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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the video feedback, Lainey. :)

So...In Mozilla FireFox, this is what I get on Wikipedia:

Edward "Ned" Ashton (son, with Larry Ashton)

Unnamed Child (abortion unknown father)

Dillon Quartermaine (son, with Paul Hornsby)

Lucas Lorenzo "Lucky" Spencer Jr. (step-son)

Lesley Lu "Lulu" Spencer (step-daughter)

Elizabeth Webber (step-daughter-in-law)

But, in Internet Explorer, I get this:

Edward "Ned" Ashton (son, with Larry Ashton)

Nathan Scott Baldwin (Son,Scott Baldwin; deceased)

Dillon Quartermaine (son, with Paul Hornsby)

Lucas Lorenzo "Lucky" Spencer Jr. (step-son)

Lesley Lu "Lulu" Spencer (step-daughter)

Elizabeth Webber (step-daughter-in-law)

Seems as someone thought he/she could pass this made up son as Tracy's aborted child...except, we that it was an Italian man (right?), and Scotty doesn't fit that description.

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Ms. Q, LOVE LOVE LOVE your new vid!!!! LOVE all the Yummy LuNacy kisses!

oh, and I already emailed Hooked about the Tracy/Dillon savefile thing. Nex, did you copy the info from the breakroom?

Speaking of Hooked, Carrie, says 'hello" to everyone and she said that her bar mitzvah boy Justin, did her proud!!

Mazal Tov Justin!

Current scores at the HellaGood Games show that Tracy/LuNacy are kicking some serious @$$ BIG TIME!!

As of right this second the scores are:

Character Game: Lucky: 61, Sam: 81, Tracy: 158!!!!

Couples Game: LuNacy (Luke/Tracy): 95 !!!! The next highest couple after them is Robert and Holly:26

Woohoo for Tracy/LuNacy - YEAH! Keep up the voting, gang!

Edited by TracyLuv
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MsQ, I just finished watching your vid. Suh-WEET. Remember when we could count the LuNacy kisses on one hand? :D I love this muchly.

Sorry about the real-life OT, but I needed to share this with you guys. I don't know how many of you read my LiveJournal account, but we found out Friday morning that Fey's father had passed away the night before of lung cancer. He had been fighting it for many years, and we were told not to worry when he went into the hospital, that they were sure he would be out in a few days. We were unable to travel to Missouri for the funeral on Monday, so we're trying to deal with it here. One amazing, astounding bright light in all this--I have a wonderful boss and teammates, and I work for a wonderful company. I found out about Fey's dad on my lunch break Friday, and basically told my supervisor I was leaving for the rest of the day. She didn't bat an eye, told me to hit the road, she'd make it happen with my personal time. My team, which is woefully understaffed, rallied around me, even though my leaving would put them THREE PEOPLE understaffed. They insisted I didn't worry, don't think about them, just go take care of Fey. (Ya'll, I'm tearing up here.) And then last night, I found out that my supervisor called Fey's mom (we don't have an answering machine) to tell me she'd arranged bereavement leave for me--gave me Friday afternoon off, and I can take Monday and Tuesday off if I need it, and it won't go against my personal time or stats.

Ya'll, I live in the heart of the Bible belt. The first week I got here, the big news story was of a gay man who had been murdered (for supposedly "coming on" to a guy), stuffed in a suitcase, and tossed into Rough River. I have lost jobs when my coworkers realized I was gay. I have been told, to my face, that God hates me and I will go to Hell for being (and I quote) a "fat, lazy dyke." I have been threatened and mocked.

And yesterday, my coworkers validated my relationship in a way I can never truly explain to someone who hasn't been there. Yesterday and Friday, they said in no uncertain terms, "you are married." They said that Fey was my wife as much in their minds and hearts as if we had been a straight couple, as if some judge had signed a piece of paper.

I live in Bush country, ya'll. I live in a place where you see "W" stickers proudly displayed and you get stared at funny if you suggest that the current administration is doing something wrong. Two of my teammates are Born-Again Christians who don't believe in evolution. And still, my teammates rallied round me.

It's a good day in Hicksville, ya'll. Now, if only we can get Tracy to come back on the show.

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MinervaFan: I'm sorry to hear about Fey's father passing. Sending you both good thoughts in this difficult time. I'm glad to hear your co-workers have rallied around you!

Ms. Q: The video was AWESOME! I think it might be my new favorite. Reminded of all the reasons I heart TQ and LuNacy. Ok, Luke time to dump the catatonic one in Switzerland and come home to your wife.

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Oh WOW, Thanks Ms. Q. That was amazing! I know the video is for everyone, but I'm still treating it as a personal gift!

And MinervaFan, I'm keeping you and Fey in my prayers. I've spent a few conferences with the red neck variety of my faith group, and they can surprise you from time to time. Glad to see that this was one of those times.

Edited by remos
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TracyLuv, I had a good idea that you would love all those kisses at the end! Thanks for the feedback!

MinervaFan, of course I remember! I used to have the dates memorized too! And each kiss had a name. Haha. On another note, I'm very sorry to hear about Fey's father's passing. But I'm glad that your teammates rallied around you. You both will be in my thoughts.

BSG, ooh, the video might be a new favorite? I'm so excited! After awhile, I feel all my videos start looking the same. And LOL about dumping Laura in Switzerland.

remos, thanks for the comments on the video!


  • Erika Slezak on Jane Elliot: "I think that Jane Elliot can do no wrong. One of the reasons that I watch the show is Jane. I stop everything when she comes on. She is wonderful. She's bitchy and nasty and mean, but it's all done in humor."
May 21, 1990: http://members.tripod.com/erika_slezak/ESFC/dayinlife.htm

  • Scott Clifton on Jane Elliot: "She is an amazing actress. So professional and kind. But you better come to the set prepared, or she will tell you to step it up."
May 19, 2007: http://www.creators.com/lifestylefeatures/...2007-05-19.html

  • ELQ DISTRIBUTES FAULTY CONDOMS: Autographed PC Herald Newspaper on Ebay (features SD, LC, JI, and JE).
Posted July 2007: http://cgi.ebay.com/LCFC-PC-Herald-Quarter...3QQcmdZViewItem

In other news, we have "On Demand" at our house on the TV in the basement, and I decided to see if I could watch some complimentary episodes of The Facts of Life. :lol: (This will lead to Jane Elliot;; don't worry). Didn't really know how to find them and my sister was too lazy to get out of the bed to help me, so I fiddled around a bit. And GUESS WHAT? I didn't find The Facts of Life, but I did find CHANGE OF HABIT!!!!

I've seen some clips (Thanks Deb), but never the entire movie! Jane Elliot was freakin' adorable. I was a bit distracted because Elvis reminded me so much of Goran Visnijic (Luke Kovac on NBC's ER) and Sister Irene reminded me of Lainey Winters (physically). And well, I couldn't watch Sister Michelle without thinking, "Mary Tyler Moore." And Sister Barbara was kind of like watching a younger Tracy. Am I making sense? Anyway, I did enjoy the movie, and it was neat seeing Jane Elliot onscreen and being like, "That's what she looked like when she was my age!" :lol:

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Umm. I kind of love that Erika Slezak is a JE fan. Thanks for sharing the treats, Ms. Q!

I'm doing work and hiding from the monstrous thunderstorms we've been having all day. Pout. :( If anyone wants to drop by the breakroom and say hi, I'd love any distraction. LOL. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


I just checked this link out. Is it just me or did JE add an exclamation point to the end of the headline? :lol:

Edited by brownstonegirl
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Thank you for all the kind words. Fey is doing okay, although she has yet to hear word one from her mother. Seriously, it's been four days, and her mother has called twice--to talk to me about work! Not once, after the initial news came out, did she ask how Fey was doing, or ask to talk to her. Can you freaking imagine? *rolls eyes*

Anyway, I have a short little fic set right after Tuesday's episode (with Nikolas). It's short, but hopefully powerful. Can't do much more right now, but I'm keeping my mind on track. EDIT: Might help if I included the URL, huh? http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/90318.html

And yeah, BSG, JE did add an exclamation point to the headline! :D

Edited by MinervaFan
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I'm very sorry to hear of Fey's father's passing Deb.

And I do want to say something, and maybe it should be better kept to PM's but since it really applies to us all, might as well do it here, right??|

First off, Yes, I am a Christian, as I recently stated.

And I do know you have to give your heart and life to Jesus in order to make Heaven.

It's not my belief, it's what I know. And I contemplated even saying anything, but I've made up my mind, I have to stand up for faith and not be ashamed.

I *am* ashamed that anyone ever calling themselves a Christian would tell you God hated you. God doesn't hate people.

He DOES hate sin, but he hates the sins of ALL people, even those who are Christians (because just because we're saved doesn't mean we're perfect. Just forgiven, and YES, YES, we still sometimes stumble and mess up. We just have to repent and get back up again).

Anyone who would perform a hate crime, or kill, or treat another human being with anything but compassion and love, who calls themselves a Christian?

Needs to seriously take a hard long look at THEMSELVES.

And unfortunately, a lot of people who do perform hate crimes say they are acting for GOD.

Well, they're not acting for the God I know.

Which leads me to what I've been meaning to come on here and say for a little while now. I really need to not post online anymore.

I hate the way I talk on message boards, I hate how I lose my temper over fictional characters, and I hate that I obviously have some anger issues to deal with or I wouldn't be acting this way.

But I've got to deal with it before it overwhelms me.

And I've just realized how short life is, and I have to go back to giving my life to my faith. I'm sharing this with ya'll because I can't NOT share it.

I know how important Jesus is to me, and I have been so far away from him for what seems like such a long time, and I have to get back to Him.

So, I doubt I'll be posting here anymore, or anywhere else for that matter.

It'll be hard at first but I'm sure it'll get easier as time goes on.

I may pop in after a while to see how everyone is doing, or just to say hello.

But I want you all to know that I love you, and God LOVES you.

Anyhoo, just to answer a few questions, my dinner went well.

The meatloaf tasted more like hamburger steak, but it was good.

I ended up making a chocolate/caramel double layer cream pie, and it was sooooo good.

And one last thing, Stace, if you will email me your home address, I'll mail you that article on JE/Gerald Anthony that I never could figure out how to scan, and let you do it if you are so inclined.

Bye for now, and you all take care, okay? :)

But I do

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Catching up...

BSG, it’s not just you. TracyLuv, nex, and I noticed it in the breakroom on Saturday night. We all thought it was really cute.

MinervaFan, sorry to hear that about Fey's mother.

ILoveTracyQ, noooooooo! you can’t go!!! I just came back! hooked is on vacation! You can’t leave when someone is on vacation!!! And besides, I just said “good-bye” to a whole bunch of people at the airport!!!! I can’t say good-bye to another person!!!! [pauses; collects self] I understand your need to stop going online. Know that we will miss you very, very much, especially me…Can you believe we’ve been posting together since October 2004? Thanks for the offer on the article, but don’t worry about it. Well… [inhales and exhales] Take care of yourself, and yes, please stop in to say hello. :) Hugs.

In "lighter news," You know that Summer Lust’athon (is that what it's called?)...We are allowed to submit videos, right? I have a NEW VIDEO, which I'll post here in a minute, but I was just wondering if I should also post it on LiveJournal. The song I used is called "Hot," (Lainey, are you excited? -- A Tracy Quartermaine video, called HOT), and the video is definitely is about Tracy and her relationships...

Without further adieu...

SENDSPACE: http://www.sendspace.com/file/1ii0jz

MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R68E56CU

YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uutm8yp-82Q

A note: Some of the lyrics are "You're so good to me," and I know that some of the men I used haven't been good to Tracy all the time, but just pretend...for the sake of the video. ;)

Feedback is of course appreciated!

Edited to add the YOUTUBE link.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey All!

Deb, Sorry to hear about Fey's father. My thoughts and prayers are with you both and her family. I got a little choked up reading about how supportive your co-workers have been especially in that neck of the woods, so to speak. Sorry also to hear that Fey's mom is acting the way she is. It seems they are both suffering right now. And at times like this even when you want to reach out, people sometimes have a hard time doing so.

ILTQ, You CAN"T go! You hardly post here as it is. Maybe you should hang out here more often and stay away from the other sites instead. This is a safe haven for us Tracy/LuNacy fans and the characters of Luke/Tracy (as for the other characters, I'm not so sure - LOL). I have a bad temper myself, and I often find it hard not to blast someone when I feel they have slighted our girl/couple. It's hard. Believe me, I know. I am happy, however, that you are finding spirituality in whatever form and know that it can be comforting and often times a source of strength. Remember that you always have a home here with us LuNatics. Please keep in touch.

Ms. Q, LOVE the new vid for the Smutathon!! Thanks also for the treats of Jane praise and ELQ headlines :)

BSG, Yes, as others have said, looks like Jane added an exclamation point after the ELQ headline, more specifically after the word condoms - LOL!! And she signed her autograph over the word also!! Jane is a riot, I swear. I LOVE her!

Off to read Deb's new fic... see yuz lata.

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Hey everyone! *waves* MinervaFan!

MinervaFan, I am sorry to hear about the tragedy with Fey. I will be sending prayers her and her mother's way.

Welcome back Ms. Q!

Tracy is doing amazing on Hella Good! And I forgot to mention, Diane was great on Friday! I enjoy her character a lot, as I remember many of you do, too. I am hoping for some Tracy today, hasn't it been almost a week without her?

ILOVETRACY Q- NO! You pretty much introduced me to this forum! :( But, I do completely understand where you are coming from. But I will be so sad to see you go! I start to feel like that, too, like I am getting way to overwhelmed and obsessive, and I cut back. Lately, I have been only able to post once in a few days because I am so busy. We would love to hear from you once in a while, but I completely respect you for wanting to keep on track with reality. But be assured that we will miss you!!!

I hope everyone is doing wonderful!

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