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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OY!!! Speaking of grammar errors bothering you....I just got a email from our principal who I just bitched too because they scheduled school and classroom pictures on Rosh Hashana this week---hello???? IT is on every calendar. I know it wasn't intentional, but this is the second time this happened and the last time I complained and so did a bunch of others. Anyway, it was an apology email and it says ... "thanks Carrie...see you on tonight". Instead of see you tonight! I have heard her make this error several other times. She was an English teacher also before she was principal.

Off to a doctor's appt for my son...

Hope that was just a rumor....Nov. is pretty soon for EWCBO to come back as they are probably shooting october now. Although at this point, it would give Tracy a story so maybe it wouldn't be so bad....

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So, someone on SoapDish said

Another rumor:

Yet another rumor:

So, kind of random, but I found an episode count from 10 years ago, and can you believe Bobbie was #4 on the list with 142 episodes? Last year she was #39 with 38 episodes. :mellow: If you want to see the list (or rather the first 30 cast members of the list), go here.

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Now that would be so sad for Bobbie---but she has no storyline whatsoever and no purpose anymore which stinks for JZ. Neither does Lesley, but they are not paying her when they don't use her, so I could see Guza deciding Bobbie is a better person to "kill off". Plus better Emmy material for TG as he likes Lesley I am sure, but messing with his sister would certainly drag him into the mob war, although why would they kill bobbie from the mob? Unless this Zacahara person is trying to target Luke from the old days as well. Or retaliation for him helping Skye.

Who do you think this person will end up being? I bet it ends up being someone on canvas already or someone from the past on canvas who is really good turned evil like they are spoiling. LIke the old Burt Ramsey Mr. B--now that was a real twist at the end of that storyline. Maybe it is Spinelli--ha ha

As long as they don't touch Tracy, they can kill any other character--ha ha. Except another Q!

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Ok the list of confirmed deaths on soapdish (grain of salt cause who knows who confirmed what and everyone on that site is constantly saying this is false or that is false, etc)

But it includes

I also saw on Wubs (grain of salt too) that


Looked at the epside count...it is amazing to see how much more balanced the show was back then....the 12 or so were all within reason of each other....not so lopsided as it is now. G uess our girl was not on that yea--she probably had more appearances as TQ on the CIty in a few months than she did on GH all year this year.

Edited by hookedongh
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So we have ourselves a real life Tracy spoiler, sounds great! My only question is wasn't there also a rumor that she goes back into Shadybrook as soon as she gets out? As for the other "death" spoilers, well I will wait until they are confirmed my the mags before I believe them. Either way I haven't watched a full episode since August 15, so whatever happens is out of our hands.

Ms.Q, I read your updated chapters of Oh, Baby and I can't wait to read more!!!! :) Two thumbs up!

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    Hey a new, "Old clip" added to youtube today...alan and monica are forced by Lila to invite Tracy to move into the mansion with Paul!


    OMG---you have to watch this clip added to youtube yesterday...it is hilarious...before the wedding when Monica is so mad Tracy is making her wear a hideous green dress. Alan comes in and says he is going ot sing at the wedding. He breaks into song and Jane and Leslie C. are dying laughing...it says it was an ad-lib on Stuart's part. Back in the good ole days when Edward was just a "ghost" not Alan! :)


    Ok...one more...this is HILARIOUS...great lines from Tracy...she is so funny...save the syrup for your waffles Alan! When he is being all sugary lovey dovey with Monica...this is when he and Monica announce they are getting married---AGAIN!


    Hey we gotta fill the tracy void somehow...oomphy hair Ms Q!!!

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    Thanks for the Oh, Baby feedback everyone!

    nex, I had not heard that rumor...Would totally suck for Tracy.

    hooked, LOL! Those clips are great. I've actually seen the first 2 on the Ned/Jenny tapes, but they never lose their humor. Jane, Leslie, Anna, and Stuart had to be having fun in those scenes. And sorry, Tracy, but Monica's right. That dress is horrendous. :lol:

    About JZ/Bobbie: So, the person said she had some movie going on, right? I went to IMDB.com, and she's credited in some movie that's to be released in 2008. She's not one of the first people cast, but her character does have a first and last name.

    Another clip: Not featuring TQ, but...


    So, on the subject of bloopers and all that (or laughing in scenes): At 4:35 into this clip, she seems like she's about to crack up but turns it into a disgusted face. Is it just me?

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    yeah she does look like first she is going to laugh and then "eww". Cracking up at this clip as many times as I have seen it. Oh...lack of oomph BTW...not as bad as some...but not as oomphy as it could be! :) Totally notice TG reading the cue cards as TL pointed out to me...when he says "does anyone else want to know what makes the heart doctor's heart race?" They pay him enough, he is gone for 6 months of of the year...can he not memorize his lines???

    Yikes...gotta go pick up my kids!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Oh baby Ms. Q--but you knew that. Maybe there will be a sequel in the future? Oh teenager???? LOL

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    Hooked and Ms. Q, those clips were hilarious!

    I haven't watched the show in about a month without Tracy. Who is Zacahara who was in that spoiler? And I was hoping that Luke would bust Tracy out of Shadybrook. And poor Leslie! Geez.

    EDIT: HOORAY FOR THE HELLAGOOD COUPLES GAME! I shamefully have not voted in forever, I have had no time to post here, either! But congrats to all of you. :)

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    I have to admit, when I first heard that they were going to kill a long time member, Bobbie was the first person that came to mind. She really hasn't been used these past few years, and TPTB haven't even bothered to have her meet or refer to her ex-fiance, who is harrassing her daughter and basically killed one of her best friends. They only bring her out to prop the younger generation in their celebrations - not even their turmoil. Her latest contract was only for one year. That really said something. I feel for JZ, her marriage ends, now she quite possibly will loose her job. Not the greatest year for her. At least she has been business savy, and gotten a lot of other acting opportunities over the years (the movie you were referencing is already in the can, she did one or two days on it, according to her latest interview).

    You know, the character of Bobbie was the reason I started watching GH 3 decades ago. If she goes, it will certainly feel like the end of an era for me. No other entertainment media lets you invest in actors and characters the way soaps do.

    I also agree with the general discussing about Bobbie's death being more realistic that Skye's financial problems for bringing Luke into the mob war. As for Skye, if they are going to persue a financial problems storyline for her, that shows how myopic the writers truly are. She's a Quartermaine, for heaven's sake, and before that a Chandler. Adele Chandler left Skye her estate, I believe, and she's had a string of husband, some who've died and left her money (Skye isn't a new character to daytime, either). She has money in her own right, outside of Alcazar. Financial struggles don't track.

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    Hmm, so in SID or something, does it say that Finola and Rick are returning this fall and possibly Tristan as well? I'm all about the vets, but I do wish they would use the ones they have...like Jane!!! (Of course, right?!)

    Message from ILoveTracyQ: She loves you and misses you all and wants you all to take care. :)

    remos, maybe JZ is not leaving then, 'cause the person said she had a movie that was getting rave reviews, and that's why she was leaving. Unless she got another one or something. Guess we'll see.

    . :(



    Hope it's a GREAT one!

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    Hey, gang! Just wanted to check in and say sorry I've not been around much. My time is crazy these days--much much stress at work, and Fey has not been feeling well. My muse has taken to her bed with a sick headache and a box of bon-bons, and refuses to speak to me until sanity returns at least partially to my life. I have a couple of stories rattling in my head, but no real energy to pursue them at 6:30 in the morning (which is when I get the bulk of my computer time).

    I'm reading a lot right now--it's easy, and doesn't require a computer. Ruth Gordon's autobiography (An Open Book--FABULOUS) is on the list, along with several articles about theosophy and history. I do read the Lovefest all the time, and the chat transcripts are safely tucked into a folder on my computer, to be read when I have a few dozen hours to spare. (Hell, I haven't even done anything on the DI site all week, except watch one scene from a movie I didn't really like. I could do screen caps in about three minutes, but I just can't force myself to do it.)

    I'm still here, and I'm still part of things--I'm just not as noisy as usual. So don't worry, okay?

    ETA: Happy birthday, Colette! Did you know you share a birthday with Mira Furlan (Lost, Babylon 5)? Kewl. :)

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    Glad to hear from you this morning Deb...we were talking about you last night wondering if you were okay. We were all saying hi to you in the breakroom---maybe you were feeling the "love?" Glad you checked in. Nothing much to talk about on the TQ front. Hopefully she will be on next week.

    I actually went to bed before midnight last night! I actually got almost 7 whole hours of sleep--some kind of record for me as of late!!!

    I found the golden egg of Tracy's clips that we have been searching for. The goodbye scenes with Monica when she was banished in 1993. Some of the goodbyes are posted on youtube, but not the Monica scenes. I should be getting at episode on DVD soon. Then will send it to LA who will post it! Yeah for LadyA!!!! She is also about to get a bunch of stuff in the mail from me like the JE Merv Griffin interview for her SOD award and will post it to the thread when she gets a chance! So thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Colette--hope it is a great day! Wouldn't it be nice of Tracy was on today??? Don't hold your breath! :) She is like NEVER on on Fridays these days.

    I sure hope they don't kill of Bobbie. I would rather they just put some of those people on recurring and off contract like Mac and Bobbie than kill them. Just think how much more screwed up Maxi will be without Mac there. Felicia hasn't seen her daughters in what like 5 years? And Frisco not since they were babies...I hate that GH ignores stuff like that. They could put a throw away line in there like Georgie had been visiting her mother all summer when she was not on. They have to explain lulu's absense for a week on a cruise.

    Okay..enough ranting for one morning....off to go exercise. Going to a Brooks& Dunn/Alan Jackson concert tonight with a client and his wife, so I won't be around later. Wow a whole night without chatting...hmmm...will I survive--ha ha!

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