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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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In the breakroom with hooked and TracyLuv...


knh, glad you like it!


At HellaGood, Tracy needs YOUR support. She lost 8 points in a row today. Oy.

EDIT: I'll be on vacation tomorrow (Friday) through Sunday, so I won't be around here. Will miss you all!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ms. Q, TOTALLY ROCKIN' new avatar and banner!! I see you are catching up on the TQ stuff you missed while you were in Mexico.

Hooked, Glad to hear that Josh is doing better. :)

HELLA GOOD UPDATE: Tracy has lost points. This should not be happening. arrgghhh! In the 5 weeks or so since I started playing this game, she has NEVER gone down by the end of the day. At the very least she might have stayed at the same score or moved up by one point. She usually gains anywhere from 2 to 8 points a day. Now she lost a total of 6 points by the end of the day - that's ALOT! It seems that there a couple of new players all of a sudden and the HG admins are coming out of the woodwork for this one. REMEMBER TO VOTE! :)

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In the breakroom tonight, we found out some very important information (for us TQ fans, that is...)

<TracyLove> I didn't say that in my post though, 'cause it aint a hill I wanna die on. LOL to quote Tracy heehee

<Ms. Q> wait, she said that once?

>Ms. Q> when?

<hooked> yeah she did

<hooked> when you were in mexico

Ah, when I was in Mexico. Of course. <_<

<TracyLove> Alan gave her credit for never mentioning it to Luke

<Ms. Q > aw man, anyone got a date? or remember what she was wearing?

<TracyLove> and Tracy said, that's not a hill I wanna die on. LOL

Ms. Q awaits the details...

<TracyLove> I think it was the day the trial ended

<hooked> maybe that silver jacket

<hooked> after she got home and left luke there and said "Ill be at home if you need me" and he

<hooked> SAID "okay babe"

Ms. Q searches her clips...

<Ms. Q> found it

<TracyLove> good

<hooked> 6/7/07

<hooked> I think

<Ms. Q> went too far, hold on

<Ms. Q> wait...the clip is cut off!!!

<Ms. Q> :(

<Ms. Q> no wait, missing a whole scene, i think

<TracyLove> what? whyis it cut off?

<Ms. Q> aw man!!!

<Ms. Q> hold on

<Ms. Q> let me rewind

<TracyLove> why is it cut off

<Ms. Q> it's not cut off...i mean, like 2 words are...but...the scene before is not included

<Ms. Q> i've never seen this hill scene, i don't think...let me rewind a bit

<Ms. Q> ok, it's not there, at least i'm not slipping haha

<Ms. Q> i was like, "i don't EVER remember that line"

And there's more...

<TracyLove> wrong date?

<Ms. Q> no right date...nex accidentally left it out...the scene with alan/tracy in the den when luke says "am i going somewhere?" is not included

<TracyLove> get out? so we don't have it either?

<hooked> ah man

<hooked> can you still get it from hellagood you think?

<Ms. Q> yeah, you won't have it either...yeah, i'm gonna check

<TracyLove> do you think that HG still has it or SM.net?

<hooked> or somethingmore.net

<hooked> [!@#$%^&*]...I don't have it either...boo hoo

<Ms. Q> am downloading from hella good now

<Ms. Q> will post the scene tonight

Ms. Q posts the scene...Finally.

Here's the scene:

SENDSPACE: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mocz3d

MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LUT3E7TZ

Credit Geena.

Important Note: This post, in no way, is directed towards nex. Julie, we appreciate it so much when you edit the clips for us. I know it's not very fun to do. If you want, I'll take over for some of the next episodes since you did all that editing while I was in Mexico. (or you can keep the job too...Haha. Whatever you want will be fine). :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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You guys are cracking me up with the voting. Any of you creative banner/avatar makers out there wanna make up a "I vote for Tracy" banner??? LOL

So ms. Q--good thing you didn't put our whole conversation on the thread--ha ha! No wonder why that took so long to post! Hope you have a fun weekend away!

BSG--Hope you have a good trip. Catch you next week.

Remos...if you are home today, post a link to the BR...I am home all day doing laundry/packing, etc

I wish I had time to write something today as I have this story swirling around my head...it might have to wait til I get back.

Hope you all have a good Friday! MinervaFan---hope your day is better today!

Colette--sorry we missed you last night.

Lainey--are you home yet?

LA--Where are the "goods" today?

TL--catch you late night tonight! If anyone is around, come join us late night in the BR...my last night to chat for a week!

knh Will try to read your story today...sorry it is taking me so long...

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Hey there, Hooked! Oh and I am glad your son is better now, by the way. I will let you know if I'm around late tonight.

This whole voting business is getting quite comical. I second the "I voted" sticker. If I have a free moment today, I will see what I can do on that.

Nex, why not show the love, I appreciate your clips VERY MUCH, too! I thought I was losing my mind and forgot to upload a day when I was watching that one on my iPod the other night. Thanks Ms.Q for posting! And have a great vacation. I could use one, lol.

Yes, Remos, if you and Hooked are around I may be, too. I'll be checking in.

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I made the button, but I don't really like the lettering on "Join the Tracy love." It was so small that I couldn't find a font that made it clear. Alright, tell me what you think:



EDIT: Okay so there is that annoying white behind it because I rotated it. Give me a minute and I will post the straight one.


EDIT: Page 399! Almost 400! Here is the straight one.

EDIT: I know, another edit, but the straight one is much clearer. And I wish I rotated the other a tiny bit less. I have a perfectionism problem..

Edited by Colette
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Love the banners for voting Colette!! Too funny! We need to use those on all our Hellagood accounts...and add "Team Tracy". LOL!!

Page 399--woo woo! Who will win the 400 prize?

OK Ms Q--I went back and rewatched and then watched the clip from 3/30-05 with Tracy/Dillon after Alan's hit and run...like the hair so much better here! Like the cut and the style and the oomph...whew...I was worried we were not in "hair sync" after all. Compared to the other, this was way better. Although I thought she looked really good still in the 7/12 one!

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