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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Okay Deb, you win--ha ha. I was exercising this morning and totally envisioning TQ sneaking up into Laura's room and snickering at her low thread count, cheap sheets and looking in her closet and laughing about her bargain basement clothes--ha ha. Then her thinking to herself...her tastes are so pedistrian--how could Luke go back to that???? Ha ha.

Off to do my "chemo duty" of the week. Check you guys later!

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Hooked, haha you are classic. Not even joking, I didn't realize it was GH until I caught on about the spazztic computer kid.

LadyA: When Jason and Spinelli found Lulu, she didn't want him to shoot Johnny. And when she was talking to Spinelli back at Jason's, she took out some little locket-thing from her pocket and says, actually I seriously don't remember what she said, but something about how Johnny might still be around.

I forgot to mention, on Friday, Spinelli mentioned how even the Stepmonster was worried about Lulu. And did anyone notice yesterday how Diane kept staring at Kate's chest? Haha now since its been discussed I can't help but notice these things. I don't care about which way they take her, but I like playing dectective. lol.

Edited by Colette
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let it be that Tracy will be involved in the mob war with her hubba 'cause she knows Zacchara!

I watched Tracy's scenes from yesterday again.... Mama looked goooooorgeouuuuus!

I like the way she got up in Spinelli's face. I thought she was going to smack him down! LOL

I liked to when Edward said, "why would you stay here when you can stay with familly?" and he was gesturing to himself and Tracy. :)

Oh and did anyone notice that when Tracy walked over to Jason to tell him that she didn't want her stepdaughter to be a mob moll, that she spoke slowly? Not VERY obviously but enough that I did actually notice it the first time around.

And yes, Colette, I did notice that Diane kept looking in the vicinity of Kate's chest. heh

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Yes she did just put it up yesterday Ms. Q! (The Tracy Mob connection spoiler...wow I could have "spoiled" that one too after I had WATCHED the scenes! Take it she si not on today.

My dog is so much better. She was actually all happy and wagging her tail at me when I came home.

I keep reading spoilers with Skye and Ric paired off. But she will be working with luke, but initially only. Who knows...who cares...but I don't think they will try to pair her with Luke romantically nor would he go for that again anyway. If they have to have scenes together fine--just don't mess with Lunacy in the process.

Maybe Tracy will become a kinder, gentler person due to Alan. Ha ha.

Troops are about to descend upon me home from school. Gotta take one kid to art and the other to the doctor. Has had a cold for 12 days now...I know it is a sinus infection at this point. Breaking down and taking him in.

Catch you later.

Ms. Q--How did the observing go today???

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Ms. Q, Zucchini? hahaha that is hilarious.

No Tracy. And boring snoring Emily dissed her to Nic, saying that she was the reason Lulu went off with Logan. Because she is so controlling, blah blah blah. She is such a blah character. And I thought that before she dissed Tracy. ;)

Skye was trying to make a deal with Ric today so she could get Evil Al's money. I can totally see them gettin' it on in the future.

I think our Diane suspicions have been killed, unless she is bi: Carly's two guards were checking to see if there was a gun on her, and she was overjoyed. lol.

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Ms. Q, you must work on being more positive, ESPECIALLY where LuNacy is concerned ;) Skye went to Ric today for help in getting Alcazar's money. He is supposedly helping her. But who knows.

Hooked, Glad to here your pooch is doing better.

I don't like Alan not being a ghost idea. Otherwise if she starts acting like Alan she's going to appear like she has a split personality. Shadybrook, anyone?

Diane was funny today. Yes, she seemed to enjoy the frisk at the entrance to Carly's.

So Lulu is getting texts from Johnny Zacchara, and she is not telling Jason or Spinelli. I tell ya, the girl gets what she deserves. Tracy is just wasting her time on that little ingrate.

EDIT: Oh I forgot to mention... did anyone hear what Logan called Maxie today? He called her a "skanky little piece of @$$" ewwww.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Ms. Q: Congrats on your letter in SOD. So good. Woot! Lovin' the Tracy love. I also like that LuNacy was the one bright spot in the SOD GH love department review. I can't believe they called our couple "the show's most endearing duo." Nice to see it in print. I hope TIIC are paying attention!!!

knh: I hope you're doing ok! Feel better soon!

OK, given how the show has been going lately this is HIGHLY unlikely but...

That letter is too freakin' funny! I would LOVE if Tracy had some

connections. Anything to get her on screen (and in Luke's sphere).

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Woah! I see lots of people online! Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

hooked, the Dear Abby letter is hilarious! Thanks for bringing it over. You got mail, BTW.

TL, sorry; it's hard to be positive when we still haven't gotten any LuNacy spoilers. As far as "Alan is not a ghost" goes, they've been playing it like that for a while. "Alan is a manifestation of Tracy's conscience" and all that similar dialogue.

BSG, the anniversary idea is an actual good one. So I'm not sure it will happen. Haha.

Colette, I mentioned this is another post, I think, but Zucchini is not my brilliant invention. It came from TWoP (Television Without Pity). I loved it so much I had to use it!

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Hey guys, I just want to throw something out there and see what you all think. It may be overly opto,istic and I know that it is more likely (regardless of how unlikely it is to begin with) that she just has a connection to Zacchara to bring her into the mob story a little bit but does anyone else think that the writers are trying, not hard but trying just the same, to bring the Quartermaines back to the front... or at least toward it? Lately I have heard them telling more of their history than I have ever heard on the show and I wonder if it is to refresh the memories or the ol' faithfuls and to inform the new watchers of the family history b/c they are going to be more and more important... that plus that fact that Tracy knows Zacchara so she'll have to play at least a small role in this story.

Just wanted to see what you all think

PS: leg feels better. Still kind of feels like I took a bat to it and it hurts to walk on it for too long, but overall it's better. It no longer feels like I'd rather cut it off at the knee so I guess that's a good thing. But thanks for all the well wishes

Hope all is well with everyone but I have a lot to catch up on so I don't know what's been going on with you all, sorry

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