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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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ok, as much as this may not be a very popular thing with this crowd I kinda want Tracy to stay in Shadybrook. I really want all those stories people have been coming up with or anything about him getting her out of there. I know he had reasons to get Laura out, but he'd have no other reason than helping her and for his own benifit to get Tracy out. I think it would lead to something great!! that's just me.

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hey knh!! I'm in the breakroom with remos, if you're around!

I kind of agree with you about SB. I want Luke to live up to his promise that he would come home to her. Tracy has never been a woman who has ever needed saving. But she deserves to have Luke dump the catatonic one and come back and face his commitment to her and having him get her out of SB would be a good place to start.

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BSG, LOVE your new avie!

knh, congrats on getting the 95! Glad it worked out for you. I was more than a bit apprehensive about watching Tracy be carted off to Shadybrook, and was freaked at the thought of her being alone and desperate there. But it worked out okay. (Actually I'm surprised she's not running the place. LOL that would be too funny!!) So now I've changed my tune: I want her to still be there when Luke comes back. I want HIM to get her out of there. Some more screentime in the meantime would be good though while she's/we're waiting.

nex, thanks for the spoiler.

Ms. Q, I snagged the TraLu banner, I am going to use it on HellaGood along with the other one. Thanks! I snagged the Dillon/Tracy banner too, but well, you all know I LOVES me some TraLu more. :D

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knh, hope the sinus infection is better son! :D

I agree with the Shady Brook comments. If she's in there until October, Luke might just be the one to rescue her -- not that she needs rescuing. ;)

Keith, post more often!!! I miss Dillon too! :(

TracyLuv, you can't steal the Trillon!!! Not if you're a TraLu fan first!!! J/K. :P

Not that it's super noticeable, but I upped the sharpness on the avatar.

In other avatar news, those who visit GHVT will see a new one there!

remos, just want to say again, have a safe trip! Have lots of fun too!

hooked, you're getting back soon, aren't you? What is with people returning just as someone else leaves?!? LOL.

I've recently posted on LuNacy: A Luke and Tracy Fan Forum, if anyone wants to also post. This is "home" to a lot of us, I know, but I figured it wouldn't cause any harm to support a board entirely dedicated to LuNacy.

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You're right in that she was never one to need saving, but she damn well deserves someone who would want to save her anyway!

Ok, I'll be back in soon, I was just checking in right now. I'm done with classes and pictures so hopefully when my mom gets home we can go to the gym (the perils of not having a license) cuz otherwise I'll ahve to start running again and, let me tell ya, not a fan!

PS, my writing teacher is giving me a ton of info on what mags to send my stories to and she also agreed to help me out with my novel!! I told her I always have my cousin but I don't really know him that well so I don't know what kind of help I can get so I'd like any advice I can get from her and she said she'll read it when I'm totally done and see what she can help me with. I'm hoping she can give me some places to send it. I heard it's better to self publish when you write if you don't have an agent b/c without representation it is very hard to get anyone to look at something. Being that I am 22 and flat-ass broke I don't think I can offord an agent right now so this is my best shot.

ok, I think I'll be on later if anyone is around.

Staci, so glad to have you back, the board always seems to fill up when you're around here!!

Carrie, I hope you're having a great last day (this is your last day, right? you come home on Thursday?) If I'm wrong than have a great last few days, but I miss ya. I know I haven't gotten to talk to you very much lately. A bit of cheery news for you though... with my vacation comes 2 weeks of having to do absolutely no required drawings or class writing or other homework, so all my freetime at night is going to my book for ya! Sorry, I can't spare the days, but I'll be spending it with my ohsocute cousins and hiking and yoga classes and things like that. As I don't drive, don't know anyone else, and don't know my way around anything but hermosa beach and the area they live in now I won't really be going anywhere at night so they're all yours! Hopefully I can get a lot done.

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Staci, I adore both videos! Love both songs too haha. I can't even begin to say how much you rock!

I'm really thinking I'm not ever gonna be cut out to be a mom. *sighs* My brother has been having a fever off and on for a few days, sore throat, and now he has this rash all over him and I have no idea wth it is. I'm thinking its either chickenpox, measles (not so much), or mumps...idk I just wish I could do something for him. I mean he's not complaining or anything (thank god) but still. Its not like I can give him anything for the fever cuz my mom won't allow him to have any kind of medicine cuz she thinks it'll screw him up or w/e (yeah she's really starting to piss me off with that, my aunt feels the same way). I have no [!@#$%^&*] clue where my mom stashed the thermometer and I'm just...frazzled. M dearest said she thinks its strep (sp?) but i really don't think it is, I mean I've had it more times that I would've liked so I would know if it was strep. Uuuggghhhh I just really don't know and its bothering me. *sighs* yeah I'm probably just overreacting but still.......

I'm really looking forward to Tracy being on again, it seems like its been way too long.

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TOMORROW, August 2: hooked

August 7: nex

August 26 tracyluver

August is going to be a PARTY month!

Thanks everyone for the video feedback! Those 2 videos were some of the most fun I've ever made. Seems like they were fun to watch as well. :)

angel, my guess would be strep as well, although I never (knock on wood) got the rash that went with it, so I don't know. But...If it is strep, is he on antibiotics? Or wait...That might count as medicine that your mother doesn't want him to take. Is there a relative you can call maybe to help you out? I hope everything works out. Hang in there.

knh, that is such great news about the novel! Teachers can be so helpful and wonderful at times, can't they? And well at other times...No comment. :mellow: And I'm glad to be back too! I just have to learn to limit myself a bit. I guess once I start student teaching, I'll have no choice but to cut back.

OT, but I scored Intermediate High on the Oral Proficiency Interview, and that's what Illinois and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages required of me! Woo! Advanced Low would've been a nice surprise, but I am not complaining.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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ICAM! Luke, my friend, when you return you better step it up!

That's great news that your teacher wants to help you get your work published. Re: an agent...no reputable agent takes money from clients. They make their money of a percentage (usually 15%) of their clients' advances and of sales of subsidiary rights for their clients' work. Check out http://www.publishersmarketplace.com/. A lot of big agents have listings there and their submissions guidelines.

PS. I know what you mean about the license thing! I only got mine a few years ago. It was nice to finally have it in hand, though I hardly ever actually drive. LOL.

Wooohoo! That's good news! Congratulations. I think Intermediate High sounds better than Advanced Low any way! :)

Edit: Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edited by brownstonegirl
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An early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Hooked!

And welcome home, Carrie!

Uh.. I agree with BSG.. Intermediate High DOES sound better than Advanced Low!!!! Regardless, I'm glad you're happy, Ms. Q!!!

Me? I'm stressed as hell! Work is driving me nutso. I can't sleep, which is making it worse. August was always going to be hot hell for me. And now.. gulp.. August is HERE! Cr@p!

Edited by LaineyBev714
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