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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the spoilers Nex. They have got to at least have her have some goodbye scenes with Dillon right? And with Ned when he is on. Nice time for Dillon to leave while his mom is in the looney bin! Unless she is out by then. Wonder how far in advance they tape? Cause the 12th was SC last taping day. Probably at least what...3 weeks?

I just hope she will be on in the summer. You would think with practically everyone else on NightShift that they would focus on some of the older ones! :) Anyone know when Anna is set to return? I think it is in the next few weeks.

OH. and in SID in this issue there was a SD article about him and Emily and Jason for father's day or something. THey asked him what is oopsie daisy and SB and NL were like "Oh we don't want to go there" and SD joked that his best guess is monica does a sommersault and lands on top of him. SB is like "ughh...I knew he would still go there" and then SD said "well actually it is a back flip" or something like that. Too funny!

Edit Well at least I can watch the daytime emmy's tonight now that I am not going away (and send negative vibes so GF doesn't win--ha ha). No offense to her, but if she loses, less chance they will be dying to have her back I think!!

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Hey all,

No Tracy today :(. Interesting tidbit though... Lulu walked into Kelly's today and asked Mike if she could rent a room there. Mike said the place was turning into a dorm and asked why she didn't want to stay at her brothers house. Lulu's response: We'll Tracy had me dragged back to the Quartermaine's and they are driving me crazy. The scene was interrupted by Logan, so Mike never did answer her one way or the other. Another confirmation of this is when Lucky ran into Lulu and said that it was his first father's day at the house, and asked her if she would stop by later.

Nex, thanks for the spoilers

Hooked, I was thinking the same thing... It would be nice with the youngers ones being on Night Shift that there would be more appearances by the vets on GH. oh, and sorry about your cancelled plans. I hate when that happens, it's a drag.

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Question...why would lulu have to rent a room at kelly's when her dad and aunt own the place...she should get a free room right?? I hope Mike turns her down and says they are all full. Howver, you can see they will let her move there and set it up for her, logan, maxi and coop to all be living across the hall from each other there for a fun-filled summer of the teen scene or early 20 scene! I guess at least it means she is at the Qs for the time being!

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The wheels on the bus go round and round...round and round...round and round...

I think they need to do "Port Charles: The Musical" as a Disney-type extravaganza. We could put Helena and Tracy in Villainess garb and they could have a show-stopper. Tracy could get her Cruella da Ville multi-toned hair back, even.....

Hey, if OLTL can do it, why not GH?

Ooh, and can they give Tracy a magical power, like the ability to stop time? How about Charmed Hospital--The Power of Q Will Steer Me True?

Somebody needs to give Guza an idea or two, because I'm sick of kidnapped babies, Who My Baby Daddy, Secret Pain, and Mob Wars. I'm really really tired of it.

Make Tracy crazy, and have her hallucinate a musical extravaganza a la "Phantom of the Opera," with Alan as the Phantom.

Just anything but more stupid baby talk, cuz...well...BORED NOW.

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So Tracy can drag her back to the Q mansion from Lucky's but not Kelly's? PLEASE! But yes, it seems as though they are setting it up for her to move to Kelly's with the others.

Hooked, sorry about last night. My screen froze in the BR and so I had to shut it down and still couldn't get back in. By the time I shut down Safari, logged back in, and got back into the BR, you were gone.

Just read that last spoiler posted by Nex again - it didn't sink in before. So there is still hope for more TraLu interaction then? I HOPE, I HOPE!

Oh, and I just read a new spoiler at SOC re: Skye moving back into the Q mansion. Ugh!! I SOOOOO don't want this to happen.

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Are you guys going to watch the Daytime Emmy's tonight? They are at 9-11 central I think on CBS. Maybe nobody from GH will win and the Network will fire Guza and hire all new writers who decide these young kids are so boring and they should return the show to its glory days with the Qs as the central family--ha ha!

Funny Deb...I was thinking of that Wheels on the Bus podcast thing today..thinking with SC gone...no more of those probably. He was the only one goofy enough to do it!

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Anyone else watch the emmys tonight? I was tuning in periodically. Overall I thought the award show kind of stunk. It's like when they remade the Miss America pageant to be more "modern."

BUT....Towards the end they had this whole thing about thanking the fans and then they showed clips from the shows and I swear that the clip of Tracy kissing Luke at the Q mansion, I think from the Oopsie Daisy episode. Am I going totally crazy?

Love your banner hooked!

Hi Ms. Q! We miss you! Hope you're having a great time in Mexico. Have a margarita for me! :)


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brownstone girl....we are still in the breakroom. Yes it was the oopsie daisy kiss they showed! Woo woo! Our girl made the emmys for a split sec! It ws a fan video with the fan saying "I wanna be a Quartermaine" and they showed edward, and then tracy/luke oopsie daisy kiss and then Dillon

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I am the single most horrible person in the history of the universe.

Upon reading of John Ingle's collapse before the Emmy's last night, my first (honest) thought was, "OMG, Tracy's entire summer storyline is connected to Edward!" My second thought was, "OMG, that poor man. I hope he's okay." My third thought was, "Jesus, they do not need a real health crisis to deal with after all the fictional one's they've endured this year."

Upon reading that GF took home the Emmy, my first (honest) thought was, "Oh, hell." My second thought was, "And she lost weight, damnit." My third thought was, "There goes LuNacy."

I so cannot afford to skip my Prozac this weekend.

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Ok you guys...the missing soaptalk interview that nobody could ever find to post...just saw it on this DVD that I ordered. Anyway..it is from March 04. She looked so cute. Her hair was pulled back in a tiny clip on one side and she was wearing a gold jacket type wrap around shirt thing with a black t-shirt under it. They asked her about coming back to GH after 10 years and why she decided to do it. She started her TQ laugh and said "cause I needed the money." She was so real and normal and grounded in this interview.

She went on to say that she was a full time mom for 10 years and her kids were 14 and 19 and she was lucky enough to stay home and raise them. Then they asked her what she loved about tracy and she said that she does whatever else wishes they could do or say and has no censorship. They asked her if she was like that and she said, "God I hope not". Then they asked her about her kids and if they have any desire for showbiz. She said that she took a very protective low profile approach to it all to shield them from it. She would never sign autographs in public when she was with them, never let them be photographed with her, never took them to public appearances with her. Totally tried to keep them out of the spotlight and live as normal homelife as possible and that both her kids want to be actors--go figure. But she tried her best.

Then they asked her if she had any advice for them about acting. She said she told them and anyone else that they have to know how to do at least two other things well to support themselves why they try to act, and that they should only do it if it was the only thing in life they want to do and the passion for it is that great.

They asked her who she looked forward to working with back on GH and she said that she has lived a child-based life for 10 years and has this huge desire and passion to work and be with adults, that she looks forward to working with everyone in the buliding...especially those she can look up to instead of down on (meaning adults not kids).

Then they asked her about playing Wally Kurth's mother. She said on Days she was his lover, rather he was her lover and so it was strange at first and she kept rolling her shoulders at him and batting her eyelashes and flirting and they kept yelling at her "NO NO NO" and wally kept saying "jane that is not appropriate and kept reminding her of it. But now it is a more traditional mother son relationship (although she adds nothing about tracy is traditional).

Anyway...just thought I would share that with you guys! I wish I could do something about posting it but it is on a dvd and I have no idea in the world how i could do that. If someone has a clue...let me know!


She also included a edit of JE getting an award of Merv Griffin show for the best villian or something...she showed the clip of her withholding heart meds. She had such a higher voice back then. Her hair was very short...not a good look for her. She was telling Merv how she would be getting popcorn at the movies and the girl behind the coutner would yell and say you are that bitch from general hospital who let her father die, etc..." and how people were really nasty to her. Too funny.

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Had a couple of hours to kill before I have to get back to work, this is in response to Hooked's request for More JE on JEonlilne. Only I posted it here.

Don't know if anyone has seen this but I just found it on YouTube, it was added a month ago.

The City/Tracy Promo

This is a montage - Tracy is in two clips. One is a piece of the withholding Daddy's meds scene and the other, the first, Tracy has some weird 'do with feathers in it. LOL

Warning Alert - the Emmy winning chairbound one/beginning of rape scene is in this montage.

Classic GH Montage


More stuff from YouTube:

Days of our lives:

Anjelica Confronts Harper

Jack and Melissa's Almost Wedding

Edit again:

Monica tells the Q's about her and Ned

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