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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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  • hookedongh


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OMG--LOVE LOVE LOVE IT when Tracy is on unexpectedly!!! And three good scenes today. I was like "yes" when she popped into Jason's (just what you wanted staci).

At least Luke is coming home soon, so if Tracy isn't on til he gets back, we only have to wait a couple more weeks (trying to be positive). Maybe they will do the alan/monica anniversary before that and she will have some part in the ghostly haunting stuff.

BTW--So my mother's intuition worked for me doggie too. I took her in and after a lengthy exam (that cost $113--good thing I have pet insurance), the vet figured out she had thrown out her back. She was squealing when she felt her spine and muscles behind the midpoint. Poor baby. They gave her a cortisone shot and some oral steriods and muscle relaxers to take for a while. I feel so bad for her cause I know what that pain feels like.

Ms. Q--glad your teaching went well today. You will ROCK tomorrow for your supervisor I am sure.

Hair was oomphy and she looked good today, even though the same outfit from the other day. Question though: How does Tracy know what Lulu's room looks like at the Spencer house? Has she been upstairs to the bedrooms there? Ha ha. You KNOW luke would never take her "upstairs" at Laura's shrine--LOL!!!

Edit according to soapdish they say who comes alone and who comes as a couple/date to the black and white ball.


ALl I know is Luke better be considered a Q at that moment and be there with Tracy as his date!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Lady Ashton is a happy camper. Yesterday she cleared off about 30 hours of Tracy goodness from the DVR and burned to disc, freeing up space to record today's GH. And for the trouble she is rewarded with Tracy on today's episode :P

Also now there is room to edit classic Tracy scenes that people are just dying to see........now must find where that list ran away too.....(Just kidding Ms. Q!)

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Surely you jest LadyA--ha ha. I am sure we can fill the list back in--LOL. Hope to catch you tonight. I am off to my art class. Will be around later.

Oh by the way, today Tracy and Ned came back to the Q mansion after the earthquake both wearing jeans and shirts to survey the disaster. I was watching the 1991 episodes I am describing. I was like is that Tracy in JEANS??? but she had a long yellow shirt untucked and long and hanging down. Ned looked like a dweeb in his sweater. Old ned...not my cutie pie WK!

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Hooked, I have to agree with you that seeing Tracy on today was a nice surprise. Unfortunately, that also means that she probably won't be on for the rest of the week. :( Edward on the other hand was on my last nerve, I know its classic Quartermaines to bicker, but when they are on the same side trying to get the same thing, they always supported each other. To have Edward make not one, but two snide comments in front of Lulu about Tracy was giving her all the more reason to stay away.

I will agree with him when he called Lulu an "ungrateful girl" because she is, I cannot believe her attitude! When I was 19 I was living on my own, working two jobs all the while in college full time and she is just an ungrateful brat. Its one thing to act like that at 15 or 16 but Lulu is an adult and should start acting like one if she wishes to be treated like one. Ok, my Lulu rant is over.

Here are today's clips, the quality did not seem that bad from Favorite-Moments.net so I got them there, enjoy!


Credit goes to Izzy, edited by me!

Oh one more thing, according to abc.com Luke will be back on our screen on Wednesday October 10.

Edited by nex4evr
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Hola Todos!

i'll be back in nyc tomorrow.

hawaii was grand! totally fantastic.

we are SO retiring there. SOSOSOSOSO retiring there.

I FLOVED today's clips... loved the "Married to the Mob" bit. Hilarious!!!!

I like how TIIC are making more past references lately. Wonder what that means.

So.. I haven't read the whole thread yet, but it seems she was only on one other time while I was away?? Did anyone clip that? Links?




oh.. i SO have a TraLu story running in my head.. bigtime.. but i need to know this in order to write it: Did Lulu find out about the Maxie/Logan deal yet? And what's the status with Lulu and Logan -- they still together?

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Kind of strange, but I walked through the living room to get to the computer and on TV, Dancing With the Stars was on. I looked at the screen, 2 people I don't know were dancing, but their names were Jane and Tony. Cracked. Me. Up. I'm still holding out we'll get a LuNacy dance one day.

Lainey, glad you've had a good time! Here are clips from the other episode: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xp41dh. Originally clipped by Trudy of HellaGood. BTW, Lulu knows, but I'm not sure what happened to Logan after Scott was sympathetic towards him last week. I'm pretty sure Lulu and Logan are done for now, but you might want to hold off 'til someone who's been watching faithfully answers.

About this ball...I'm beginning to wonder if it's even true. Funny how NO ONE knew anything about it 'til some random insider stopped in one day with a comment on the Wardrobe Dept. having to prepare for it. And since then, all these "spoilers" about it have been popping up. SD says it reminds them of the Tony Jones Charity Fund thing last April, and I agree; I remember the "spoiler" that said Tracy/Lorenzo get paired (it was that auction thing). Anyway, guess we'll see about this...

hooked, hope your dog feels better soon. And Tracy is JEANS?! I need to see this. :lol:

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Hooked, BC-EFA stands for Broadway Cares - Equity Fights AIDS and....

Deb, Sorry, I didn't make it there to see Dana Ivey at the flea market. I was planning on going with a friend from LI before work but she didn't want to deal with the traffic since there was so much going on in the city yesterday. And I didn't want to go alone. Next time Dana is going to be at something in the city, let me know, and I will go and give a report when I return :)

Nex, Thanks for the clips!

Remos, yoohoo where are you?

Ms. Q, my comments to the pics of our girl you posted (yesterday?): ... LOVE LOVE LOVE her in the white wrap blouse. Those look good on her she should wear that style more often as long as they are recycling anyway.

It was good to see Tracy today. Nice surprise. It's hard to believe I used to like Lulu. What a spoiled little beyotch!! Her problem is she has every freakin' thing handed to her and too many people to give it to her. Yeah, yeah, she's 19 why doesn't she freakin act like it and be responsible. Old Eddie, was getting on my nerves too. And Spinelli better watch his step or he will be on my Ish list too. What an @$$ telling Tracy that Lulu doesn't want to go back to a dysfunctional home. Is he kidding or what, the guy is like what, not much older than Lulu, and he is working for the mob, um HELL-O what dysfunctional rock of a home did he crawl out from?

As much as I can't stand Logan, at least that @$$ points out to Lulu that as much as Tracy can be a bit much, she does care about her.

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I took Donna to see Fiddler on the Roof about 2 years ago when Andrea Martin was playing Golde, the mom. Donna LOVES Andrea Martin from her SCTV days. After the show - it was a weekday when the theater was mostly empty- Andrea is out in the lobby collecting money with a bucket for BC-EFA.. and my sweetie is all red-cheeked and freaked out, because she actually gets to talk with Andrea Martin while dropping some money in the bucket. It's one of my cutest memories of Dee.. she was so flustered... adorable! Thanks for helping me remember that.

Thanks for the link, Ms. Q. Hooked sent me the savefile link, but I can't seem to access it from this computer, and I'm not back home yet.

So Lulu took the Logan betrayal well? Damn.. that's the end of my TraLu story. Good thing it was only menta-fic. Ha!

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Hey Lainey! Glad you had a blast. I want to hear all about it when you get back! Hey I am coming to NYC November 4-9th. When you get a sec, let me know about Hawaii and what all you guys did...

Hope the clip works for you when you get home. Lulu didn't take it well, she was hystercial and ran out and hitch-hiked with a stranger who turned out the be the mob guys nut case son. Logan did come to Jason's to beg her to talk to him and they punched him out (jason and spinelli) and told him to leave. She was mortified that everyone knows he slept with maxi and bet maxi he could seduce her. She was like "please don't tell me the Qs know too?" She kept telling spinelli she felt like such a fool, etc. she should have listened, etc.

Oh Diane was on for like once scene today with Sonny and Kate and one with Sonny and spinelli actually. She is going to get some airtime defind Liz in her custody hearing for her boys.

any other GH questions, ask me cause I think I am the only one who watches the whole show anymore!!!

Have a safe flight home!

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That is so cute! I love Andrea Martin, too, in just about anything. (She was great in Hedwig and the Angry Inch.) And TracyLuv, thank you so much for thinking about me on Sunday. I didn't even think about my friends here in NYC actually being able to go to the Flea Market... It's definitely one of those things I'd love to do someday--the celebrity list made my eyes pop--Dana would just be the icing on the cake for me.

Oh, puh-lease! Of course Tracy has seen the upstairs at Laura's shrine. Are you kidding me? Does this really strike you as a woman who would let a little thing like breaking and entering stand in the way of getting every bit of dirt she could find on her biggest rival? No, Tracy could probably recreate the blueprints to Leslie's house from the easiest points of access (beside the doors, of course) to where they stash the emergency money (she lifted a fiver for a latte the last time she was there).

Just my opinion.

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From wubs.net this morning on her spoiler page:

And this is in her blog (hope it is true)

Other comment: I love her new site because she has a pic of Tracy/luke from Liz/Lucky's wedding as her screencap for GH news!

Also for a good laugh this Tuesday morning, check out this serial drama dear abby letter:

Dear Abby, I'm a Hitman in a Pickle

Dear Abby,

I have an etiquette question. My aunt that I haven't really had a relationship with in nearly 15 years got married recently and her new husband has a grown daughter. Let's call her . . . Ruru. Ruru needs a place to stay. She has assorted cousins, a grandmother with a house, an aunt with a brownstone, a brother with a regular-sized house, and another brother with a multi-winged castle. But the slightly spastic kid who works for me (building video games and hacking into government computers) somehow asked my sort-of step-cousin Ruru to live with me instead.

The thing is, a mafia boss pays me to kill people for a living. So my life is a wee bit dangerous. So dangerous that I'm not with the mother of my child, because we both think the violence that surrounds me is too much of a threat to her and my son if they were to live with me. So dangerous that my last live-in girlfriend took a bullet intended for me to the uterus. So dangerous that my condo has more weapons that many small nations. So dangerous that I have multiple bodyguards. So dangerous that I have bullet proof glass for windows. So dangerous that in spite of all my security, I've been shot more times than 50 Cent.

So I'm sure you know what my question is. Now that I've made the obvious decision to let Ruru move in, may I ask her to use the everyday towels? The guest ones were full price at Bloomingdale's and I'd rather keep them from pilling.


Chasin' MoreGuns

P.S. It's also okay if I tell her not to touch my hair products, right?

Okay--I'm out of here!

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