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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Lainey, well I guess I'll miss ya. I am leaving tomorrow morning til Thursday late night. Hope to catch up next weekend. We are in the breakroom now.

BTW...drum roll please....we have a new member of team tracy!!!! LadyAshton has finally succumbed to the peer pressure placed upon her tonight in the breakroom and signed up for a hellagood account!!! One more vote for TQ each day and Lunacy! YAY!!!!!


But wait...she is having a problem...she can log on, but can't agree to the rules....did anyone else have that problem? What do you do?

Edit again!!!!

I won the prize....I won the prize....PAGE 400!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't even realize it til i just logged back in. Where is my signed newspaper by JE???

Edit again and again

Remos just signed up too! Two recruits in one night...I'm on fire!!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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I know you were kidding, Hooked, so was I! Frankly I think when Tracy has won you should all put that thing on your avatars or whatever. And no, if you can't read my story for a while it's not too late. All it does is give me more time to edit, so works for me. Have a great time on your trip though.

Lainey, I, too, can't wait for a story...

Colette, I'm all about the I 'tried to vote' button!! That's awesome

Edited by knh
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Congrats on turning the 400th page hooked!! :P haha. When I noticed it was turned I was like WTMF!!! And I JUST KNEW it was you. Enjoy your virtual prize!

Yes, Remos, and Lady Ashton I believe that once you register, you are sent an email to activate the account and then you have to wait for them to approve your account for posting. I just think it's a little strange that is was not approved shortly after the activation.

On the HellaGood front: Good news - We did a great job for our girl today in the character game! There were 15 votes for our girl today, but the Sam supporters took 9 of them away. That's okay because at the end of the day Tracy went up 6 points total which means Sam lost 6 points. Keep it going guys. The score at the end of Friday was: Tracy: 214!, Sam: 86.

As for the couples game... there are 5 couples left of the original 30. Luke/Tracy are in the lead with 178! and the next highest after them is Robert/Holly with 47 points. woohoo!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Thanks for the info... I'm checking it out right now than. Hope it works!!

WOOHOO!!! guess who got it to work?! Apparently none of my posts were going through b/c it only said 1 post. I hit 5 now and I'm voting away!!

Edited by knh
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Lainey's in Houston!!! (For a nano-second. Don't blink)

I'm at the Bush Airport.... were you here, Hooked? I don't feel your vibes (ha!).

Going to Houston was the only way to get out of dodge.. er New Orleans.. fast! And I needed out of NOLA FAST! Thae place drives me a little nutso.

Be home in about four hours. Yeah! Catch you later!

(all I want to do tonight is laundry, sushi... and write! Yeah!)


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Congrats on your prize, hooked!

Lovin' the HG voter drive. Too funny!

Any luck with logging in Lady A? I think they made it so you have to reply to all of the admin posts before you get cleared to actually post.

Colette: I love the button! Too cute! I might have to swipe that for my signature. :)

We're away on vacation and I've had a scare with my laptop. It had a freak out and now it won't stay on. :( The warranty has expired, so I think we're going to have to take it in to be looked at. Trouble is, I have no idea where to take it. Think good laptop thoughts for me! This is our "good" laptop. The other one is old and not as reliable as it once was. Sniffle!

Good thing my folks have their laptop...wouldn't want to miss out on voting! ;)

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Well, Hooked, hope you're reading this. My membership (thank you very much) at HG has been validated - after having to run their security gauntlet. Do they have state secrets or something? My husband has free rein with all our nation's modes of transportation, and my security background check for his job wasn't this demanding.

Oh well, I'm in. As of my vote (now that I can finally say I have one), Tracy was 213 and Sam 87; while LuNacy was 188 with Robert/Holly next at 46.

Now, turning to this week, are we getting much of TQ? Someone obviously gets better spoilers than I see. Is this the week she pushes the DNA test?

In for a penny, in for a pound. Might as well go all the way with these online chats. I just realized I don't have a avitar (that's what they're called, right?) and I don't know how to get one or how to put it on. All of you are much more savy than I.

Edited by remos
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