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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I finally have Tuesday's clips! :) I would have posted them last night but I was having internet connection problems. <_< Not to mention the fact that for some reason Hella Good had a delay in the dialogue AGAIN, and I had to go to Something-More to get the rest of the clips. Anyhoo, here they are:



Credit goes to Geena at Hella Good & Isabella at Something-More.net

BTW: I totally noticed that Alice is on Tracy's side, did anybody else hear that Alice said that "Mr. Luke needed somebody who would treat him like a prince"!?!?!?! I do believe that she was talking about Tracy doing that for/to him.

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Thanks so much Nex for the clips! I will upload them to savefile for Ms. Q.

So I totally notice alice defending Tracy cause it was what Mr. Luke would want. Also, did anyone notice the ease Lulu told Logan that she just got back from bailing out her stepmother (she didn't say Tracy or stepwitch or the stepmonster) and she didn't say it with disgust either. She seemed pretty eager and ernest when she ran into the police station. I would like to see Tracy and Lulu work together to get the evidence against scott to get him to drop the charges, clearing the way for Luke's return evenutally. Besides, I thought I read that Kin will be off at the end of July. They probably bribe him to leave town and give up his custody rights.

I also liked Tracy's expression when Alice said that Lulu was indebited to Ms. Tracy for not only helping Mr. Luke but helping her mother as well. Tracy was like "hmmm...how can I use this to my advantage to get lulu to feel guilty and move back in" or something.

Sorry work has been so yucky for you Deb! Hope it gets better.

TL...sorry I didn't make the breakroom late night last night. We got home and I was so tired I just went to bed.

Will be around this afternoon on the computer as I a copying all my PTO files to pass along to the next President at a meeting tonight--yippee!!! So over that one!


Saw on Wubs that yesterday was SC last day on GH. Here is Lindze L. comment from her site...so guess dillon will be off in a few weeks:

"Yesterday was Scott Clifton's last day. I believe a lot of you have been in anticipation to know whether or not I would comment . . . Well, here goes. Scott has basically been my life for the last four years. He has not only been my co-worker, but he is my friend and confidant. I told him yesterday, “I realized the other day that one of my favorite parts of work, I won't give you the credit of being my favorite, is leaving me.” It was something that when I heard I did not believe and it took until the day of his departure to understand what was really happening. Even when Georgie and Dillon had their final breakup I still had hope that one day they would find each other again. I still have that hope for the characters; as people, I hope that Scott is a giant success. I believe he will be. I hope to turn on my television and see him on the red carpet at the Academy Awards. It broke my heart to say goodbye to him yesterday. No, not goodbye have a great life, or I hope I will see you around. We will see Scott Clifton again. In his own words, “Be happy for me, not sad for you.”


Ms Q...one the computer now http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 just in case you hve a few minutes to chat (12:30 central)

Edit again

Lainey/Tracyluv/LadyAshton...I changed my Georgia O'Keefe banner

Also...here is the savefile link with the clips from the past six days TQ has been on (Ms. Q--I emailed you this link too, but here it is in the thread for anyone else)


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I'm not worried about how Luke will come back. We're talking about a show that lets criminals roam free on a daily basis.

Pretty much everyone in town SHOULD be in jail or should have served serious jail time.

Jason and Sonny roam free, and TIIC's latest boring mindless waste of space, Jerry, is going to be excused and propped to the point where they make him a "hero", too.

So Yeah I can see Luke just coming back into town, dropping Laura somewhere, and things will be status quo like nothing ever happened.

That's Guza. LOL

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Nope, she's not on today! waaaah!

Yes, I notice with what ease she said "I just bailed my stepmother out" too Hooked

BTW, I am beginnig to wonder if Tracy's request to have Lulu come back and live in the mansion lines were just so Lulu would have a reason to be there when Tracy was arrested because they needed Lulu there at the mansion to witness the arrest and later bail her out. How dare they tease us like that.

Nex, Thanks for the edited clips.

Edited by TracyLuv
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My Stepmother, the Felon. Funny, with all the laws Tracy has broken in the past and got away with, that she finally gets nailed just for being a freakin' accomplice.

Still mulling over the Tracy-Lulu story. My next prompt is Affair, and I'm dreading it. No way to do that right, if you go with the tried and true connotation.

Want to do a Lulu/Spinelli story, too, but need a bunny. Anybody got any little literary rodents hopping around that they don't need?

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SAVEFILE IS WORKING!!! I saw 2 days of Tracy!!!! Loved the hair and the kiss! Question on the 6/7 clips...In the edited scenes, is something left out with Tracy and Alan? It went from Lulu and Luke at the courthouse to Alan in the chair and LuNacy at the house. I'm so confused. I'm trying to go soooo fast 'cause this is costing me money. Problems with Windows Media at first and then with volume, but a guy here knew about computers and signals and spoke a bit of English, so we were good to go!!! *twirls* I had such a crap day today, and this makes it so much better. Special shout outs to Julie for getting the clips and Carrie for uploading to SAVEFILE!!!! Thank you!!!! I :wub: you guys! Well, I LOVE this whole group!!!! Everyone is awesome! Oh, won't be around this weekend. Will be in Acapulco. Will check in when I get back, or well, as soon as I can.

EDIT: Woot! Got to see all the TQ scenes. I'm on a time limit, so I skipped a lot of the court stuff where she was wallpaper. Some comments...This is gonna cost me about 1.50 dollars tonight (one hour and a half) instead of the usual 1.00 - or close enough to the 1 dollar (when I'm just here for one hour), but it's for you all and Tracy, so it's all good. :D

All right. Ready. Set. Random.

I loved her in the blonde wig. Really made me smile. She was too cute. For real.

I chuckled when she was trying to explain what she was doing in the blonde wig and the robe.

I know I mentioned this earlier, but LOVED the kiss and that we got to see both sides of it, if that makes sense.

The "crimp in her sex life" line was great. I know Lainey sent an email about that. Now, when Luke gets back, can we please see them in the same bed?

Lulu is so much better when she's not with the mob crew. I'm not sure if that's been said here or not.

What is up with the Q's? I love them, but defending Tracy one minute and not the next?

Speaking of the Q's...Monica hair got long, and Edward is UGH. But I still love the Q's. Now, when is Ned coming back?

Rewind...Back to the ShadyBrook!Caper. They brought back Dr. Von Skeemerman!!! Tracy on a caper! Enjoyed it muchly.

This has been posted here, but I, too, noticed Tracy about to cry when talking to Alan. Aww.

Oh, what else can I say? OOMPH! Hair. Yeah, I know. I said something about the hair earlier...

There was a new jacket/blouse in there. It was very light and flowy like. I kind of liked it.

On the topic of Wardrobe...I didn't mind her court outfit. It looked better in clips than from screencaps.

More on wardrobe...This, too, has been discussed, but I totally wanted to see Tracy in the blue denim.

Oh, her arrest...Too funny. I mean, she was funny about it.

Hmm, what else? Oh, kind of sad, when Tracy was talking about her "mentally ill" husband, when she was talking about the gambling, drinking, and infidelity, 'cause she was so talking about Luke.

More about RoseLawn...This has been covered, but poor Tracy when Luke went in to call Laura his angel and talk about them on the run.

OT-just realized. Music in English is playing in here. Cool.

Oh, on the GH front...Alice coming to Tracy's defense. How awesome.

And to finish this, as others have brought up, I would have enjoyed an ILY between LuNacy, but on the bright side, we got Tracy being very open about it, so that's good.

One more thing...Our girl is REALLY losing it. If she were real, I'd hug her. LOL. I hope we do get a SL out of this, and not just a 2 week thing. Here's to hoping!!!!

And wow, this must be the longest post I've made since I've been in Mexico. 2 weeks down. 6 to go. I miss home and you all. And just the "normal" things you never really think about...Like grass and dishwashers and dryers and being able to cross the street without having to fear for my life. Ok. That's a bit dramatic. But the roads, as I've said in an email, are narrow, and the cars and other vehicles are NUTS. But, anyway...like I said, Acapulco this weekend, so that should be fun, even though I'm not a very "beachy" person. But...You know who will be there!!! (We talked today before class - Squee). And you know who WON'T be there! CELEBRATE!!!! :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Well it doesn't neccessarily mean that she is having an extramarital affair, right? Maybe it can be a story about her and Luke's affair. Or when he comes back they can somehow start again like they are a brand new couple and starting a torrid love affair. Ya never know... just my suggestion

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Yes it is an internationally imported banner (ha ha) Lainey! She made a bunch before she left and said I could use it. The other one was getting a bit too glowy for me--ha ha!

We want a full report when you get back from the weekend in Aculpulco Ms. Q!!!

I will be gone til Sat. evening for a girls sort of half weekend deal. Hoping TQ is on tomorrow, but rather doubt it. I bet our next scenes will be on Monday the 18th when she for sure gets taken away by the men in white coats. I just hope it is a real storyline for her too, and not some three episode comedic thing. I would love to see her stuck there for a few weeks raising hell and causing a rukkus!! I want Ned, Dillon and Lulu to go visit her (yeah and maybe even Alice!!)

Edit I am so pissed. My friend whose birthday we were supposed to celebrate and go away this weekend just called to cancel as she isn't feeling good. Normally I would be like "I am so sorry," but she is SUCH a hypchondriac (sp?) and now they null and voided out my hotel gift certifcate cause they didn't have a credit card number to charge me for the night. I had a free night at the hyatt. My husband said I should just go myself and sleep there. However, I think I will save my "get out of jail free weekend pass" for another more fun opportunity. Ha ha.

We had this whole fun day planned today too that I wasted my time planning. UGGHHH! I hate last minute change of plans. Oh...sorry just had to vent there fora moment. It just irritates me as I am the one who always ends up planning everything for everyone! Then I get stuck unplanning it all too!

Edited by hookedongh
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Hooked, that just bites about your friend cancelling. It can be incredibly frustrating. Of course, now you can channel that energy into fanfic, if you want--this could be the inspiration for a great TrAsh story--Larry cancels one of Tracy's parties due to "illness" and she extracts her revenge...Mwahahahaaaa.

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Good idea Deb! I should write now while I am pissed! I haven't written in a long time. I have all these stories in my head, but can't seem to find the time to sit down and focus on writing. I found a novel writing class from adult education at Rice University I might take in the fall. It sounds fun, and will be nice to take a class not for a grade but for the learning aspect!

I am planning this bar mitzvah service long distance and it is starting to drive me nuts! Email is so awesome, but sometimes, you just need to communicate in person. Plus I don't speak or understand a word of hebrew so it is hard to get what they are saying about various prayers, etc or parts of the service he needs to lead. Oy! Oh well...it will all be fine and if it gets messed up...nobody we know will be there besides our family! :) Plus I am having to deal with a catering manager via email and just hoping it is all done right for the lunch after that I have to sponsor.

Keeping my fingers crossed for TQ today but I bet she won't be on til Monday!

LadyAshton...where ya been this week? Hope all is well.

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I have a few spoilers for you guys:

For next week:

They are all pretty much the same but....here you go!

*Tracy plays right into Edward's hands when she argues with Alan's ghost in front of Lainey — who later returns to the mansion with two orderlies, who take Tracy to Shadybrook.

*Tracy's talks with Alan's ghost land the ELQ chief executive in the loony bin.

*Meanwhile, after observing Tracy arguing with Alan's ghost, Lainey arrives at the Q mansion to take her to Shadybrook, just as Edward planned.

For the following week:


*Tracy discovers Lulu is the only one on her side.

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