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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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nex, I downloaded the clip too; my guesses are high traffic and the large file size (an entire episode with huge dimensions - was almost 350 megabytes). :o

I made the dimensions 320 by 240 when I edited, but the original wasn't 640 by 480, so the picture comes out as a square, instead of a smaller rectangle. That said, the picture is not distorted. About 25 megabytes, so should download rather quickly.


Again, originally clipped by Trudy of HellaGood.

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Aww thanks for your hard work, Nex! I have been dying to put those on my iPod. Thanks!!!

So as I type this, Genie Francis is on some ad for Medifast on how she lost 18 pounds in 7 weeks. I was looking at the picture, and was like.... hmm.... that looks strangely like Genie Francis. Haha do they coordinate these ads for Soap Boards? "You can be a Soap Star, too! Get the Medifast Makeover!" Too much time on my hands, haha.

So, today, Lulu was found by Jason and Spinelli (Gun-blazing cliffhanger, of course.) And I think Spinelli was hugging her in the previews *HEHEHE*. I actually like him better with Georgie, but whatever.

I want some intense-loving-TraLu-"You were right and I suck"-teary-hugging reuinion. Fingers crossed for tomorrow! Though Carly and Jax are back in the previews. I just realized how, for the first time in forever, I wasn't fast-forwarding at all. When Carly doesn't suck up half the screen, the show is much more entertaining. I was so excited (heart pounding and all) when they found Lulu. Jason and Johnny Zacchara were left facing it off, and SPINELLI, the love of my life, was soooo cute. :)

Okay I am waayyy off topic but I loved today's episode. And I haven't enjoyed a Tracy-less episode in forever. (Of course, it would have been much better with Tracy, because she obviously rocks the freaking world.)

EDIT: White-out problems...

EDIT: THANKS FOR THE CLIPS MS.Q! I didn't forget you! :D

Edited by Colette
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Hi guys. Wow, this is the first time I posted today...that is some sort of record!

Thanks for the clips Nex and Ms. Q! I wouldn't hold out too much hope for tomorrow as Friday's don't seem to be too lucky for our girl and her airtime!

Colette--can you pm me or explain to me in a post how you upload these clips to your ipod or download them however you say it right? :)

Just got home from open school night from middle school. My god...you can see why these kids don't give a crap...I have never seen a bunch of more mean, negative teachers in my life. There was one bright spot--the Spanish teacher (thought of you Ms. Q!) who was all upbeat and positive and had her students start with telling her good news each day. She was smiley and positive and she was the ONLY one who stood outside the door and thanked the parents for making their kids a priority and for coming. Such a bad turnout too. In some of my son's classes only three parents out of like 30 showed up.

Anyway, remember that funny pic LadyA posted of Tracy and Ashton where she had a mad face at him? Well she was wearing that same outfit in an episode i was watching today from 1991, but it is from after he left, so I guess they were recycling back then too. She looks SOOOO pretty in 1991!! Major oomphy hair.

gotta put my kids to bed, but will try to be in the breakroom for a few at 9:30 central time.

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I was totally gonna join you in the breakroom, but I got so wrapped up in explaining the conversion of videos in Hooked's pm, that is is really late and I should be getting to bed. (I believe my time zone is one hour later than all your's) Ahh I'll try to be on tomorrow!!!

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downloading clips as we speak.

One more day without our supervisor--she comes back on Monday. We've been planning her welcome home for a week--I think our sub is kinda figuring out we're ready to be done. I came up with this idea to print out little half-page "Welcome Home" signs that people could personalize, and plaster them all over our supervisor's desk. And it's sort of taken off--the department manager, other supervisors, the head of the facility, and people from at least five teams have all filled out welcome backs. This woman has been with the company for seventeen years and is pretty much beloved by all. We are very lucky to have her, and very happy to have her back.

Oh, wanna laugh, Lainey? Check out the post on my LJ about "Today's Horoscope" and how I accidentally outed myself at work. Some days, it just pays to not talk a whole bunch.

And to keep this on topic--I finished my Supernanny/Desperate Housewives crossover, and my next story is going to be Tracy. I just need an idea. The prompt is "choke." Any suggestions?

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Choke huh? Well yesterday everyone wanted to Choke logan for scewing Lulu over and breaking her heart! Acutally Nicholas did try to choke him. Ha ha.

Yeah a tracy story coming up! Glad your supervisor is coming back on Monday.

I am actually cooking dinner tonight for a family (that is a big joke). Hope I don't give them food poisoning! :) Hope they don't "choke" on my food--ha ha! Baked ziti--how can you mess that up too bad right?

Okay gotta get these kids off to school...hope to catch you guys tonight. Iw ent to bed at 10pm last night after chatting with staci. My stomach was killing me. Sorry I missed you TL and BSG! Maybe tonight!

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There's a Medifast banner ad on the page for me too right now, but with some "real life" person named Shannon. Before I saw your post I was staring at it and was like...that better not be GF invading the Tracy board...

I really want Spinelli and Georgie to be together. I like both of the characters a lot. Did anyone else read that

I hope it's not true. Sniffle.

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OT: Ten members of the Jim Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church (of G-D Hates Fags fame) will be protesting the funeral of a 19-year-old local soldier who died in Iraq. The funeral is in my town, tomorrow afternoon. I think....maybe....Fey and I will be there to stand up for Love and Peace and against Hate and Ignorance. I'm feeling very hippy right now. Besides, it's right by the Chinese restaurant--good chance to combine social activism with veggie lo mein! :ph34r:

On-Topic: Thanks Carrie for the bunny on the TQ story. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do. Can't wait to see the scenes when I get home.

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Hi all.

bsg, sorry I missed ya last night. I was in bed. :( This going to bed before 10pm thing makes me feel old, LOL.

MinervaFan, yay! Glad your supervisor is coming back.

hooked, good luck with the cooking. ;) No spoilers. Edit: I lied.

My comment:


OT: You all know about my teeth problems. Well, like 500 years later, I was scheduled to get the crown put on. Just got back from the office. And guess what? No crown. 'Cause my tooth somehow shifted in the last 3 weeks, and it won't fit. (And believe me, he tried to make it fit - gah, I don't care if the nerve's been removed and the drilling isn't supposed to hurt; it's still not comfortable).

So! I get to go back next Friday. (Note: The crown should've been on in JUNE - obviously, that couldn't happen in Mexico, but my dentist office should've at least gotten me in sometime in late July, August). Oh, it gets better. Guess whose insurance is maxed out? I guess that'll happen after close to 12 visits in 6 months (2 of those months I wasn't even in the country - OY). Ohhhhhhh...I wish I got paid for student teaching.

Now that I blabbered about that, I bring treats. Those who ordered Jen's Ned/Jenny tapes have seen some of these:

Monica dates Dr. Kyle Chandler; Tracy included in clip.


The Quartermaines have a board meeting in a GASP actual board room; chaos ensues. Edward, Alan, Tracy, Paul, Scott, Monica, Julia, AJ, Ned, Bill, Scott, and Lucy are all there.


The board meeting continues; included - Scott and Lucy cheer while Tracy and Monica go after each other, physically.


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks for the heads up, Lady Ashton! When you first said "Ms. Q" was quoted, I thought you meant Tracy Quartermaine had been in the quote section or something - Haha.

So...SOD edited the hell out of my letter, which I'm cool with except for the part that said Michael, Morgan, Cameron, and Jake got more air time. Wasn't specific enough. Got more airtime WHEN? This entire summer? (no) In the month of August? (yes) That said, kudos to SOD for keeping the TG part in, as well as the lost Shady Brook potential. And of course, kudos to the magazine for publishing my letter. I :wub: SOD.

Original scan by Lady Ashton. I re-sized it, so I could post it into this thread.


Here's the text of the (rather long) letter I sent:

As the summer comes to a close, I have to wonder: What happened to Tracy Quartermaine on ABC’s General Hospital? It seems as the fabulous Jane Elliot always disappears during Anthony Geary’s (Luke) long vacations. Why is that? She is much too talented to be sitting on the backburner.

As a viewer, I have to ask if there was a point to putting her character in a mental institution. Was it just to get her offscreen? If GH wanted to do that, the writers could have just sent her to Europe again. Why go through all the trouble of tossing Tracy into Shady Brook, straight jacket and all, and not follow through? In my opinion, Tracy Quartermaine, forced into therapy, was a gold mine. It had potential for both dramatic and comedic scenes that Ms. Elliot would no doubt have sunk her teeth into.

Unfortunately, this potential all seems to have been wasted. The month of August brought a dismal total of 2 episodes total for Tracy. The children portraying Michael, Morgan, Cameron, and Jake received more. And sadly, September doesn’t look too promising. Is there any chance that the brilliant Ms. Elliot will be back on the canvas soon? I hope so!

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