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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MinervaFan, sure, thats fine. I feel famous. :)

Just saw today's epi. No Tracy, Luke flipped on Nik, and the cliffhanger ended with him at Logan's. The clip in the promo whre he said "I hoped I wouldn't find you here."

The Nik's Ball spoiler was right!!!!!!!!!!! (I don't know if we knew that already) He is throwing a ball for Emily because she has had to put up with so much. And Nik is going to announce another donation to GH because of the MedCap business.

Nex, thanks dearly for the clips!

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It is 4:30 central time...know it is early but anyone up for a chat???? I am in a pre-stress mode of having to deal with the wrath of my sis in law tonight. Might have to have a glass of wine to chill...hey it is almost 5 ' o clock here--ha ha! http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

LadyA--email me if you are home from work soon. I know sometimes we catch up on Friday evenings after work. I will have the breakroom open for about an hour as I am catching up on some bills online, etc

No mention of TQ today, but how exactly does nobody in the Q house hear Luke and Scotty yelling and screaming in the living room and not notice. Tracy should have come in and broken it up or punched both of them--ha ha

Also, luke had no conversation with lulu yet. And why does LUke not ream lucky for not watching over Lulu, and only Nik. Lucky is more her brother than Nik is and just as responsible..

Still on a lunacy high from yesterday so I will just let it go...hopefully he will talk to lulu monday, then return home to Tracy to brainstorm and kiss her @#$ and apologize for yelling at her.

Edited by hookedongh
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Still on a LuNacy high here also hooked :) ! I don't know how late you may come on, but if you end up loggin in, post a link to the BR. I'll be up late and have some stuff to do around the house. I will check back in a few.

Nex, Thanks so much for posting the edited clips from the last two days :D

*Waves to Lainey*

Edit: Waves to BSG

It's 11:25 Easter time. I'll be back in about 45 mins. - hour to check back. :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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hey ya'll! sorry I missed everyone last night, you must have had a rowdy part-ay in the breakroom after that episode. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED it! This was classic LuNacy! This was what we were missing all summer.

So many things to love! More kisses for TL's collection. Serious VLL with audible smooching. ;-) I loved how playful Luke and Tracy were with each other. Remember a few months back when we were still speculating, are they or aren't they? Well, it's pretty darn clear that they are and that Lukey was missing his wife all summer long as much as she was missing him. It was fun to see Papa jealous. B)

I LOVED the Scott reveal. Too funny. Jane was really on. Her reactions and comedic timing couldn't have been better and I loved how she gave as good (if not better) than she got from Luke re: Lulu.

On LuNacy cloud 9, sigh. :D

PS. Loved the hair. The top could have been more flattering (then again, it could have been the turquoise monstrosity, so I am grateful for the small things).

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I am home from part 1 of the wedding weekend. The rehearsal dinner was fine. Kids were great. Mine were the only ones there. Adam couldn't get over the fact that the cokes were "Free" he kept going up to the bar and saying do I need money? Too funny. He passed out during the 17th toast someone made during the speeches. Oy!

It is 12:37 central...doubt anyone is still up and I have to take him to an 8:30 soccer game tomorrow. I am with you TL and BSG!! Still on a high!!! I think we will get them either Monday or Tuesday. Luke has to have a few scenes of conversations with Lulu I think first. That little brat better tell him Tracy tries to sway her and was trying to look out for her in some manner or I will really hate her.

Oh...BTW...pyscho sister in law came in and I just went right up to her and said "hi, how are you and gave her a hug". She was sort of wierded out by it, but I didn't care. It broke the ice, and then I didn't talk to her much for the rest of the night. She said hi to my kids and told me my little one and her youngest of four daughters looke exactly alike. How sad is that that I have seen my niece twice and not since she was 2. she is now 7.

And the other good thing was...she looked like crap! Ha ha! She looked haggard and worn and wrinkly and stringy hair and these stupid looking bangs that had been cut way too short. Not that I am catty or anything--ha ha. And you know...I did my darndest to look good tonight--ha ha!!

Check you guys tomorrow...I will be home after the early morning soccer game and then til about 4...maybe catch someone during the day!


From soapdish...don't know how accurate this is, but according to soapdish, Luke has scenes with the following people next week (looks like our girl is on M,T and W)


Lulu & Logan

Lulul & Logan

Lulu & Logan



Tracy & Lulu

Tracy & Lulu



Lulu & Tracy



Tracy, Alan & Logan

Tracy, Alan & Logan

Tracy & Alan

Sonny & Max

Sounds promising huh? At least we have something to look forward to!

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TL--think that it means he will have some scenes with her alone all three days. Guess he will find out about Alan on Wednesday. But he goes to Sonny and Max--which means that might be the start of the mob deal. Sorry I missed you last night, I guess you were still up late!

I am so late for the soccer game. Gotta run...I am just grateful we will hopefully get them or Tracy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If that is true!

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Sorry I missed you guys last night. I was up, but I didn't see anyone around and by 1:00 I was a total zombie. Hope to catch ya'll soon.

hooked: I hope the rest of the weekend wedding extravaganza goes well. This is the fancy black tie wedding, right?

nex: I forgot to thank you for posting the clips yesterday. Thanks so much!

Colette: Go Sox! Hope tonight's game is like last night's. :)

Wait, wait, wait...3 days of Tracy next week?! (*bsg faints*)

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Re: The scene insider - He/she was accurate last week, so I'm going to assume those days are correct. Alone days seem to be Monday/Tuesday since Ghost!Alan will no doubt be interfering on Wednesday. Anyway, YAY for 3 Tracy days!

Re: Luke/the mob - On Thursday, his scenes continue with Sonny. No Tracy mentions yet.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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okay guys...don't know who this person is on soapdish, but some good news for us if it is true...

will grow closer.

Johnny and Maxie will find themselves on the outside looking in. Literally.

Anthony Zacchara will find himself enamored by Lulu because she has similar characteristics to his wife. (my comment: gag me..can anyone else LOVE lulu???)

The last week of sweeps will have Lucky getting temporary custody of Jacob in spite of the reveal. Flame me all you want over this one, but it's true.

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Well, the only surprise in all of this.......... :huh:

.........wait, there is no surprise in all of this. Everything here tracks with how the stories have been developing, and how the characters have been positioned. Almost every acknowledged person on this board, is a writer or story teller, so like/dislike aside, you know these connections have story potential.

As for the Lulu love, I'll admit it is a bit much, but you know as well as I do that TPTB are moving in the direction of her being the show's heroine. She's the daughter of the infamous duo, and she's got history with every character and family on the canvas. She's got baggage that could take a maid service years to unpack, and she's young enough to have many more years of love and angst ahead of her. Don't waste time getting your knickers in a knot, just realize that where there's Lulu, her step-mother might be, also. B)

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