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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm back.

I'm exhausted.

Holy crud.. it's good to be home.

She was on Wed., Thur. and Friday, right?

I think I've seen the Wed. & Thursday clips (Days are running together. I am that tired).

I know Nex is outta town, but if anyone else has Friday's clips.... I'd LOVE to see 'em!!!

Hooked, I LOVED "Hope." Thanks for posting!!

And, Nex, I watched your vid while I way away -- wow! Totally awesome.



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Loved your story Hooked! Yes, the marathon chat last night was fun. You must be like a zombie now being up 'til the wee hours for several nights in a row. I know I'm operating on like one brain cell at this point. Speaking of one brain cell, I will be emailing you what I have of my sorry fic sometime this weekend in the hopes of some assistance. :)

ILTQ, sorry to hear about your colleague's loss. My thoughts are with her.

Welcome back Lainey! Thanks for the three days of Tracy gloriousness ;)

Deb, I loved Jane's little hair clip in the soaptalk thing too. Nummy? I love it! How cute! Yes, Jane was all kinds of numiness.

Just finished watching GH again on soapnet as this afternoon's show was pre-empted by the news before it began. Turns out Tracy's first scene started the show today and her next scene started right after the opening. So I think she was in 4 segments. No Ghost Alan today and well Scott only pointed in her face once today. I guess he's getting a little better? Putz!

This place has been somewhat of a ghost town today. Friday nite and eveyone's got a date but me? haha.

Hope our girl gets much airtime next week. Anyone have any spoilers for the week or so after? I haven't heard much happening past the Hello Ned/Goodbye Dillon scenes. Hopefully Tracy and Lulu will be continuing with their plan to take Scotty down. I wouldn't care if that lasted all summer as long as we get more Tracy/Lulu bonding.

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I still haven't seen yesterday's episodes yet--slept a whole lot after work--it's been draining lately, for a lot of reasons. Taped it without the news interruptions off SoapNet last night, so I'll probably watch it this weekend.

Hooked, I loved your fic--it's awesome. I'm really excited that there is so much fic being posted at the Ficathon. We've got a couple of new writers, and everyone is really adding to the mix.

I have a story in my head, but for some reason, I can't get it out into words right now. I think it's just my brain in the summer--the heat is getting to me, and even when I have time on the computer to write, I just fritter it away on other things....

But don't worry. I'll get back in the saddle. In the meantime--three days of Tracy this week? WooHoo!

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Inyron...I commented on your story on LJ,but just wanted to say it was really good! I loved the whole Dillon/Luke dynamic there and how Tracy defended Luke, etc. I liked how Dillon was protective of his mom! You must write some more!

Completely wiped out today...went to bed late, woke up at 6:45 with a huge migraine...had to have 15 screaming 7 year olds at my son's bowling b-day party today. Just got home and we have to leave again in about 3 hours for this local American Idol type event tonight at our town square. My husband is emceeing it, so we are all going to go.

I haven't watched Th or Friday GH. I can't believe it. I am going to go try to watch now..even though I really should be paying bills and folding a hudred loads of laundry!

Thanks Deb, TL and Lainey for the comments on the fic!

Ms. Q--if you are checking in...hope your big test went well on Friday. When Nex gets back Monday, she said she would post clips from Friday for us and I will upload for you.

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Thanks for the spoiler TL...at least she in in spoilers! That makes me happy! Watched Thursday, but not Friday yet cause my show was interrupted also on TIVO by the news thing. I am taping it on soapnet tonight at 4am so I decided to "save" friday to watch tomorrow morning. Although Thursday was super short, she was in four scenes...I like how she explained "black mail" to Lulu. Why is Alan such a know it all? He could tell Lulu knew more than she was admitting to Tracy? He wasn't even there then supposedly right? Also, it was hilarious that Scotty said "I don't remember, it was the 80s". I love Kin Shriner! But not always Scotty! He looks very cute in green!

I was just admiring your banner TL as I was typing this reply and noticing how she just has the shiniest hair!! Seems very oomphy in all those kissing pics! :)

It is thundering here and I am hoping this event gets cancelled tonight as it is outside.

Lainey...glad you are back and home safely! Hope you got to catch up on some sleep today.

Edit Some spoilers from Wubs...none directly with Tracy mentioned but here are the ones pertaining to the Qs...

Edit...one more specific spoiler about the dillon exit from GHH2

Edited by hookedongh
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Got the following count from SON:

GH Episode Count June 2007


1. Carly 19

2. Lulu , Liz, Lucky 18

3. Sonny, Jason, Sam, Kate, Amelia 17

4. Spinelli, Jax 16

5. Logan 13

6. TRACY, Alexis, Maxie 11

7. Scott 10

8. Emily, Jake Spencer 9

9. Alan, Cooper, Ric 8

10. Diane, Robin, Patrick 7

11. Michael Corinthos, Milo, Nikolas, Lainey, Jerry 6

12. Mike Corbin, Edward Q, Morgan, Kelly Lee, Cameron 5

13. Cruz, Monica, Luke, Mac 4

14. Georgie, Jane Jacks, Alice 3

15. Mayor Floyd, Skye, Dillon, Bobbie, Epiphany, Stan, Coleman, Clarice (Kate's assistant) 2

16. Laticia, Max, Ford 1

That means our girl averaged almost three shows a week, right? I think I could live with three shows a week of Tracy awesomeness on a regular basis :) Woohoo! I hope it continues. :)

ETA: Page 369!

EDITED Just to highlight our girl's name :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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Hi guys! I'm up on the Cape for a friends bachelorette weekend. And so excited that I have wireless access. Whoo! I've only seen up through Thursday, but Tracy was amazing this week. I love her relationship with Lulu. I was watching some old clips and it's interesting how she's gone from calling her stepwitch to Tracy, to "my stepmom." Awww.

Other than the writers, what on earth would precipitate that spoiler? As I recall the patriarch and the person that owns the house hate her.

TL: I have a Hella Good account, but I haven't played the game. How do I support our girl?

hooked: I loved your story. I only wished that it were longer! (Not such a bad thing, right?) LOL.

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Anybody want to see my so-called "Oomphy" Hair? I posted pics to my LJ here: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/471509.html. Granted, 90 degree heat and massive humidity combined with no A/C in my car does not make for much Oomph, but it's still a general idea of what I look like, post-shearing.

I STILL haven't seen Friday's episode. TL, thank you for posting the clips. I will just watch them now, I think. Avoid all that nasty fast-forwarding.

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