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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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We were discussing birthdays in the breakroom, and I decided to do this:

~Jane Elliot/Tracy Quartermaine and Fan Birthday List~

January 17: Jane Elliot

January 23: angel

February 18: KyE

March 5: 4XCrazy (hasn't been around in a long time)

March 15: Lady Ashton

April ?: BSG

April 6: Tracy Quartermaine

April 8: smirks (hasn't been around in a long time)

April 12: MagicHappens (hasn't been around recently)

June 4: MinervaFan

June 11: ILoveTracyQ (hasn't been around recently)

June 19: kenna (hasn't been around in a long time)

June 23: amello (hasn't been around in a long time)

July ?: Lainey

July 4: remos

July 26: pinkpopsicle (hasn't been around recently)

August 2: hooked

August 7: nex

August 26: tracyluver (hasn't been around this summer)

September 7: Colette

October 3: TracyLuv

November 2: RedHot (from We All Need LuNacy)

November 11: knh

November 15: Regency (hasn't been around recently)

December 3: Ms. Q

December 7: Keith

How did I do?

I have no birthdays for coolkid, inyron, or Truke, so feel free to come in and tell us. :) And I just have what I believe to be the months for Lainey and BSG. I hope I didn't leave someone out on accident. :o

BTW, there are way too many of us who haven't been around. ;):P We miss ya! I hope everything is all right on the real life front. :)

EDIT: Jane's, Tracy's, Lady A's, and Colette's birthdays have been added.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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You need a job done...ask Ms Q--she gets right on it with the b-day list!!! Your new banner is so colorful...like a rainbow of Lunacy! Makes me happy each time I see it :)

I have been online for 4 hours now...I am getting carpal tunnel syndrome from the breakroom tonight and I already had surgery for that once!

TL--missed you tonight...hope you are home safe!

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Just back from the "Grease" opening night party where I danced my @$$ off!

Was in Boston and Cape Cod this weekend and although I haven't gotten much sleep for the past two days and was drained when I got back, I think the party gave me my second wind.

Ms. Q, LOVE LOVE LOVE the new banner and avatar!! You know me, I live for the LuNacy smooches. :)

Carrie, Sorry to hear that you are still feeling pretty banged up. I hope you feel better soon.

So I see that Hella Good closed out the character game. I wonder why? Sam was gaining on our girl and probably would have ended up winning. Interesting. The HG Couples Game is still open but they have created a new thread for it. The new link to the Hella Good Couples game is: The GH Couples Game Part 1 - CONTINUED

Edited by TracyLuv
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Hola, chickies! Man, I can't leave you guys alone for ONE weekend, and the DRAMA goes through the roof. I'm speaking, of course, of HellaGate 2007 ™. On my list of things to worry about, this is like, 10,348 and falling. It was fun playing along and joking about it, but wow. Is it me, or is this being taken a little too seriously by too many people?

Sorry I missed you guys on Sunday. I got up around 7 am to work on the Dana Ivey site (it's TOTALLY coming along), checked to see if anybody was online, then went back to sleep around 8:30 am. After that, Fey was up, and there was really no online for me. We had a good weekend--went for a spot of tea on Saturday, and had a Disney video fest. The weather cooperated, and I was able to do my errands yesterday without suffocating.

MsQ, the icon/banner set looks FABULOUS, and the birthday list is great--except you forgot two important names: Jane Elliot and Tracy Quartermaine. :D

MegaSite spoilers say

Yay. (Note the heavy sarcasm in that "yay.") It's also says something about Luke coming back, but that's hardly soon and hardly a spoiler. Thank goodness for this place, or I would have lost interest in GH altogether by now.....

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Thanks to everyone for the banner/avatar feedback! I didn't want to change mine so soon again, but I couldn't resist Rainbow!LuNacy. :lol:

The hair during the Paul era isn't unpopular to me. LOOK at all that oomph!

And Lady A, I've been meaning to tell you that I also love your new avatar.

Lainey, good luck with work.

TracyLuv, glad you had a good time at the party! Sounds like it was fun.

remos, hope you're getting back into the homeschooling routine easily.

MinervaFan, glad you had a great weekend.

hooked, how's the weather, today? I think you said yesterday you had the first sunny day in awhile. It is STILL raining here. I don't think I've seen sun since Thursday. Oy.

Birthday list has been updated to include JE's, Tracy's, and Lady A's. I stuck to April 6th for Tracy's birthday.

About HellaGood...There were A LOT of new posters that registered very recently, and they weren't all Tracy fans either. I can see why the game was closed.

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MinervaFan--I Loved Tracy's hair during the Paul era! Think that was my favorite time!! Love that avatar photo too LadyAshton, although I already told you that. I was up til 3:00pm last night with this stupid snapfish album!! Sometimes I HATE computers!!!! I didn't wake up til 10:30 this morning...the party is over here real quick with the late nights and the late mornings as school starts one week from today---YIPPEEE!!!! I always think of that school supply commercial from Staples I think where the kids are all long-faced shopping for school supplies and the moms are like dancing down the aisles!!!

TL-I forgot about the Grease party--that sounds so much fun! You have a very cool job!! You going to be around tonight?

Hope you got your kids up for "school" today Remos!

Funny about the HG game. We still need to vote for Lunacy though! :)

I'm off to go get passports for my kid!s!

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Hooked, Yes, I will be on later tonite. Right now I have tons of chores to do. Laundry, bills, and writing. Will hopefully send you the draft tonite.

Lady A, Love your new avatar even though the "Paul Hair" was not one of my fave 'dos on Tracy, but STILL one of the better.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Thanks, it's going well. Started at 8 this morning, and we actually got through the core subjects by noon - with all 4 of them. History and French this afternoon..... and I haven't yelled as much as I thought I would! It's all good.

But I can tell you, there isn't enough caffine in my system to have as much energy for this as I should. Teaching is exhausting. My hat is off to those of you who actually do this professionally with 30 strangers.

A few of us did it for Tracy, but quite a number did it for Sam - some of you were saying. Oh well, in the end Tracy was still on top. The comments for the closing of the game, however, were a bit much. There seems to be a marked lack of decorum on that board. That alone had prevented me from posting in other sections.

How's the shoe shopping, Ms. Q?

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Are you trying to scare me out of the profession before I even officially start? :P

About the shoe shopping...I have to wait until later. I have no car. :( My parents are working (though I think my Dad just got home - WTH? I want a job where I can leave the office by noon and get home within an hour), and my sister has the "kid car" with her at school. On the bright side, I have gotten RL things done today: Called the university with regards to graduation, called the high school to confirm observing tomorrow, updated my student teaching resume just in case... Oh, and I will have a car eventually. My dad is selling my Mom's to me (she's getting a new one, or maybe he's going to give her his and take the new one for himself). Anyway, he insists it's at a discounted price, and I'm sure it is, but oh, I'm still going to be sooo poor. :(

And just so this post isn't completely off topic, I hope Tracy's on today too, KyE!

EDIT: Just noticed that I finished my last post at 11:11, and this one was finished at 1:11. Exactly 2 hours later. Pretty coooool. LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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