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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Deb you'll have to give me more info.

What shaped face do you have?

Not sure? Do this: pull your hair back away from your face, and trace your face shape in a mirror with lipstick or whatnot.

Look at the shape.

Heart shaped? Round? Square? Oval?

Yes. These things do matter.

Although I will say, I wouldn't go shorter than shoulder length, you need some hair to balance out the width/heaviness of your face.

It also depends on your hair type: some hairstyles just don't work with wavy hair, some don't work with straight hair.

Give me details woman !


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This is me in March. Scary. (I'm the youngish one. :D) I am so losing the Pocahontas look, ya'll.

ETA: Well, it would help to post the link, huh? http://pics.livejournal.com/minerva_fan/pic/000xb6kp/ This is what comes of posting at 6:30 in the morning.

Oh, and will SOMEBODY throw some inspiration my way? I need TQ to be on the show, because I haven't had anything to write about in ages....

Edited by MinervaFan
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Hey Deb, my advice on the hair...First off I like the braids :).

You hair appears to be thin and somewhat straight with some wave to it. Make sure first of all that you really do want to cut it. Since I think you said you wear braids all the time, people often do this (I know I do, but I use a pony tail) to keep the hair out of the way and/or because it's easier and they don't want to deal with styling it. If you go any longer than short, You will NEED to style it regularly. Hair that is thin and straight can look 'stringy' if not styled. It will be harder or more of a pain to style and you may end up doing the braids anyway, or tying it back in some fashion. I wouldn't suggest a short haircut because as you said your face is round. On the other hand, because your hair is thin, it may lay closer to your head and not necessarily widen your face BUT WILL make it appear rounder. Anyhoo after all my yada yada above... I would suggest a cut at about shoulder length or a tad longer, cut in long layers or a shag. Actually a shag may work better because it needs less styling. Since you are taking the plunge and cutting most of your long locks, be sure to find a good hairstylist that will give you a good cut even if it's a little pricey. You'll be happier if you do, considering bad cuts show up BIG TIME on thin hair. Hope this helps. :)

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*runs in*

YEAH! Tracy in ON today! I can't wait to read the details. I'm sort of bummed that after this week, I won't be able to use the free lab before classes. I mentioned this in an email, but after this week, I have classes from 9 to 2, and the lab closes at 2. Booo. :( I guess I can use that one place I went to that one night. About 92 cents an hour in American $$$.

MinervaFan, I'm not good with hair...Unless it's Tracy's. LOL. Speaking of...I hope this part on the side looks better than what's she's been sporting recently. And booo to the recycled wardrobe. nex, I know exactly what outfit you're talking about. She wore it September 18th and 19th-ish. Those aren't the exact dates, I don't think. I'm slipping!!! :o

Spoiler for Week of the 18th (SoapKing):

*runs out*

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Oh I like that spoiler Ms Q! Even from Mexico she comes through for us! Will have to send you some $ for the internet cafe so you can keep getting online and getting us more spoilers! I can't wait to see Tracy raise some hell at Shadybrook!

Deb...looking at the picture and will get back to you with the hair thing...

I have a house full of boys today (why should today be different from all other days, except one of my kids is away and somehow I ended up wtih three additional boys over to swim and play). Only bad thing is I have to watch them in the pool and be outside with them.

Deb--I think you should write about the therapy session with Lainey Tracy will have regarding Alan!

Oh..and now my friend can't go to the concert tonight so it is me and three little boys going to Weird Al...I told my son I was going to bring my lighter to hold up and he was like "huh?" I asked him if he would be embarrassed if I stood up on the seat and danced--ha ha. I started thinking of other concerts I went to in Houston in college like sneaking here to go see Springsteen---then I started thinking of those old clips with Tracy/Paul/Ned/Jenny going to a Springsteen concert--so hilarious....they are on the Ned/Jenny DVD edits.

SHoot the natives are getting restless downstairs...gotta go supervise...

Edit Deb...don't do anything drastic...do it gradually if you want to go shorter! I would agree with TL...cut it to just below your shoulders and have them angle it on the sides like long layers....don't do layers all over cause it is a pain in the butt to grow out...if you have it angled around your face, it will be a much softer look! Plus you might want to have th option to pull some of it back in a pony tail or in a clip in the hot summer. I'm with you TL...some things are worth splurging on and a good haircut is one of them!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Okay, Hooked and TL, would I be able to pull this look off, and would it require massive amounts of upkeep? Because I would prefer to look like stylist-assisted Rosie, rather than hanging-out-at-Dodger-Stadium Rosie.


Oh, and MsQ, leave it to you to send us international spoilers. I'm LOVING the thought of

In fact, I've already written a very short fic about just that--except it's awful and I never transcribed it from my notebook to the computer.


I'm page 350!!! I got a page! What do I win? What's my prize? Oooh, how about a virtual TIVO to get all that JanieBean goodness? Yeah, dances. I got 350!

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Ok I am going totally off topic here, but I have the funniest story to tell, and I thought you all might need a good laugh. :)

You first need to know that my roomate Heather, has two cats, one named Toby who is a big scardy cat, and the other Mickey is a big fatty (18 lbs. to be exact). Well, last night they were playing as usual, when Mickey ran into my room with Toby chasing him because he had a Wal-Mart bag attached to his body. I have no idea how the bag got stuck on him, but it did. Anyhoo, as Toby came running into my room, because he couldn't get the bag off of him, Mickey got all scared and ran right through my bedroom window taking the screen and some of my shades with him. He went flying through the window and landed two stories down into the neighbors yard. As I ran through the apartment screeming for Heather that her cat went through my window and landed downstairs in the neighbors yard, I began to laugh/cry in a panic thinking the cat was dead. He's fine, but I spent most of the night and this morning laughing to my self, infact I am laughing so hard right now as I write this story I need to wipe the tears out of my eyes and blow my nose. :D

**Ok calms down, breathe**

Back to topic, Tracy is going to be on and we are offically half way through the work week. YAY!

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I can answer this question for you!!!!!!!!! First, I loved that hairstyle on Rosie and I can totally see you with that hair cut. Here is how you can do it yourself without a stylist. It might take some time and practice but once you get the hang of it, it shouldn't take too much time. You should only need two things, smoothing fluid and velcro curlers (medium to large). Don't laugh but velcro curlers will give your hair body! What you will need to do is after washing your hair blowdry it until its almost dry, then you will put the smoothing fluid in and then the curlers. Let them stay in your hair while you get dressed and do whatever you do in the morning, drink coffee, watch the news, eat breakfast, or put makeup on. By the time you finish getting ready your hair should be dry, if not use the blow dryer. Take out the curlers and run your fingers through your hair, and it should look fine. You can also add more smoothing fluid if you feel you need it. The hardest part will be putting in the curlers, but once you have it down it really shouldn't take too much time.

I know this because I have had that hairstyle and thats what I used to do and it totally worked for me. The best smoothing fluid I have ever used is by Aveda, its in a small blue bottle and it costs like $20 but it lasted me over a year, it also makes your hair shiney and not looking like you have glue in your hair. Hope that helps.

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Just don't do what I have done twice which is cut my hair from butt length to over the ears. I also have thin, straight and flat hair. Adding anything to it makes it flatter (which every stylists finds out when they try to do anything with it LOL). I had one perm give it body once, but that was done in Italy and you could smell the perm solution every time I washed my hair for the next six months. It didn't curl it (although they used the smallest rods), but it did give it a little body. Coloring my hair actually gives it the most lift and even that isn't much. So hopefully, you hair has more natural body than mine (why did all my brothers get the wavy and curly hair anyway???).

I tend to cut mine kind of like Tracy's cut now. It's in a bob that curves so that it looks as though it actually frames my face and they curve the front down so it is slightly longer and swings when I move. That cut works really well on me, but I have a small and rather long looking face. For some reason that cut makes my face look more normal (at least to me) and it makes my hair look like I've actually done something to it when in fact I comb it out and go. I keep it somewhere between chin and shoulder in that cut.

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We're back!

Weeeeee. Anyone know why SON was down? (Other than -- 'it happens sometimes.')

Hey, Ms. Q --- if you're checking in, you would have LOVED her "PELO" on Wednesday. Muy Ommmphy! It was a very good hair day for TQ. Best I have seen it in a very long time.

Um... I saw the back half of the show twice - once at 3p and then again at 10p. Anyone (um... Nex?) have clips? I just want to see TQ in the first few segments. I understand she actually SPOKE then (One of the segments I saw she actually TALKED. Imagine that! But hey, why am I complaining? It was a Spencer family day, and they included her in that group. I should be THRILLED about that. Hey, I am THRILLED about that. In the old days - uh, three months ago - she wouldn't have been in that group, and they would have done all the courtroom scenes without her).

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Ok all, so first thing's first... loved yesterday's epi, no matter how little she was on. She called scotty out and looked fabulous while doing it! So it worked for me. And yes, Ms. Q, the hair had plenty of oomph!

Now down to business. I have a favor to ask everyone. I kow ordinarily I only hear from one or two of you when it comes to reading something from my class for me, but I am posting a link to the longer story I have to submit June 15th. The only guildline I was given is that it has to be between6 and 15 pages long, so it was entirely up to me and I need all the feedback I can get b/c I want to be able to fix what I've screwed up in time to send it.


Thanks so much to everyone who can help me out!

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OK...so...I was not online at all last night cause of the Weird Al concert (which by the way was actually quite entertaning in a 10 year old boy sorta way!). He really is very talented in his own way.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....nobody commented that Tracy called Lulu "sweetheart" yesterday when she was talking to her in the Q living room and asking her to please reconsider going to court. Also, either JE flubbed up a line or it was written totally wrong....she said to Lulu "If he (meaning Scott) says anything else to hurt you in court, your entire family will rally around you and then Scott is going to look even more sympathetic to the judge." I think that makes no sense at all...it should have been "Pathetic" not "Sympathetic". Either she messed it up of they srewed it in in the writing...but either way GH is getting SO sloppy don't ya think? Gloria Monty would have never let that stuff happen back in the day huh????

She looked great in her suit and the hair would make Ms Q smile. Pelo con oomph Ms Q we tell you!!!! Was the jacket I think from the date Nex said, but it looked different cause maybe she was wearing it closed. She has to be on today right as a follow up???

The straight jacket is ridiculous...gotta be edward's doing, but at least tracy will get a story! Especially cause I think LUke is leaving the week of June 11th is his last airdate. The scenes at Shadybrook will he hilarious...I just hope they last for more than 1-2 episodes.

Deb...the other thing is...if you buy a blow dryer...buy a diffuser attachment...they are cheap, but if you blow your hair when you get it cut shorter, that gives it more wave and body too...all I do these days is use that on my hair with the blow dryer for like 5 minutes and let it dry the rest of the way by itself, I have gotten too lazy to blow it straight and use the Chi thing to make it really straight!!

Edit Of note...yesterday was the first sonny-free day I can remember in a long time. And sam-free to boot as well...amazing!!! And they drug Georgie out of the closet too. Notice they only showed milo and spinelli worried about Lulu. WTF...where is Dillon? I know he is leaving, but they totally write him out and give him nothing except his last hurrah scenes??

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I thnk they meant like what happened in court when she found out about the rape. The family will defend her, the court will be chaotic, someone will inevidably punch Scotty again, and the Judge will see everyone attacking him and feel said sympathy

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