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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ok... thanks for that helpful little hint cuz I had no clue!! I guess I did a little. I mean I knew that they would get paid after they get me something from my work, but I couldn't imagine them not getting paid at all so I more or less thought it was just a timing issue and if I don't make some mad cash I'd be SOL in the paying them department, so really, thanks for cluing me in!

Mrs. Q- congrats!!! glad to hear you tested well.

Angel hope your brother's feeling better soon. It sucks to be sick in the summer when you should be on a beach or something somewhere.

Alright guys! I'm off to dreamland, wishing for a little TQ/JE magic tomorrow. Hopefully my day won't be too stressful. It's fieldtrip day and i have to take my kids to the beach. (let me just say it's not the way I like to go to the beach) I have my ten kids, including 1 with serius developmental problems, one who is just a worldclass wackadoo (her brother is very autistic and I'm convinced she is too), her brother (yup, got 'em both) and 1 who just seems more and more like he's got some issues. The teacher that I go with from the preschool class complains day in and day out that it's so hard and she has to watch all these kids with their problems and she has no help from any of the parents (who are technically supposed to go with us if their kids has a legit problem, which is 2 of the 3 parents of the above kids). She said it the other day and I finally turned around and said "hey Lori, I don't want to hear it anymore. I have 3 of the 4 kids you just mentioned in my group so relax" I kinda said it as a joke and she laughed at it, me come one!! 3/4 and we had 29 kids total with 3 teachers last time we went. It's gonna be hell cuz no parents ever want to go when they could be doing what they want. Argh!!!!

Oh just thought I'd mention, see if anyone else read it (it's sad we have to find so much other stuff to talk about without TQ on. Not sad cuz I love it, but you know what I mean) I just finished a book called Sarah by Marek Halter. My aunt told me about it. It was awesome. It was about the biblical Sarah so I hope that doesn't turn too many off. I'm catholic, but I'm not so religious that I read these things very often, or really even go to church, so I'm not trying to push this becuase of that but it was such a good story. Ok, just wanted to se if anyone has heard of it.

Guess I stuck around a little longer

Have a good night all!

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Happy Birthday hookedongh!

I guess July wasn't a big birthday month on the board. It is in my family. My nephew's was the 11th, mine the 26th and my mother's was the 30th. I have a huge family, so every month is filled with birthdays. There are now 4 people (new nephew) with a birthday on June 26th!

Thank you for the condolences about my grandmother. I will miss her very much.

I got to see my extended family for the graduations and weddings recently, but the funeral brought out more family. I wish we had not been together for that purpose though. That's how it is sometimes.

Where is Tracy?? :unsure:

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Happy birthday, Carrie! Hope you have a great day, jet-lag notwithstanding. And happy belated birthday, PinkPopsicle!

Keith, that comment about seeing Jane and Leann do something together just came out all wrong, didn't it? :D I'd love to see them acting together, too..... B) B)

When the heck is Tracy going to be back on this show? I haven't watched it for two weeks....

LMFAO: Smirks has created a Simpsons version of the GH cast. Luke and Tracy crack me up. I want an icon.


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Hi everyone. I've arrived, safe and sound. Everything I put on my PDA while I was in the Breakroom the other night, was gone my the time I set down in Montreal. I was NOT amused. Luckily everything has it's backups, and my friends have many computers!

I haven't heard of this one, but another I'd recommend (in the same vein) is The Red Tent, about Miriam. I agree, you don't have to be religious to enjoy these - they're great stories about iconic women.

Can't stay long, Happy Birthday, Hooked; hope there is some TQ for everyone - at least potential spoilers, if not the real thing. Went to a dinner theatre with my friend last night, and the people we sat with remembered me when I was a small child. There's something unsettling about seeing people who remember me and my mother (who has been dead 10 years) and I have no idea who they are!

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What is up today? I spent the entire morning in panic mode because I thought I'd lost our rent payment for this month (I didn't, thank god). NOW, my necklace with all my rings on it is CAUGHT in my work badge and I can't get it out.

I just want to take a nap now. Oi.

Is Tracy supposed to be on this week at all? MsQ, weren't we supposed to get some Oh, Baby when you got back? *taps impatiently*

Please, somebody, fix today, okay?

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WARNING: This post is kind of huge. I hope things don't get read over. :o



Glad to hear that your day was a GREAT one!



Here's hoping you're not too jet-lagged. Enjoy your special day!

knh, good luck with the beach field trip. We once took the kids to downtown Chicago, and I thought that was nuts. I can't even imagine being on the beach with a bunch of little maniacs.

remos, glad to hear things were backed-up!

MinervaFan, thanks for sharing smirks' creation. Too funny. Must have taken a long time to make. But smirks, you know I have to ask: Why didn't you give her OOMPHY hair? J/K. :P

Forgive me for laughing. :lol: Hope it's all good now. This reminds me of the time in 8th grade when a girl got the coil part of the spiral notebook stuck in her hair. LOL.

About Tracy!TV...From what I've read, there is no indication that she'll be on this week OR next week. We'll probably be waiting until the week of the 13th, my friends.

In other Tracy news...My aunt thinks Jane Elliot should dye her hair blonde. Last night was the first time we discussed GH since May and she commented on Tracy's entrance to the Q's in the robe and blonde wig, saying that the hair made her look 10 years younger, and that it suits her much better. IMO, I think it was more so the no-makeup, soft, natural look that made her look younger. Definitely NOT the big, fluffy wig (even though I prefer that to the greasy, flattened post-Alan's death hair). On a similar topic, my aunt did approve of her latest wardrobe choice/hair style. Don't we all? LOL. Even my sister!

Were the 2 super cool videos not good enough? :P Actually, though, you have good timing. I intended on posting 2 updates today in honor of hooked's (and now, pinkpopsicle's) birthday! But, MinervaFan, you already know what's happening in these chapters 'cause you looked them over for me. More updates will be posted soon though!


CHAPTER 88: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2853850/88/Oh_Baby

CHAPTER 89: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2853850/89/Oh_Baby

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Thanks. She's the only thing keeping me watching DAYS lately lol. Jane Elliot and Leann Hunley together in something.....now that would be ah-mazing!

So last night my mother decided to take my brother to the hospital, at midnight! So yeah we get there, he has some kind of viral infection. They tested him for strep, both the short test and the long. He tested positive for the short and we don't know about the long yet. But the thing is...everytime they tested me w/ the short i *always* tested positive, actually they started testing me when i wasn't even sick and i still was positive...but a lot of the times the short was positive the long one wasn't. So now my mom thinks that he doesn't have it because he tested positive. Me: WTF?...but yeah they prescribed a cream for the rash and an antibiotic for strep and my mom is probably not gonna give him the antibiotic. *sighs* Yeah I'm just kinda like w/e right now, she's his mother not me.


Happy (belated) birthday pinkpopsicle and Happy birthday Carrie!!!!!!!!!!!!

MsQ, you are the best! Loved both chapters!

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OMG--You guys are so nice with all the birthday wishes! I just got home around noon today. Unpacked five suitcases and five carry on bags, did three loads of wash, paid my bills which I forgot to pay before I left, have to leave to go pick up my dog in a few minutes....

But most importantly...just downloaded all the new videos and stories to read. Can't wait.

So good to be home. Had a great trip. Bar Mitzvah went well...I gotta post a pic of my son with his hawaiin shirt and his lei (sp?) and his tallit (which is like this shawl thing you wear in temple). Too funny.

The inlaws/parents all got along fine. My MIL does not shut up for two seconds though....

The wild dolphin swim was amazing and we saw a pod of pilot whales which was just incredible (we were not in the water then).

The volcano national park was interesting...

Lainey--I will give you a whole hawaii scoop email today or tomorrow

Deb please tell Fey I am so sorry to hear about her father and she is in my thoughts. That was so nice of you co-workers/boss to be so understanding--the way people SHOULD be!

TL--LOVE LOVE LOVE my b-day wallpaper!

MS Q---yeah you are back, I am back!!

Awesome about Hellagood standings!!!

Nex--thanks for posting the clips...happy early b-day to you

BSG--hope to catch you later tonight!

Pinkpopsicle So sorry to hear about your grandmother...I know how hard it is to lose your grandma! I still miss mine more than I can say every single day.

LadyAshton She mailed me those city tapes, so I should get them in the next day or two then I will send them to you!

OKAY.....Party in the breakroom tonight!!!! Starting at what....8pm central???? Be there or be square!!!

I have so much Tivo to catch up on...but at least I can ff through most of GH!

Okay..gotta go pick up my dog now but wanted to post!

Thanks for all the welcome back and birthday messages. I missed you guys so much!

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Welcome Home HOOKED!!!! Glad you like the wallpaper, it's got ALL 15 LuNacy kisses, their 5 hugs, and misc. kisses: cheek, head, hand, etc. :). Gosh I miss them soooo much. I am so happy you are back and that you had a great trip. I might be working late tonite so I wouldn't get home until about 11pm easter. So save me a piece of cake if I don't make it back in time. Then again I could get off early if I get an extra.

SOC Posters: I posted a new thread over at SOC called "Where's my Girl TRACY" please post there and bump up if possible. I mean everyone else gets what they want when they post over there: Scrubs baby, Lucky/Sam, s/l for Lainey. So it wouldn't hurt our girl. Besides its an opportunity to spread the Tracy love.

Everyone else: comments on fics, greetings, hiya doin's later. I am running late for work. :)

Oh, almost forgot, here is the link to SOC thread: Where's My Girl TRACY?

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Hey...we can make it later TL!!! I am too tired to go out for a b-day dinner. I just want to hop into my pjs and watch the sad lonely episode of GH (plus the one scene from the next day)! I would rather catch up with you guys!!


Ms. Q--did you ever see the article where SC and JE got performers of the week that SC mentioned or an interviewer mentioned to him?

Also...did SON change it's format? Colors are different..etc...

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Happy Happy Birthday Carrie!

Gald to have you back and that you had a good trip in Hawaii. Sorry but I will not be able to make it to the breakroom party tonight because I have to go to a Birthday part for a friend tonight. :( Have fun and eat lots of virtual cake and ice cream for me. :D Oh, and if you want to know where Diane Keaton lives so you can see her or at least her house next time you are in Laguna Beach, just let me know, because I saw her over the weekend chillin' with her kids!

Ms,Q, I read your Oh Baby updates and loved them!!! And I can't remember if I gave you feedback on your vids here, but I did on You Tube, BTW I loved them.

Ok gotta run!!!

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