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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. :P

You know there is too much Tracy/LuNacy in your life when...

On the car ride to vacation, each time a new song comes on, you wonder if it would be a good song for a LuNacy video. If said song is appropriate, you try and figure out what clips you can use to the lyrics.

You arrive to check in at the hotel, whip out a check your mother wrote for you ('cause you, at the moment, don't have any), and explain that your mother wrote the check, but you owe her and, oh, is she gonna collect. (Recall: Shady!Brook Caper Episode 1: Luke owes Tracy, and oh, is she gonna collect).

You go to amusement park, see that the gift shop is called "Fascination," which immediately reminds you of LnL, which leads you to think, "Wow. LuNacy is so much more fun (in your opinion)."

Your sister is flipping through channels on the television, and you see this actress with this straight, flat hair, and announce, "Wow, her hair needs oomph."

You are driving home and see an advertisement for Nextel and think, nex!


Colette, cool buttons! Congrats on making it to the breakroom for the first time! It's a lot of fun in there.

LOL about the prizes MinervaFan.

hooked, LOL about your hair posts. Yes, we are "in-sync" about the 3/30/05 style. Congrats on Page 400! Have a safe and fun vacation (again...Haha).

knh, yeah! You can vote at HellaGood! Go Team!Tracy.

Lady A, glad you like the new avatar!

TracyLuv, I see your spreadsheet is still being consulted daily. :P Good news about Tracy going up that many points. Thanks for the information!

Lainey, you're back, right?

BSG, good luck with the lap top. I've had my fair share of troubles with this one. It's okay...for now.

remos, yeah! You can vote too! About the avatars...MinervaFan has a whole bunch here. LuNacy Icons on LiveJournal also has some, though, you'll need to go through the archives to find all of them. Finally, if you have a PhotoShop program, you can make your own. Oh wait. Not finally...Some of us here also make avatars, so if you have a request, just let us know. :) Here are directions for uploading...

Avatar Directions:

Click on My Controls (top, mid-right of the screen)

In the left column under Personal Profile, click Edit Avatar Settings.

If your icon has a URL, enter it where it says Enter a URL to an online avatar image.

If your icon is saved on your computer, click Browse where is stays Upload a new image from your computer.

Click Update Avatar.



SPOILER (should be true - from anonymous at SoapDish, but seems accurate, and from SoapZone):

SPUMOR (might not be true; from anonymous at SoapDish):

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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LOL, you certainly are.

Thanks for the links and the how-to.

Something I was noticing in the various avitars, is the reoccurance of TG and JE in what looks like a series of pictures. It's on a blue back ground, she's wearing something teal, and he's in a dark khaki green. I don't recall where those pictures came from. Did they do an article or interview or something together that I haven't seen yet? I don't see anything on Jane-Elliot.com that includes it. I know I haven't seen/read everything, so it's obviously something I've missed.

And for my belated birthday present, I would like an avitar of her with her new haircut and salmon pink jacket. Nothing too fancy, and you can add any comment you think appropriate. Please and thank you.

Edited by remos
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It's from Soaps In Depth Summer 2005; their first joint interview! I don't believe Tracey at JE Online has it posted, but here are scans I made of the article...

Part 1: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Ms_Q...aine/TG_JEa.jpg

Part 2: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Ms_Q...aine/TG_JEb.jpg

Part 3: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Ms_Q...aine/TG_JEc.jpg

I also found these, which I haven't seen at JE Online. Not sure of the month (Winter 2006, perhaps), but it's another joint interview. This came from Soap Opera Weekly.

Part 1: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Ms_Q...aine/TG_JE1.jpg

Part 2: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Ms_Q...aine/TG_JE2.jpg

How's this avatar?


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ms. Q: Thanks for the articles! I had been looking for the SOW one for awhile now. :) Poor laptop. I hope it pulls through. All my GH clips are on it! :o

In other news...Tracy is taking a serious beating at HG today. She's currently down to 207. I think she's lost 5 points today. It's the weekend though and a lot of our voters are away. If you have an account and you haven't voted yet, throw a point over TQ's way. ;)

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Ms. Q, Thanks from me too for that SID 2005 article. I had never read that one before, though I had seen most of the pictures for it.

Re: Hella Good.... Tracy lost 3 points yesterday. And if her current point score of 207 stays the same 'til midnite she will have lost 4 points today. Tracy has not gone down in points in almost 2 months (that I know of, perhaps more), only increased. But now there are Sam supporters suddenly coming out of the woodwork in full force.

Question for Nex, and Ms. Q... Has any character besides Sam ever won this game in the past? I heard that in the last go 'round, that Sam beat out Luke after a "long drawn out battle". So obviously she's won at least once before, but what about the other times?

ETA: Page 401!! - and I'm one post away from MY 400th post! :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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Who kicked over the rock and let out all those Sam fans at HellaGood? Geez!!!! They're crawling all over that game now. The Sam Fans must have put out a rallying cry.

Okay.. peeps.. now is time to get TOUGH!!! Got a friend? Draft 'em. Got two? Draft two.

Your friend outta town? Get that friend's login.. and keep it going.

You log in here, and you're not registered at HG? Well.. get on over to HellaGood and register!!!! (Yeah, I know. That's sorta pushy and obnoxious... BUT I HATE TO LOOSE!!! and we're getting overrun by Sam Fans. Ick. Yuck. Oyyyyyyyy)


EVERY DAY! :lol:



AND SO ARE HER FANS!! :lol: :lol:


ta ta,


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remos, glad you like it! Here are the avatar directions:

Click on My Controls (top, mid-right of the screen)

In the left column under Personal Profile, click Edit Avatar Settings.

Enter http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Ms_Quartermaine/AvatarPrettyPink.jpg where it says Enter a URL to an online avatar image.

Click Update Avatar.

Happy to help with the SOW article, BSG.

So, about HellaGood...I am trying to get my brother to get an account, LOL. I asked him what his name is going to be, and he jokingly suggested the following...





Oh, wow. He's such a goof. :lol: He wants to know which one you all prefer, even though we're going to choose a non-Sam hating name in the end (should he agree to this).

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You're welcome, remos! :)

TracyLuv, I don't remember who won the first character game, but it wasn't Sam because she and Jason (when HG was a Jasam board, mainly) weren't included. I believe the original poster thought it'd be unfair to the other characters because it was so obvious that Sam (or Jason at the time) would win.

Will vote later.

NEW Video

(to that song that I heard in the car on the way to vacation :P)

Don't worry. There are no sudden illnesses and deaths in this video. Song is "I'll Stand By You" by The Pretenders.

MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=82WCH8XU

SENDSPACE: http://www.sendspace.com/file/hms68g

YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYu6_uuBAKc


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I LOVE that song, MsQ! Can't wait to download it. In fact, I don't think I ever downloaded your last vid--the AU one you said would upset LuNacy fans....could you repost it?

I FINALLY saw last week's Tracy scenes this morning before work. I hate to be the cheese, standing alone on this, but I really don't like her new haircut. I think it's too harsh for her--I prefer it either softer, or short. Okay, not short anymore, because she's too old to pull off that butch cut she was sporting when she was on The City. (Personally, I loved her City hair--I thought it looked sharp and professional. YMMV.)

I read the spoilers, and I have to admit, I can't wait for Luke to get back and Tracy to get into a non-Lulu storyline (if such a thing exists). I mean, I love that she cares about the kid, but every time she goes out of her way to try to help her and Lulu just spits it back in her face, I get a little more perturbed. I like Lulu, and I like the relationship between her and and Tracy. But I hate how ungrateful they paint her out to be in regards to Tracy. Anybody knowing Tracy's history knows she only puts herself out for family, and usually only when it's in her best interest. Tracy, in the last year, has been more selfless and giving than she has in her entire life, and this little girl is just too self-involved to appreciate it.

Oi. Kids today!

OT, how was everybody's weekend? Did you all celebrate DanaMas by watching the Dana Ivey film of your choice? I had seaweed salad for the first time yesterday (it was DELISH) and watched Rush Hour 3 (don't bother--it was offensive and unfunny, except for the five minute scene Dana was in as a nun, and even she couldn't save it for me and Fey.) Here's a hint--if you're fat, female, French, Iranian, intelligent, Chinese, American, a cab driver, or a citizen of any country on the planet, you will probably find something to offend you. Ticks me off, too, because I liked the first two movies and was really looking forward to it. *sigh* Well, at least there's the new Amy Palladino thing to look forward to this spring.....

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Ms.Q, Hope you had a good trip and had lots of fun. I just watched your vid and I loved it! It was just what I needed because what I am about to post has sent by blood pressure throught the roof. I got this from SoapZone in the news and gossip column. BEWARE!!!!

Genie Francis will awaken Laura Spencer for another November Sweeps, and beyond this time. :angry::angry::angry:

I have to say that I am going through some major LuNacy withdrawal and I am at that point that I don't want to watch anymore. All I have to say is that when Tony gets back in October his ass (pardon my french) better stay through the holidays I mean Thanksgiving, Christmas and especially New Year's. Otherwise I'm outta here!

TracyLuv, to answer your question about the Character Game at Hella Good, while I did vote once and a while the race between Luke and Sam took forever to finish. And as for the couple game, I can't remember. ;) Sorry!

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Oh say it ain't so! Doesn't do anything to my blood presure, but makes my stomach drop out. Wouldn't this be under the category TG refered to in the article Ms. Q, scaned as "picking scabs off the past", or something like that. They shouldn't have brought her back last fall, it just ignited those old fans who want the past relived. You just can't go there - not in soaps, not in real life. Unless they want to finally put the last nail in her fictional coffin....

BTW, great vid., Ms. Q.

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~Repost of A/R LuNacy Video~

SENDSPACE: http://www.sendspace.com/file/oms31w

MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7O8G66FW

YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McVSlnIuvgI

About the hair...I didn't like it last week, but I liked it with the pink jacket ('cause it had oomph). Yes, I HAD to go there...Again. Totally agree on the Lulu front.

nex! Why are you brining that bad news over here?! :P Kidding. Thanks for the heads up. Luckily, SZ Gossip section seems to be wrong all the time. I did some "SoapDish Research," and they're not too confident on that "spoiler" either. Well, there was one poster, who said Carolyn from SZ knows Billy Warlock, who is a close friend to Kin Shriner, who is a close friend to Genie Francis, so there's a chance the information is accurate, but...We're not going there, okay? :P Actually, let's go there. GF only wants to work summers, right? And TG is off the summers. How are they going to do Luke/Laura then? Also, Jane Elliot got tons of good material last time Genie Francis returned. She could get tons of good material again. Right? :D Just trying to be positive. Smile, guys. Tracy's on Wednesday.

About the weekend...Vacation was a good one. Nice and relaxing (well, the first day wasn't too relaxing since we drove up there and were at at Water Park/Amusement Park until 11 that night). But it was much fun overall. I'm ready to do it again!

On the HellaGood front...I posted an announcement (kind of) and We All Need LuNacy. Maybe we can get dorian, TracyLukeSpencer, and RedHot to vote. Oh, that reminds me: RedHot has a LuNacy anniversary fic up! It's GREAT. And regarding the Couple Game, this was the first time they've done it, I believe. So, since there was no game last time, there was no winner. ;)

Glad you liked the video remos and nex!

Now, I must go on with "real life" activities..."See" you all later!

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