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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hooked and Angel, I'm so sorry about your grandmothers. I think any of us who have lost a grandmother we were close to has an understanding of what you're going through, both of you; but that doesn't change the unique experience you are having, nor does it lessen the challenge of what you're facing. Thinking on my own experience of losing my grandmothers (one close, one not so close), I send you both my love and prayers today. Be strong, and let what they have given you--the love, the wisdom, the stories--carry you through.
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thanks everyone for your kind words. I actually slept last night believe it or not and woke up feeling like I was run over by a truck! I am leaving in a few minutes til Sat. evening. I will hopefully be able to check in as my parents do have internet access and high-speed (bu no TIVO). I'll have to wait til I get home to watch the rest of the week which hopefully TQ will be one! :)

Hope everyone has a good week. TL..thanks for the JI update! Glad he is o.k! Talk to you guys soon!

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Lainey's out of town.

Hooked's out of town.

MsQ's out of the freckin' country.

*taps on computer monitor*

C'mon, ya'll. Come out to play. I'm bored.


There are two small articles with Jane in the news ABC Soaps In Depth.

The second article was about

I'm REALLY bored, ya'll. I'll just keep posting until somebody entertains me.... ;)

Edited by MinervaFan
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Well MinervaFan, I am no entertainer but how about this......it seems like Adrianne Leone (sp?) was just let go from Y&R. It seems to me that this would be the perfect opportunity for BrookLyn to come back to Port Charles with her Daddy. Can you just imagine all the stories that could come from her coming back?? We all know how Tracy feels about being a grandmother, and the fact that since she is now fond of Lulu how would that make BrookLyn feel? Would Tracy treat her different?

Hooked and angel, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmothers. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Carrie, don't worry about Lainey I will post any TQ clips for her.

TracyLuv, I read the article at TV Guide.com about John Ingle, he said he went home from the hospital that same day, that he didn't eat all day and it was almost 90 degrees outside. I'm just glad he is doing ok.

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I am trying it on my pic of JE that I drew. Just want to see what it looks like... thanks for posting the link! I'll try to get on as much as I can, which actually may be a lot b/c I am on the computer waiting for things in my class. I see no responses yet and the other girl that was supposed to post her story the same day as me hasn't doneit. I checked the calender so I know I have the right day, but I can't post anything about her's till she puts it up (tick tock tick tock, I only have until Thursday to write a response so I need her story). Slackers... no, really, I don't mean that. I know sometimes things get in the way, but now her stuff is effecting my work, so it's frustrating!!!

Ok, vent over. Anyway, I'll probably be on plenty, so if anyone wants to talk tonight, more likely than not, I'll be here.

edit: I know I'm normally positive, though I know it's been questionable lately, but I don't turst that the writers would bring Brooklyn back well. It would be fantastic, I'll give you that, but she's a teen and they would give her some rediculous teen storyline. She'd either be best friends with, or more likely, enemies with Lulu and yet we'd never see her on screen with a Quartermaine. Cuz why would anyone want to see her with her family (or even see her family at all, as in most times)??!

As for those articles above: Very sweet, the the second one is TOO too cute!! She's just so damned adorable.

Edited by knh
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Hmmmmm...... If BrookLyn were to come back, what would they do with her? Get her involved with Cooper/Maxie/Logan/Lulu/Spinellu aka characters-that-bore-me-and-get-way-too-much-attention?? When she was on before she didn't have much to do w/ Tracy. And honestly I'd rather see them give Georgie something to do before bringing on another character, not that I wouldn't mind another Quartermaine on the show.

Wow I'm a horrible pessimistic little person today aren't I.

I don't even feel like I'm awake/here right now so I don't know how entertaining I can be haha.

Ugh I'm so bored, somebody IM me or something lol.

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Oh My GOd, Deb, I love that site. I hate that I am having this much fun with it b/c A) I'll eventually run out of pics to use, and B) I'm now hooked!!! I just went through all the pics in my portfolio with it. Too fun!!

I just realized that I'm a very sad little person to have that much fun with it :(

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I checked in... but you're not around!

I am on the lobby computer. I would have even joined you in the breakroom.... alas.. you're not here!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice.

Hey.... Just checked out the Medianet pics for ABC. This is sorta spoilerish, so I'll use the black thingys I hate so much:

Edited by LaineyBev714
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I have some good news for you guys.....according to SoapNet Tracy will be on tomorrow! Since we all know whats going to happen, this is what they say for tomorrow:

*Tracy plays right into Edward's hands when she argues with Alan's ghost in front of Lainey, who later returns to the mansion with two orderlies ready to cart Tracy off to Shadybrook. Boo to Edward!

AND they have this for Thursday:

*Tracy digs herself in deeper.

I also saw the new MediaNet pics that somebody posted to SoapZone but there were only 4 pics up and they were all of Sam/Liz/Carly/Sonny/Jerry etc., you know the boring people.

**Edit, ok I just saw the pics...Ned was there, so was Dillon, Tracy, and Skye. In the pics Tracy's hair looks wavy but I can't tell what she is wearing except that it is red. My only question is why is Skye there?!?!?!?

Here is the link:


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