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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I agree with all of that. I don't think it was an accident at all. As for the WOS thing, just my little nickname for her. I was never a huge Laura fan and right now it may not be accurate b/c she is being used to put tension on Luke and tracy, usually she is mentioned any time there is a lull in the story. But can call her what ever you want. I just use that when I'm annoyed with what she'd doing to Tracy, not all the time.

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Kristin, I emailed you my comments on your fic.

What is WOS? Do I want to know?

I still haven't watched Friday's show but did watch yesterday.

Since Scott is last airing first week of July (not spoiling since it's in the mags now), I can't see Tracy being committed until Luke gets back.

I really don't see Dillon skipping town while his mom is institutionalized, unless he goes off looking for Luke, or searching for evidence against Scott?

If Tracy is only in the institution a few weeks worth of airtime, my question is, why even bother doing it? Guza irritates me with his pointless plot twists, and I'm afraid this is another one of them.

What I want is for Tracy to be in long enough to get therapy, and have her cerebral, handsome therapist develop a crush on her.

Or we find out he works for Helena, or that he's mentally unbalanced himself (cliche I know, but eh, nothing Guza would be above doing.)

At any rate, The Guy (I'm going to steal a page from Deb's book and name him Simon) is still hanging around when Luke gets back. Luke finds out Tracy knew about Scott, and the two of them are in a trial separation when Luke starts to suspect Mr.Wonderful is not all that.

Of course Tracy just brushes it all off as jealousy, not knowing the guy is drugging her to get control over her, and Luke gets to be the one to have to win her back/rescue her from PsychoShrink.

Okay not my best but Guza might do such a story and I wouldn't mind seeing it.

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*slaps ILTQ's wrist* Corrupt your own character, woman! :D *hugs Simon, reassures him that he's not a drug-pushing, psychopathic, Tracy-harming, pawn.*

Although I doooo want to see Tracy get therapy. Boy, talk about a hostile and unwilling patient. Too bad Lainey is such a freaking quack. Maybe we should get Louise Fletcher to reprise her psychiatrist character from Exorcist II...let's face it, after facing down the Spawn of Hell, how hard can an unruly Quartermaine be?

Oh, yeah. It's Tracy.

Maybe Louise Fletcher should call in reinforcements.

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As far as I caould tell Tracy was on and was arrested but I can't get specifics because it seems every message board that has a live thread is just doing a brief overview, if a live thread at all! :( Hella Good has not had a live thread in two days and abc.com and SOC are just brief overviews. :angry:

I do think she is going to be on tomorrow, right?? Lulu has to bail her out of jail since the Q's aren't going to help her.

I also read at SZ that Scott (Dillon) has taped his final scene, according to Lindze's website, which means he will be leaving Tracy soon. Boo!

Edited by nex4evr
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*in the dark recesses of his parents' basement, Bob Guza pens Dillon's exit scene*

DILLON: Mom, I'm sorry you've been unjustly committed to Shadybrook by Grandfather, but I have to leave. I'm just not happy with who I am anymore--now that Lulu is no longer my main squeeze. I know I've always wanted a career in film, but thanks to the inspiration of Jason and Sonny, I'm going back to SoHo to reconnect with the Solieto family. Granted, it's not the same as when Sonny and Kate were in Catholic school back in Bensonhurst, but I think some day I'll learn to get over my unrequited love for Carly and Jason's Secret Pain of fatherhood. I know you'll understand, Mom, because you've met Sam, and you understand how she is an Everyday Hero. I'm pulling for you, Mom. Say hi to Uncle Alan's chair for me.

*Guza chugs a Diet Mountain Dew and surfs pr0n on the Internet. Another productive day of writing.*

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The recap of today's show, whited out for those who don't want it spoiled. Ok here goes:

The scene begins like 16 mins into the show. Tracy is on couch and says to Edward, at the bar making a drink, "Don't you care about anything besides ELQ?" Edward makes some comment about how Tracy always cared about ELQ until Luke. Tracy said that Luke's presence or absence has no bearing on her involvment with ELQ. Edward understands this to mean that Luke is gone. He is overjoyed. Enter Lulu: "Just because my father is out of town does not mean I am moving back in here". Then Monica comes in and says it's her house, that she should be consulted (something to that affect) if people are moving in her house. Tracy tells Lulu that she does not want her to stay with Lucky and Elizabeth because they have unusual schedules and she would be unsupervised. And Lulu says someting like maybe Cam and Jake should move in too because they are in the same boat. Scott comes barging in and approaches Tracy telling her she has 30 seconds to tell him where Luke took Laura. She said I have no idea what you are talking about. He goes on to describe to Edward and Monica, etc. that Luke impersonated Dr. Von Scheemerman and that Tracy wore a blonde wig while Luke took Laura. In unison Tracy and Edward said: That's ridiculous. Scott points his finger at Tracy to threaten her and Edward calls Alice, who comes in and twists Scott's arm and throws him out. As soon as Scott is out Edward said I can't believe you kidnapped Laura, to Tracy. Monica and Alan are there. As a matter of fact Alan is there from the beginning and a few times Tracy responded to him in front of Edward and Lulu. Edward tells Lulu that he can't believe she is siding with her stepmother. And Lulu said, "well just this once but I'm not moving back in" or something like that. Lulu tells Edward that her father would have done it without Tracy anyway, but that Tracy made it more of a success. There is other dialogue with Lulu and Tracy regarding her moving back in for instance they had just finished dinner and Tracy said, something like "see isn't that better than having cold pizza"?" Monica said Lulu would have to get a job or go to school during the summer and that she could not just hang around and sleep with Dillon in the boathouse. Edward to Monica "wash your mouth". Lulu said she has no intention of such plans with Dillon. Scott is back, but this time with a cop who says "Tracy Quartermaine Spencer you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Laura Spencer" tracy has an odd smile on and Alan rolls his eyes. Tracy is still sitting in the chair at the fade out. You don't see them put the handcuffs on her I mean.

That's the gist of it. Tracy is not in the previews for tomorrow. But I assume Lulu bails her out at some point this week, right?

Edited by TracyLuv
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TracyLove...you are becoming the recap queen of the thread! :) Good job. So what do you think the outcome was? Will Lulu move back in? She seems like she was sort of faltering at the end (and who is Monica to tell her she has to get a job or go to school. Suprised Lulu didn't tell her where she could go!!! I mean really, I want lulu back in that house in the worst way...but why would she go live with them when she could come and go as she wants with Lucky and Liz. Maybe in her own way...she really does care for Tracy.

It was sad though...when Monica said "cook said there would be 4 for dinner tonight." So sad that the Qs are reduced to three of them at that house (WTF is Dillon by the way???) So scott is off in July? Where does he go...in search of Laura too? As much as I hate Skye and think Emily is so boring, etc...I wish they would come back home and live at the Qs again before they dwindle down to absolutely nothing.

So my take is that Edward for sure will bring Ned back temporarily to fill in for Tracy when she is commited. She is going to be committed on the 18th I think IloveTracyQ That is the straight jacket day!

I do think she will be on tomorrow cause Alan is supposed to pay her another visit on the 13th I thought. Maybe in jail and lulu has to bail her out this week too. Either today or tomorrow I guess.

Hair lost some oomph Ms Q if you are reading this...must have flattened out from wearing the blonde wig! Don't like her shirt...either she has a dark bra on underneath it or a dark shell type thing...either way...looks funny...that is my wardrobe comment. I hope we see her in jail in Port Charles Jail denim shirt like Jason--but I doubt it. Jason just hangs out in the interrogation room. No cell time for him.

Will be around later...very busy on the thread today!!

BTW...my son returned home from his trip safe and sound (his first flying alone vacation). Whew!

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Thanks for posting the recaps Tracyluv, I have been looking everywhere for some details with no luck! So thanks!

hooked, glad your son got home from his trip safe and sound.

I have to say it is really sad that there are only four Quartermaine's left on the show. :( We need to get Ned and Emily back in that house, and we also need BrookeLynn to come back and "bond" with her other family. The Q's are dropping like flies and I don't like it!

Edited by nex4evr
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Thanks Nex...glad he is home too! I just realized on that savefile thing I didn't credit anyone for those clips I uploaded? Who should I credit? Hellagood/GHVT? Edited by you!

http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 anyone around tonight? I am doing booking some stuff online...will be around for a while. 9:15pm central

BTW...I found a song for a Lunacy video...do you think I can take on that endeavor? I haven't a clue how to do it, but I know I have the program...hmmm....maybe I will try!

So here is my lulu take...even though she acts like she wants nothing to do with the Qs, I think she has always craved boundaries and someone caring where she was or who she was with....I think she secretly revels in the fact that tracy and the rest of them do care about her and fill sort of a parental void in her life that Lucky/Liz/Nic couldn't. Maybe she will bail tracy out and they can have a heartfelt moment and she will agree to move back???

Edited by hookedongh
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