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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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My postivity is in "spoiler white" because it has to do with today's show:

Tracy was beautiful! In pony tail, sans make-up or whatever. She looked beautiful to me. :) Dillon gave Tracy a nice kiss and hug goodbye.

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Recap, sort of from what I can remember since I had to watch live and I can't rewatch since TIVO is out because of cable, but here goes: She was probably in like 4 segments.

They are all there like Friday, Tracy comes further into the room and still had the wig on with robe wrapped tightly around her. She wants Dillon to stay. Edward asks what she is doiing there. She tells Dillon she wants him to stay. Others are saying she should let him go. Scott comes in, and thinks she's Laura. Tracy turns around and Scott sees it's Tracy. He starts in and Lulu sticks up for Tracy saying that she only wanted to say goodbye to Dillon. Scott rips the wig off of Tracy's head. She has no make-up which we knew and her hair is in a ponytail. She pulls the ponytail out and takes off the robe. She continues telling Dillon she wants him to stay. She said she is afraid he wont come back. Scotty adds his two cents of advice to Dillon, yada yada about his dream when he was married to laura and doesn't regret making his choices... yada yada. Lulu tells Scott that she would like to hear his story somewere else (she is buying Tracy some time). Lulu and Scott leave. Edward talks about how he regrets not supporting Alan in his choice of a career to choose Medicine over business and that he should have. Dillon tells Tracy that she dragged him through Europe and was never around and that he found magic in watching films and how he would like to create thta magic himself to give to people. Tracy relents. Dillon moves close to her and gives her a long kiss on the forehead and a nice hug. Tracy says, something like: This is not a goodbye just go, no goodbyes, remember I'm still your mom.

Tracy talked to Alan several times in front of everyone and insisted he was in the chair and that she wasn't crazy. That was my least fave parts of her scenes.

That's the gist of it. It seems shorter than it really was. Several of the family members made comments about letting Dillon go, etc. but I can't remember them all.

Edit: Oops, I originally forgot to use the "spoiler white"

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Hi, I'm REMOS. Well, actually my daughter's initials are REMOS, I'm Deborah.

I've been lurking here for awhile, but when the Tracy board didn't allow readers only last week, I decided to throw my name in. I wondered how long it would take before I was discovered. By my calculations less than 48 hours. You women are good.

I tried to watch everything today, but I have three little boys who always seem to want my attention during my requested one hour. Even they didn't keep me from being choked up, however. The good-bye today was really sweet. JE never fails to deliver.

A little about me, I'm a SAHM, homeschooling my four children. I live in Toronto (where it's way too humid for my liking). I've been watching GH on and off for 30 years, and I've been pulled back recently with the Luke/Tracy storyline. I was never a fan of either character individually, but together they are amazing. They're my secret pleasure that I don't have to share with anyone (except those who enjoy them as much, or more, than I do).

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*waves to REMOS*

Welcome Remos. I've seen you in here for a while, thought I welcomed you already but probably not, so I'm doing it now after your official intro!!

I loved the few scenes I saw today! They were fantastic, but I only got 1/2 through the second one before I lost the tape. Hope someone can post later, but I definately loved our girl today. She's great always, but never more perfect than when she is clearly hurt.

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Hello all!

Off Topic

8 hour bus rides are not fun, especially when we spent an hour before the 8 hours just sitting there, going NOWHERE. But I survived. :D The city we went to was nice, but the trip was a bit unorganized. And well, we had one girl on crutches, 2 people with ankle braces, 2 sick girls, and a sick professor and tour guide. Things were a little crazy.

I've been at the Internet Cafe for the last 3 hours, finishing up research and starting to write my final paper. GAH. I'll be honest. I was "off task" for the first 45 minutes. :o Originally, I had intended on spending the evening in the school's computer lab, which wouldn't have cost me a dime, but long story short, things did not go according to plan. Oh well. It's what? Not even 4 dollars. Besides, I ate lunch in the house today, so I have extra money to spare. :D


I told myself I wouldn't be able to watch Tracy 'til Wednesday, but I just HAD to watch Thursday's and Friday's scenes. As we all know, I'm not too keen on the outfit. Someone else might have mentioned this, but the belt thing needs to go. As for the hair...I didn't hate it, but wasn't "OMG! I LOVE IT!" either. Can I give Hair/Make-Up/Wardrobe a thumb's "sideways?" :lol:

Thoughts on the episodes: Ready. Set. Go. The pill scene was cute. Loved Tracy shoving it into the plant. Alan isn't amusing me as much as he used to. I don't even know if he said anything cruel to Tracy. I'm just not chuckling as much as I was in the beginning. Glad to see Georgie still exists. I love Lindze Letherman, and enjoyed her scenes with JE. And it pains me to say this, but I'm not liking Ned as much as I should. I know a lot of you have written these analyses, and I agree; I just...I don't know. He's still annoying me. That said, I'd still LOVE to have Wally Kurth back on contract.

Onto Friday's episodes: hooked emailed me what happened, and when I first read it, I had to laugh. I was kind of surprised that some of us here didn't like it. I guess I don't like the idea of Tracy humiliating herself like that, but well...You all know me. How many weeks did I go on and on about Tracy in the blonde wig? Heck, I even photoshopped it! :unsure: Looking forward to today's scenes (will have to watch them Wednesday - for real). I know JE and SC are going to make me teary-eyed.

Other comments (I have 10 minutes...Must. Be. Fast)

hooked, nex, or someone with clips: I got a request on YouTube today. Someone is interested in the snow mobile clips from December 2005. She said she would wait until I returned home, but if one of you have a chance, would you be able post them? She told me she's been to the LoveFest, so if she made an account (since you need one now), she'll have access to the scenes. I just figured I'd ask, since I know that I, personally, would have a hard time waiting for clips I had been searching forever for. But then again...With me, when Tracy's involved, I have no patience. :lol:

Lainey, I have yet to read your story, but I'm sure it's amazing. Glad that you're writing again.

John Ingle is added to the opening credits, huh? Cool.

Welcome to remos! Glad you joined us!

MinervaFan, positive news for you: I have been writing a bit of Oh, Baby out here. I really, really think I'm gonna finish this puppy. Maybe not here. But one day...in the NEAR future. :D

Finally, so happy to hear about Tracy moving up at HellaGood. Maybe, just maybe, she'll win!

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Speaking of clips, if I may be so bold, I would love to see the one where Tracy and Luke and flirting on the Haunted Star. He brushes her chin, she walks off with a smirk on her face, and he does a happy dance. Given her hair length, I'm assuming it's later 2006, before the Laura fiasco.

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Picks up the positivity thingy, and runs with it:

We got TRULU today!!!!!!!!!!!

Lulu came through for Tracy, and Tracy noticed. YEAH!!!!!!!!! I love Trulu.. I choose to believe this will continue through the summer. I believe! I believe!

Jane Elliot ROCKED the house today! OMG. It was truly awesome. Love her! Love her big. Damn, that woman can act!

Welcome Remos!


Re all the speculation about what Scott and Tracy discover:

:o :o :o

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I can't wait to watch today. Does anyone have clips? Pretty, pretty, please!

Oh man, Lainey...I was thinking the exact same thing re: Logan.

Hi, remos! Welcome! Always good to meet a new Tracy fan!

MinervaFan: Here's my little bit of positivity. Tracy has been getting some really good scenes and the writers are Jane giving great material. As hooked said: "There is TQ love around!!!!" There were over 30 viewers on the Lovefest a couple weeks ago (before the sign in rules). We are not alone! :)

*waves to surfspook*

Character Game Update:

Lucky 102

Sam 105

Tracy 93

Yay! Any Tracy fans out there with Hella Good accounts, don't forget to vote! Strength in numbers! Go Team TQ!


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Hello remos! I am new here, too.

Today was AMAZING! I got very choked up when Dillon was hugging Tracy, but I almost let the tears fall when Dillon left. JE and SC did a wonderful job. I am a very emotional person when it comes to shows or movies. My mascara got pretty blurred. But when Edward said at the end that he wanted to send Tracy back, it completely killed the moment. So the tears never did fall.

I loved today's episode, and so much more than last weeks'.

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Thanks for the greetings.

I really hope they don't do that with Lulu/Logan. How could they do it? Logan would either have to be older than Nicholas, or some little secret that Laura witheld from Luke during one of her absences. Surely they can be a little more creative. If they were to do that to Lulu, they might as well just bunk her in with Tracy right now, because that would surely send her around the bend (considering the spoilers we've seen about Lulu/Logan).

BTW, has anyone else noticed that the only ones locked up in Shady Brook or Roselawn are Spencer women? No one else is deamed that "dangerous" or "seriously ill". Even Sonny was treated at home when he went manic the other year - and he is in possession of considerable weaponry.

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yeah, clips please! I was spoiled by my TIVO and being able to watch Tracy/LuNacy whenever I wanted and as many tmes as I wanted. And now with my cable on the fritz I am :(. I just HAVE to see her again!

Yeah about what BSG said - if anyone has a Hella Good account and can vote, the link will remain in my signature until the game is over.

Lainey, I too loved how Lulu stuck up for Tracy with Scott and then bought her more time with Dillon by getting Scott out of there. I hope there's plenty of TrUlu all summer long.

Remos, Glad you decided to de-lurk and join us!

*waves* to GrayC63 - come join us.

I may be back on later tonite if anyone is up for chat. probably in about and hour (11:30 Eastern)

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