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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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No (lol), but I realize I might come across that way - now that I've got more caffine in my system. Personally, I find the foundation years terribly exhausting. Trying to get kids to catch on to the 3 R's, and the frustration when they don't get something that seems so obvious. I start to get excited when kids get a concept, or question a concept. That "A-ha" moment is wonderful to me.

Continuing, totally OT, have you ever read the essay by Dorothy Sayers, "The Lost Tools of Learning". She was at Oxford with C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. I highly recommed it to you and inyron (sp?), and you too, hooked. It talks about the development of intellect, and how to work with brain development rather than against it, amoung other things. http://www.classicalhomeschooling.com/html...f_learning.html I return to it frequently. Ruah is on the verge of the "Pert" years, and I can't wait!

Now, on topic, don't think she'll be on today, but Wednesdays have been promising of late.

Also wondering how they will deal with the spoiler that MF found, assuming it's true. That involves criminal activity, and Scotty's out for blood from both Luke and Tracy.

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April 12: MagicHappens (hasn't been around recently)

Thanks for remembering me, Ms Q. B)

There just hasn't been much to keep me interested in GH lately - namely, very little Tracy or Scott. They are barely on once a week. :angry:

Also wondering how they will deal with the spoiler that MF found, assuming it's true. That involves criminal activity, and Scotty's out for blood from both Luke and Tracy.

Interesting spoiler mention about Scott being out for blood. I saw one saying he will try to cheat the results of the DNA test with Logan. Which of course, RealScott, who is a great father wouldn't do - only GuzaScott would. Could it mean he tries to swap his own blood sample with Luke's to make L&L3 think they are siblings?

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I have to remember that everyone thinks it's a cool job, and that many people wish they had a job like mine when I have to say "straight ahead and make a left, please" or "sharp right, please" to over 800 hundred people, one at a time, 8 times a week for 45 minutes, and then watch the same show from start to finish 4 times a week for 5 years. Sure we get the perks like parties (although any parties I attend besides Hairspray parties are invitation by begging), and x-mas/holiday gifts (and not all shows do this for their employees). But believe it or not, it's bad for the brain. At least I get assigned to different posts, where I often get to switch up what I have to say. woohoo! Sometimes I get to say "across the floor to the entrance on your right", along with "sharp right, please", over 800 times in succession. Oh and my fave is yelling "Have all bags open please!!!!!" And I AM the lucky one since I either get to direct, take tickets, or work an aisle, where most of the employees have had only one post for as long as the show runs. Imagine having to say "straight ahead please"/"stairway up" to 1428 (total seating capacity) people, at rapid speed for 45 minutes, 8 times a week for 5 years? Bet it doesn't sound so glamorous now. Thank god I go to school (which is why summers are so hard for me) otherwise I'd be sitting right next to the e.w. chair-bound one.

EDIT: Oh yeah, to make this post Tracy related.... re: the spoiler.... I hope she DOES NOT spill!!! Let her throw the kid a couple of G's but confess? NO WAY!!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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About the HG character game... huh? Were people complaining over there or something?

My birthday is September 7

No Tracy today, but previews look like Lulu and Logan will sleep together tomorrow. I hate him, as I have mentioned multiple times... at least (not a spoiler) I hope Lulu finds out soon how right Tracy was.

This weekend I won't be around, mini vacation at the beach. Which I really need. Catch you all tonight maybe.

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Hey everybody!! Long time no see. :D Sorry but I went away for the weekend and my internet time was very limited. hmmmm lets see what did I miss?......

Ms.Q, love the new banner! Oh, and good luck with the shoe shopping! (my fav thing, any excuse to but a new pair of shoes) As for Tracy's "Paul" hair in the 90's I can't say that I hate it that much, but I think the thing that bothers me is how dark it was. If there was a few highlights or even a shade or three lighter I would probably like it more. Just my opinion.

Deb, loved the new ficlet!

TracyLuv, while your job does seem like fun to an outsider, I can totally see your boredom and repetitativeness (is that a word?) in it, I used to work at a movie theater and had to tell people where their theater was for hours on end. BORING!

As for the Character Game at Hella Good, I have to say that I am thrilled that the game was closed, I couldn't take it any longer. It was getting out of hand, on both ends.

Oh and no Tracy today! :( And I was unable to find any spoilers for this week. grrrrrr!

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MagicHappens, that's interesting. I figured that the spoiler you mentioned would mean that he would make it so Logan just wasn't his son, but to pretend Luke is the father is a good twist. I didn't think of that.

I agree, Nex. Honestly, it is nice not having the character game. It felt like Red Sox\ Yankees to me. Too stressful! :lol: I get that involved in GH... Ignoring the fear that this will be in bad taste, I have to say I am happy that, technically, Sam didn't win. Tracy was ahead. ;)

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OT: I hate shoe shopping. I suck at it. But I hated it before I sucked at it. Anyway, I should've bought shoes that go with both skirts AND dress pants, but no, I didn't think about that, did I? And of course, for one pair of shoes, I only try on the right one. When I get home and try on both, I find that the left one doesn't fit well. Oy. Just oy.

And Ugh...Will post more later. Gotta go. Dad is screaming. *gathers brother, sister, and runs*

EDIT: I am back. We left the house to get some dinner and to give some "cooling off" time. Gah. I did not miss this when I was away at school.

Anyway, Tracy!Time! That one spoiler has been up there for the longest time, I thought. I’m not sure if I believe it, although Scotty/Tracy/Luke scenes would be fun. I just hope Luke doesn’t get dragged into his children's life again for Sweeps. In the breakroom the other day, hooked and I both said we wanted Tracy to get sick for once. THAT could be TG's big SL (as long as they don't put Tracy into a coma ;)).

So, in searching for the Birthdays throughout the thread, I found some old posts, and I've noticed that we've complained about the same things for a while now. Lack of screentime. Screentime that is all about Luke (or Lulu). Wardrobe. Hair. (Ok, those last 2 were all my fault). Anyway, TPTB REALLY need to come up with something new.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Colette: ICAM!!! You totally hit the nail on the head re: the Sox/Yanks rivalry. And as a Sox fan, I don't need more stress in my life. LOL.

So, I'm finally back from yet another weekend wedding odyssey. During the bus ride up to Boston I played the Who Slept With Whom Game, the TQ edition and managed to connect her to pretty much everyone on the show. Quiz me! Now as soon as Lulu sleeps with Logan and Logan sleeps with Maxie (if he hasn't already), then we'll be able to connect her to the teen set as well. It was a very long bus ride.

I'm baking a cake and hanging in the BR. Swing by if you are around!

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Read this excerpt from GH week in review from serial drama site (especially you Ms. Q!!) I love this site!!!

"I know the writers seem to hate Scotty, but do the showrunners also dislike Kin Shriner? Like, do they refuse to let him use a dressing room and hair and makeup, and force him to sleep on a park bench?

(There is a photo of scott and tracy from shadybrook with him all scruffy and in the blue sweater)

"In addition to the several hair-related issues, that see-through shirt/undershirt/gold chain combo is giving me hives.

Jane Elliot's hair, however, continues to amaze."


Now this is hilarious...I was reading the comments to that blog entry and saw Regency posted this:

"I think Jane's hair might be the 8th wonder of the world."

I agree with you Regency!!

Edited by hookedongh
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*waves to MinervaFan*

OT: Woot! I got official confirmation on observing at the school! But who's idea is it to start at 7:15? :( I love how my "set bed time" was 10, and I didn't get to sleep 'til close to 2. I just laid there and laid there.

Cute tidbit from that article, hooked! Also, if I didn't thank you for last night, I apologize. Thank you so much for your help. My brother and I both appreciated it.

Colette, forgot to mention this, but will definitely add your birthday to the list.

POSSIBLE SPOILERS (from anonymous posters of SoapDish - grain of salt and all that)

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Interesting spoilers, Ms.Q. I dope the Skye\Luke one is NOT true. Yuck. I often find myself not falling asleep until very late, too, LOL. Like last night, I went to bed at 10:30 and fell asleep at around 1:30.

About last night.

I had a really strange dream. The fact that I dreamed was strange. I never remember my dreams. Anyway, I was in this weird house, slightly resembling my grandparent's (don't know why). And my family had to go into hiding. Because we supported Tracy. HAHAHA I am assuming this came from the HG game? Come on now, it didn't affect me that much. I was kidding! So we had to make the house really clean, and only pack a few things to take. Some guy was behind the whole thing and I knew who he was in the dream, but I have no idea now. He even called on a radio to see what we were doing that night so we wouldn't try and escape. Once we were almost done, I saw a sign that said we couldn't use bleach in the laundry. Oops. So we were finally ready to go, and we couldn't be seen when we left the house. This was like life or death, I was really scared! Then I woke up.

Who thinks I have a pshycological problem?

BSG, I am a Red Sox fan, too! Angry about how they traded Wily Mo? I'm FURIOUS! And Gabbard, too. Sigh.

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Interesting spoilers, but still all about other people. Wouldn't it be great if they actually could focus on each other - for at least one episode.

BTW, got a PFO from HG yesterday, appears I'm on the 'bad' list. Don't know if it's going around or I'm just special. Seem someone took exception to my honest opinion. Oh well... ;)

I'm slow off the mark today. Internet went down around supper last night, and it's taken me all morning to get it working again. Scary how much I depend on it, even being home all the time. Wanted to visit last evening. Perhaps tonight.

Ms. Q, good luck today.

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