screen cap of tracy kissing luke...


Hope to catch you guys tonight. I just had to drive 45 minutes to my husband's golf tournament he holds today for Muscular Dystrophy. As if we didn't have enough stuff going on this weekend....


From soapdish this morning...oh please let it be true

Edited by hookedongh
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My comments on this--much as that would be a fun AU fanfic, it's not going to happen in this universe. One, they're not going to give TQ that good a story. (Now, I'm willing to bet they'd give Sam that storyline, but then we'd all have to engage in projectile vomiting.) Two, if your speculation were true, Tracy's mention of the name

would not have been so casual. In fact, if your speculation were the case, Tracy would be in a tailspin, frantically trying to do damage control before anybody got hurt.

No, if there is any connection between Tracy and

, it wasn't close and it wasn't personal. She wasn't afraid enough for it to have been close and personal.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Tracy freakin' Quartermaine!!!!

Scenes: 4 (The first scene was very short, but the second 2 were medium length. The fourth, was about 3 seconds ha. It was all in the second half of the show, Nex.)

Hair: Ehh, kind of flat. Same outfit as last.

Summary: Basically, Luke didn't apologize but was civil with Tracy. She explained how she did try very hard to keep Lulu and Logan apart. Luke just complained how he didn't like the deal, was dissappointed in Lulu, and couldn't understand why she went back to him. Tracy defended Lulu and said that she can make her own choices. She also compared the situation to Luke's with Laura: how everyone told Laura that he was bad for her, etc. It was pretty repetitive.

Lulu just walked in and asked for some credit for her choices. Tracy and Luke looked deer-in-the-headlights. Tracy said to them both that they love each other, and to keep that in mind. Then she left.

Tracy was the character promo at the end of the episode! I found it... exciting. (Whenever I click on all your links to Soap Central, she is like always the first character in the top right corner. I get excited about that, too.)

Edited by Colette
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Re: SOD - I think they stole that from SoapDish and are passing it off as their own. "Soap Opera Digest suggests..." It doesn't sound like they know much. It's a nice thought though.

Thanks for the recap Colette! I'm going to be honest. I just watched my tape and didn't care enough to recap, so I'm glad you did. :D

BTW, love seeing Tracy, but seriously, today's scenes were pointless. Luke and Tracy discuss Lulu. Tracy compares Logan and Lulu to Luke and Laura. Blah, blah, crap. Zzzzz.

That ESP (end show promo) was her most exciting scene today.

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Well that at least means she is on again tomorrow so that in my book is a good scene in of itself! I am in Tracy happyland that she is on my screen, so even if they are stupid scenes, that is okay by me...luke is still living in the mansion, they are still married, and all is well ! Coudl be better, but certainly could be a lot worse! My positive spin for the day...and now I must assist with spelling homework

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Thank you. I was looking at the show and thinking, that's it?? I hope they do something better tomorrow and Wednesday. I loved seeing Tracy, and there's no question that the characters are completely connected to have that type of scene, but enough about Lulu already.

On a positive note, though, so glad Tracy pointed out the similarity between Laura/Luke and Lulu/Logan. Luke looked like he actually heard part of it. We'll see....

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