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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'll be in and out this weekend. One of my university friends arrived with her kids, on their way back home to Calgary. I'll check in if I can.

BTW, if you like Diane, she's great again today. Wade through the whole mess of the favoured 6, and the scenes between Diane and Kate are priceless. Couldn't see the whole show to see if it continued, but I laughed my head off when I saw them the first half-hour.

Alas, no TQ. What's the word for next week?

Spiderman - when he senses something's going on, but can't quite figure it out. Okay, my boys are little. I see much of the cartoon arachnid-man. Can't even remember where my brain was this morning when I wrote that.....

One of these days I'm going to have to figure out how to quote from multiple posts.

So, do SOD and SID do the "cone of silence" thing when it's really juicy? Oh bother...

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Remos, we never knew about Craig being Jerry, so maybe. I don't know, I haven't watched for that long, but I thought it was weird that we didn't know about that one. I didn't watch today, but I will be sure to download the Kate\Diane clip off HG. :)

Ms.Q, aww, tell ILoveTracyQ I miss her. :( I guess you are famous now about your video! I think it was you who made some Tracy video to the "Shaker Song." I had never heard it before, and now I love it. Thanks! :lol:

I might be on tonight, I really should go to bed early... work early tomorrow... but that probably won't happen.

Edited by Colette
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just checking in but no one is around right now I guess. I'm saying goodnight than... already voted so I need to get to bed. I'm off to RI tomorrow for my little sisses softball tournament. Won't be back till later on Sunday so have a great weekend everyone!!!

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Thanks for the explanation, remos. I was just wondering what else you thought was going on, but I guess "spidey senses" means you can't figure it out. And from what I've read, there are no mentions of TQ for next week. Maybe GH will surprise us?

Colette, MinervaFan actually created that video. It's a fun video, isn't it? :) Anyone have a downloadable version of it? It's one of them that I never got "replaced" when my computer crashed in the fall.

Good Wardrobe Video (revised): http://www.sendspace.com/file/a1qiok

In case it was skipped over, there's a little blooper in this clip that I put together: http://www.sendspace.com/file/56cy0f (I had a little fun at the end, LOL).

I'll be around this weekend, but hope everyone has a great one!

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^^^ Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. I realized that I actually had more outfits in that video than in the bad wardrobe one. How did that happen with me? :lol:

Before I sign off for the night, I have a question: Anyone have that media net photo of LuNacy at the Liz/Lucky wedding when they were standing against the wall/door with the "I'd rather be anywhere but here" look on their faces?

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Hey all!

Ms. Q, haven't had a chance to watch your updated wardrobe vid but will prob watch it before I log off tonite.

Hooked, You have a long-@$$ email from me.

HellaGood update: Our girl dropped a whopping 25 points today in the character game. Well if they keep looking up names in a phone book over there and creating accounts for "people", I guess our girl doesn't stand a chance. In my opinion if you are going to have a forum that is supposed to be exclusive to Sam, um, maybe she shouldn't be considered in these games. And if the site is inclusive, as they say they have become, then they shouldn't be creating accounts just so their hero can win the game at any cost. At any rate, our couple is still in the lead with 223 in the couples game. The next highest couple after them is Monica and Alan with 40 points. It seems that many of us have been so focused on the character game, that we have not been voting in the couples game. I mean Sam and Jason were voted out of that game quite a while ago, so maybe LuNacy stand a chance of winning in the game. SO KEEP VOTING - Especially now while our couple is still high.

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Look at the pretty banner Ms Q. made for me:


Right now I'm using it at HG, where I am allowed to use TWO pretty banners at once! (It's the ONLY good thing about HG. That character game is RIGGED. As soon as it is over, LaineyBev is retiring from there. Hmmph! )

Thanks, Ms. Q., for trolling through all the laura pictures. I know it was a hardship. ;) I'm grateful.

ta ta


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Guess who wrote a fic this morning? It's short and sweet and introspective and stars--ta-da- ALMOST ghost!Lila.

100 Situations #53: That Human Frailty URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/91360.html

TL, I'm so not losing sleep over the Character Game on HG. I mean, come on. If they have to go to those lengths to win, just let them. We have the real numbers here at the LoveFest--look how many pages of posts we have here! Tracy outclasses, outshines, outsmarts every character on that show--but she's rarely allowed to "win." Why should the fannish world be any different? I mean, people usually have to be underhanded and conniving to beat her on the show, as well! I know our girl is a winner, so that's good enough for me.

Collette, thanks for the nice words on Shaker Song. Ms. Q, here is the link for the downloadable version: http://www.sendspace.com/file/gwf8wn

EDIT: Remos--Elphaba and Fiyero are characters from the Broadway musical, Wicked. Fiyero was Glenda the Good Witch's "fiance" (she strong-armed him into it) who was really in love with the (not-so) Wicked Witch of the West (Elphaba).

Edited by MinervaFan
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I'm finally back online after a long night and long morning! I am going to be on the computer for a while if anyone is around. I'm in the breakroom. It is 1pm central time and I have a bad headache...but am trying to catch up! http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Lainey--Love the new banner (you too Ms. Q!!!)

LadyAshton...hope your grandmother is doing ok

Deb--going to read your fic now! Awww....just read it....that is soooo sweet and touching! Great job as always. Love anything about Lila too. She reminds me so much of my grandmother!


Ms. Q--watched your wardrobe video, your stand by me video and your Qs video---LOVED them all as usual! So much fun to catch up on this rainy Saturday!!

So reading back in the thread a bit from while I was gone...here is my take on GF coming back. If she does, she does and it will give LuNacy some great material. We did get some great stuff last November and think of how much deeper and more connected they are now than they were last Nov. Plus, any couple that is couple worthy on a soap has conflict and problems in their path...so to me, they are considering Lunacy a real couple if they throw Laura in the mix. I simply cannot imagine that they wouldn't portray Luke having agony over his situation, and while ultimately in the end game when TG wants off the show, I can see them having Luke ride off into the sunset with Laura, it would be too simple and boring to make them all lovey dovey again right away. She will HAVE to find out about Tracy this time. Maybe she will only remember being married to Scotty or something. In any event, whatever it is, it is...at this point, if it gives JE some awesome material and great scenes, then it might not be the worst thing...especially cause she won't be on contract as she has too buys of a life in Maine.

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The Sam-ers could at least try to be discreet, it is obvious they are cheating. :rolleyes: Ah well. I wish I had the guts to make an "I Voted- FAIRLY" banner. But I am sure people with pitchforks and torches would start chasing me. :P What is so great about Sam? She does not have any good qualities.

I still need to watch the wardrobe video, I have been watching those old clips. Poor Dillon! He was pretty emotionally abused. :mellow: It seems like JE had more of a main storyline then, with Skye, Luke, Alcazar, etc. I never saw Stuart Damon in action besides Ghost!Alan, but now that I think about it, it will be sad to not see any of him at all. Does anyone know when he leaves?

EDIT: Hey there, Hooked. I completely agree with you about Laura. If JE gets some awesome scenes out of the deal, then GF coming back is alright with me.

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MinervaFan, lovely story. It was so sweet. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the downloadable link!

hooked, I heard on the radio yesterday that apple juice helps headaches. You should try that, and let me know if it works. Oh, I also learned that we have a better chance of becoming president than having identical quintuplets...or maybe it was quadruplets...I don't know. I was too "focused" on cleaning my room. LOL.

Speaking of, today, in cleaning my closet, I found a lot of things...Some GH/TQ stuff, like a sheet a paper that listed the amount of episodes she was in during 2005, organized by month. :lol: I didn't do this for 2006, BTW, and don't plan on doing it for 2007, so perhaps I'm not as obsessed as I used to be. Which is sad, because I'm still VERY obsessed. :huh:

In any case, here's the breakdown, if anyone is interested:

January: 2

February: 4

March: 4

April: 5

May: 13

June: 11

July: 8

August: 1

September: 0

October: 8

November: 11

December: 11

Some facts that I wrote on this sheet, LOL:

  • She appeared in 78 out of 256 episodes total, which was apparently 41 episodes less than 2004.
  • The only contract cast members that appeared less than her were AL/Brook Lynn with 72 , IS/Diego with 70, and JZ/Bobbie with 47.
  • TB/Carly was on from Jan. through mid-April and appeared in 58; note that JE appeared in roughly 12 episodes in this time period.
  • MM/Jesse was on from May through December (4 months LESS than JE) and appeared in 78, the same amount of episodes as her.
  • KS/Maxie was on from May through December (4 months LESS than JE) and appeared in 80, 2 episodes more than her.
I'm assuming JE/Tracy's counts for this year are better. I mean, they have to be, right? LOL.
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Wow...she was only one once during at two month period that summer? That stinks! She is doing a little better this year. I can't believe she was on less than LC and JI that year.

Anyone around? It is 5:20 central time....http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

I still haven't watched Wed, Th and Fr of last week. Been watching old clips today from March/April this year. Want to write...need to write...need to think of an idea! :)

Will read your email attachment later Ms. Q--maybe some motivation!

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