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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Nobody has details yet? Argh. I think Tracy told Luke she had once slept with Scott!

ETA: Found this scene on GHH2: Sounds amazing - can't wait to watch: ( Luke asks Tracy what deal she cut w/ Scott. she says u've been gone along time. alot has happened. he syas u didn't sleep w/ him did u. she lafs and says no, never again. he says again. she says long time ago, not in bed w/ him in any form. he says that's a relief. thinks deal was setup. she tells him about being in Shadybrook. thx for checking up on me. she syas she figured out how to work he dad to get out of there. dug up dirt on Scott. has a son. Luke syas that dog. he has a little boy. not so little. u remember Logan Hayes. he syas kid that hung out at Kelly's. he realizes that Logan is Scott's son and Lu is into him. she says sorry but Lu is infatuated w/ his son. he screams no, takes a drink, then says I need a drink. screams no again )

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I hope Colette comes in with a better recap than this, but I've got to say, I laughed my way through today - and yesterday I wasn't laughing.

Luke quizzes her on Ramon, and she bluffs her way through about it being a long summer (this board doesn't do it justice, you really have to see her face while she's doing it). Then they get talking about Scott, and he asks if she did Scott as well. She says emphatically no way, she wasn't making that mistake again.

Apprently Luke didn't know about Tracy/Scott, because he's shocked, and again - her face when she mentions the desk is hilarious. Luke is incredulous (sp?).

They get on to Scott - Logan - Lulu, and then Luke goes balistic, yelling at Tracy about why didn't she stop it. Tracy gets BACK in his face and says she tried, and Lulu is HIS daughter, why doesn't HE deal with it. Then storms out. Luke's face shows that Tracy's got him on that one. No where near the devastating "Luke yells at Tracy", the spoilers had suggested.

There is kissing, face touching, and the closeness we saw when he left in June.

AND, the thing that impressed me, is that the story is that Luke returned to Tracy BEFORE he realized he's free. Important story point, from my perspective.

Colette, do better please....

Sorry Ms. Q, she looked good, just can't describe it

And someone, please, tell me how to put this in "spoiler" mode, please...

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Real quick, I have a doctor's appt like now. (A check up on that wart problem I had last month)

I thought the hair looked pretty good. Not like when it was first cut, but better than yesterday I think.

3 scenes I think.

Luke actually was into the love with Tracy's face touching, I guess it was just a bad moment that they clipped. He was jokingly saying "what," not angrily. How Tracy slept with Scott came up, and it was hilarious. Luke was like "WHAT? EW!" and Tracy was frantically explaining how it was a one time thing, and it was disgusting, and it was on a desk. Haha. Luke was weirded out. It was so good.

When Tracy eased into the Lugon relationship, at first Luke was more humerous in his anger and chugging the wine. But, the next scene, he was suddenly pissed. He accused her of doing nothing to stop Lulu. Tracy said that Lulu was old enough to make her own decisions, and Luke asked when she ever abided anyone's own decisions. lol Tracy said "WELL YOU ARE HER FATHER! MAYBE IF YOU STAYED FOR LONGER THAN FIVE MINUTES YOU COULD DO SOMETHING!" or something to that effect. And she stalked off. Scotty came in actually looking for Tracy, it turned out to be Luke, and he punched him and threatened him to keep Logan from Lulu.

Overall, it was very funny, and Luke's anger was pretty mellow. It really wasn't all that bad. Oh yeah, they touched on the Ramon thing and Tracy said it was a "very long summer" but Luke didn't seem to care at all. Some of it I couldn't hear because it was so low.

I typed that in about 2 minutes, haha no time for spell check. I'll chat when I get back!

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As usual, some questions/comments...

Outfit was similar to the reddish/pink one from when Tracy showed up at Jason's - What I mean is, material and style looks to be the same. Colors were of course different.

Hair was fine. I didn't hate it. Didn't love it. I actually thought it looked better yesterday, LOL.

So, the summer was a long one for Tracy (cue her relationship with Ramon), but then, a couple seconds later, Tracy tells Luke about Shady Brook. First of all, Ramon's been gone a long, long time, I thought, so he wasn't around during the summer. And second of all, Tracy spent the summer in Shady Brook. Did Ramon supposedly visit her there? None of this makes sense. Oy. Oh, for the record, Luke apologized to Tracy for the Shady Brook thing. *smile*

Aww, Luke missed Tracy! "I've missed you, Wife." Delivery was kind of flat, but at least he said it.

Shallow, but WTF was TG doing in his initial reaction to Lulu/Logan?! So BAAAAAD. Also, don't hate me, but until the final scene, JE wasn't exactly on top of her game either. That last scene was perfection though. Go Tracy go!

I FLOVED the mention of Scott and the desk. We finally got it!!!

Yes, as others brought up, they were very lovey-dovey. Almost too mushy gushy for LuNacy.

I liked that Scott came in looking for Tracy. Wonder what he wanted.

So, did Luke fix her back for her? 'Cause she seemed fine to me today.

No Tracy previews. Looks like that scene insider from SD has been right, which is leading me to believe there will be no Tracy/Luke tomorrow. :( Luke's on with Scott, Nikolas, Emily, Lulu, and Logan though...

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I actually thought it made a lot of sense. It was friendly married banter - when you're so comfortable with your spouse that you can joke about someone on the side. We're getting too hung up with "Ramon". The way they left it yesterday had major "ick" factor, but today everything was turned into a private joke. It works. It's good. Lainey won't barf.

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remos, what I mean is, I don't get how she could've been with Ramon the entire summer when 1) he was away and 2) she was in Shady Brook. The dialogue confused me. It's like the writers changed their minds in the middle of the script...or something. I don't know, but I have to go do some real life things now. :( Catch you all later!
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Forgot to spoiler-out the last post. Haha oops...

remos : sorry for the bad recap! I came home, fastforwarded on the DVR, typed real quick, and was off. (The warts are dissappearing! hooray!) I didn't see your post until now! It didn't want to let ya'll down so I tried to sum it up as best I could.

I am gonna have to go back and rewatch the Ramon stuff, because I didn't have time to rewind and figure out the actual story. But it was all just bantering\joking, I believe.

Honestly? I LOVED today's scenes. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. The Scotty sleeping with Tracy part was HILARIOUS. And, I don't read a lot into the acting, but I thought TG was pretty funny when he first found out about Lugon. He had the dumb, deer-in-the-headlights look. I found it really amusing. I would MUCH rather have that than an explosion on Tracy.

I was expecting a big ole nasty fight from Lukey, but he only got angry for like two lines. And Tracy gave it back. I was so happy that he wasn't all over her. It is just his Spencer impulsiveness so, though it doesn't make it right, I am sure he will be over it very soon. I do, though, wish Tracy had explained more on how much she tried to keep Lugon apart. I am hoping Lulu will fill that in because I am sure she will be annoyed with Luke for prying in her life, so she will use anything to spite him.

Sorry, again, for the lack of recap!

EDIT: Remos, to do the spoilers use this tag(without the "x"): [spoilerx] blahblahJErules [/spoilerx]

So it should look like:

Or, just quote a post and look at their tags. lol.

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That's what I was trying to get at. There was no Ramon this summer, and they both knew it. It was banter. I've had these conversations. I was actually impressed by how "real married" the conversation was. The writer for them today was on the ball.

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No let down here. I get to see it live (well, as live as taped TV gets). I just know you do a better recap than I do, and I feel for the office folk at 3 pm.

All in all, a great episode, 3 not-too-bad recaps, and Lunacy doing what they do best - without the drain of EWCBO.


Okay, now I have to work on back-to-back posts and quoting more than one post at a time....

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Hey guys! LOVED TODAY! Ms. Q--you know it "like this" thought the hair was better yesterday...didn't hate it, but was lacking oomphiness. What gives though...Tracy was more naked than LEyla yesterday, and today she isa ll covered up again!!!

First, I TOTALLY agree with Remos--love that he was like who is this Ramon? She was totally flirting and kidding with him about it being a long, lonely summer. With her little flirty shoulder roll. He knew she was playing around cause he said kind of seriously "yeah for me too...I would have been back sooner" I have had those conversations too. Just recently as a matter of fact about my mexico trip and my infatuation with the art gallery mexican hot guy named chi! IT is was married people do!

I can't believe nobody mentioned this yet--Love how it was him who said "I missed you wife" and not her. But also loved the part where she said "really, you are gone for months, then you pretend to be my masseuse and then cop a feel" Then he said "You ain't felt nothing yet, spanky" and her face was like this huge smile. Then she was all hot for him kissing him, etc....I think he was into it cause he gave her the last kiss before he pulled away and then they still had their arms on each other.

Totally know TL loved the "come to papa and tell me how you got yourself out of there" Too funny.

The Scott part was hilarious! I bet only Jane and Kin remembered the desk scene..I am sure none of these stupid writers did. I bet that was her add lib in there (well a pre-permission ad lib). It was hilarious. I am so glad they finally acknowleged that relationship...only it wasn't a one time desk top scene (they were in bed together literally and figuratively for a good part of 1990.

I loved when Luke said "dont' tell me you slept with him too.

The raking tracy over the coals was nothing like the spoilers made it out to be. He was shocked and very Luke-like in his reaction and she gave it right back to him and got up in his face with her line about "you are her father..."

Overall a great day IMO. We know he comes back to the mansion evenatually and they brainstorm together, so all will be well in Lunacyville!

Hope the br is as hopping tonight as last night! I dont' even care if she is not on tomorrow. I bet it will be monday. at least we got some lunacy kisses twice this week and luke is back and our girl was happy and then on fire today! I think we got an awesome lunacy reunion--way better than I expected--not steaming hot love scenes, but nobody gets those on GH...did you guys see how horrible the Sonny/Kate one was???


Sorry forgot to white it all out...or black it out..was so excited to type!!!

Hey my class was great today BTW--totally a philosophical type of class based on judaic textual stuff, not practical stuff on celebraing holidays, etc...Lots of people from all walks of life and ages. Totally cool for in depth discussions that I certainly can't get at home--ha ha!

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Ok. I am back and feeling stupid about the Ramon thing. Though, I still don't get it entirely. But then, I've been having one of those "Wow - I am so dumb" days. Seriously. I couldn't even do 25 minus 11 today in my head. So. Embarassing.

hooked, I mentioned the "I've missed you, Wife" part. ;) And yeah, they REALLY covered her up today.

BTW, TracyLuv, you are gonna love the multiple kisses in a row.


The Q's have a letter for Robert:


Robert calls the Q's into his office, so he can read the letter:


That second one has AWESOME Tracy stuff. FLOVE Jane Elliot! FLOVE her. :wub:

Also, kind of OT, but Scott got punched by Luke today. Poor guy can't catch a break. Emily slaps him. Tracy slaps him. Luke punches him. Ouch. :(

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I cannot wait to watch you guys!!!! :D:D:D

But I have one question for anybody who has seen today's show. I know that they were in three scenes but does anybody know what segments they were in?? I only ask so I don't waste my time downloading from whatever website has the clips posted first, of course this is like the first time Favorite-Moments.net didn't have the clips posted immediately after the show aired, so now I have to wait in anticipation...........just my luck! ;)

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