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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Judging from recaps...No Tracy, I guess.

MinervaFan, cute video. It's nice to see HAPPY!Tracy. I also liked the use of new clips. Not just Harlan/Tracy, Marco/Tracy, etc, but that you also incorporated some clips that we never see in vids (i.e. the NYE one, the Helena one). Anyway, I loved it. It was so much fun. And that's so cool that your dad sang the song.

Got Info has character airdates for the next 2 weeks. Next week, our girl is on 3/20, 3/22, and 3/23 for sure. No mentions of her AT ALL for the week of 3/26. :( This doesn't mean she’s not on; it just means she isn't in the breakdowns. IMO, though, if she is on, it's going to be for 30 seconds. Stupid.

I bet TG is on vacation, so Tracy will pretty much disappear 'til May or whenever. *shrugs* Hey, at this rate, GH will have no problem utilizing Ghost!Alan 'til August if he keeps getting just 2-3 scenes a week, and then 4 weeks off. And, I'd like to know why Craig gets to be in 10 episodes, Amelia 7, and Tracy only gets 3. The one person listed who got less than Tracy was Edward. Ooh, how exciting. [/sarcasm] Oh, wait. When do Spring Previews air? 'Cause Luke still has to play GhostBusters! LOL.

Also, a few days ago, an anonymous poster left several scoops. Got Info confirmed one of them so far, so there's a chance the rest of the scoops are also true. Here is the Tracy one:

Last video for awhile, probably…Lainey, don't watch, 'cause I've clumped Luke in with the rest of the men that treated Tracy like crap at one point or another. Not sure of the "true" meaning of the song, but it's Live To Tell by Madonna, and I thought it worked well for Tracy with the clips I used: CLICK HERE. Features Tracy, Mitch, Scotty, Paul, Jax, Coleman, and Luke.

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I watched.

Oh boy! 22mbs of a deliciously executed vision! Wow Ms. Q, you are extremely good at this videomaking thing. Wow. Wow.

Everybody should watch... and if it depresses you a little.. don't worry!!! The antidote is coming!!! Hot LuNacy sex is just hours away! Minerva, I'm approaching finished on "Dry." I'm hoping you can beta before tomorrow night, and then I'll "publish."

I should stay out of work more often... I am quite productive when I do! Ha!

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Hey Lainey, don't dangle the carrot if you don't intend to give it to us... you're positive it'll be done?! I can't wait to read it, but if this is one of those things where someone says it'll be up, but then OOPS, it's been delayed I'm going to have a breakdown. A bit of an extreme reaction, but, yes, I will be that sad. At any rate, I can't wait for it (in case you couldn't tell!), I'm sure it's amzing!!!

Ms. Q, downloading the video now. I'll post a reaction later on.

And that's right folks, no Tracy today, and a crappy episode to boot IMO. TOTALLY not worth my snowday.

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Okay, my day was so *stupid*! First, I wake up and find that I overslept and missed the bus. After much arguing with my mother which ended when she basically said I'm this huge disappointment to her and me in a not-needed bad mood.....Strike 1. Then when I get to school, I practically sprint to my 1st class (World History) and almost strip (cuz of course its in a portable and it was storming last night i.e. ground=wet) then when I get to the class (*right* before the bell rings) I find out that he's not in there! He's getting something from his car or w/e and I didn't have to rush.......Strike 2. Yeah so by the end of 1st its storming outside (remember this class is in a portable/trailer thing outside behind the school) anyway, so i go to 2nd (Integrated Math II) and sit there ready to fall asleep, occassionally wanting to strangle the idiot who sits behind me. So after that class is done I go to lunch (remember it is still pouring outside and I have to go outside to get to the cafeteria). So I get in there, somehow I managed to not get wet (hmmm....i'm still trying to figure that out) and then I see my friend. She is *drenched* (and I mean not a dry spot on her) and her eye-liner is running down her face. Hee, she's so lucky I didn't have a camera. But anyway, about 5 minutes into lunch they announce that we all have to evacuate the cafeteria (so do the ppl in portables and classrooms) and have to sit in the hallways because there was a tornado spotted 8 miles east of the school. One of my other friends gets hysterical crying because she doesn't know if her pets are safe or not. Then this *idiot !@#$%^&*]* of an administrator tells me to be quiet when I never said a damn thing and the kid across from me is screaming like a fool...... Strike 3 I'm pissed! So we sit there for god knows how long then go back to lunch for like 10-15 mins then go to 3rd period (Biology for me). I was so completely out of it, tired, and pissed and the only good part of that class was I found out I got an A (which never happens cuz I hate science). Then for 4th (Spanish) we have to go to the media center (library) because we aren't allowed in the portables. Basically I sat there, talked to my friend, and listened to her Ipod. I was so bored I was ready to scream! But hey I did manage to get out of taking a quiz in Spanish! Whoop-de-freaking-doo! To summarize, I.HATE.FLORIDA!

Yeah, just thought you guys could use a nice little story.

Oh and top it all off..... No Tracy today! Just a bunch of idiots I couldn't care less about!

MsQ, I'm downloading the vid now, but seeing as its yours, I know it'll be awesome and cheer me up!

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Lainey & MinervaFan, Welcome back!!!

MinervaFan, thanks for that fun vid! It was nice to see some new clips of Tracy. I've never did get to see that scene with her and Dillon and the costumes or the one with Helena. And wow! - your dad sounds great! - I guess talent runs in the family :)

Ms. Q, Thanks for the fabo vid! I always love to see Tracy and her men, even though many of them were creepos. heh. Loved the effects you added. Get them vids up on YouTube! Oh and this CAN'T be the last vid for a while, you have to do the bad hair/good hair Tracy vids. LOL

Ms. Lainey, am (im)patiently awaiting your new story. It's been ages. My mouth is watering in anticipation.

Angel2Devil, Sorry you had a crappy day and that tomorrow's better for you.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Hello all. Most of my vids are on YouTube, but it might be another 24 hours or so 'til they're "searchable." And YouTube is doing some strange things now anyway. It says I have 9 vids, then 17, then 12, then 22. It's weird, and She's A Lady isn't playing at all. *shrugs* Maybe it'll work tomorrow?

angel, sorry about your day. And tornado warnings are SCARY. Not sure if the vid is gonna cheer you up though. It's sort of depressing. :o

Lainey, I'm glad you enjoyed the vid even though I put LuNacy with the rest of the failed relationships. And you better be right about LuNacy sex. May Sweeps, right? ;)

TracyLuv, I'll see about getting the Helena one up soon. The costume one is from GQ-Daily. December 31, 2004.

Until then, I bring highlights from the Will we ever get to see a love scene with Tracy/Luke? thread at SOC.

From our very own smirks: "They keep filming love scenes and the film keeps spontaneously combusting from the sheer hotness."

From PrezLeeFun: "I hope they get some sort of love scene. They are great together and I just want some sort of physical conformation that they have consumated their marriage."

From nataliejo: "I wish they would show a love scene with them..."

From Snoopy: "Weren't they just groping each other before Tracy saw ghostAlan not too long ago? But I would like to see them consumate their marriage because I like Tracy & Luke together."

From daviddorianfan: "I think they should have some loves scenes. If Dorian (she's getting ready to to turn 62 btw) and David of OLTL can have them, I don't see why Luke and Tracy can't. Some people say they love Luke and Laura, but say "ew and gross, etc" to Luke and Tracy. If that's the case, it seems to imply that Tracy is gross. I think that is far from the truth."

From Palabra: "I agree with those who would like to see a Luke and Tracy love scene. They are married. Luke repeatedly says he loves her and wants to stay married to her. Their relationship is entertaining comic relief, but it's also got some tender parts. Lately, they've been playing up more of those tender parts, and that's a good thing."

From kellykelly: "I believe that the pairing of Luke and Tracy is absolutely wonderful. I am not, nor have I ever been a Luke and Laura fan. I would like to see more of a love story with Luke and Tracy, but do not want the writers to make it at all gushy, because that would ruin the integrity of the actors. I hope that if Laura does come back Luke will finally realize that he is not in love with Laura, but in love with what LnL was during the height of their relationship."

From maiz: "...any way they do Lunacy sex would be great (except for the porn lights..... ) with me...... Its one of the things I want most on GH.... but it will probably never happen since it might make me happy and Guza hates making the fans happy......Btw...... the foreplay should be awesome if it does happen....."

I hope none of these posters take offense from me bringing their quotes over here. :o

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MsQ, I'm sending you chocolate-covered Prozac. I just watched "Live to Tell," and I'm totally depressed now. I had to watch "When You're Smiling" again, just to counterbalance the sadness. :( Tracy needs to be kissed, a big old Harlan Barrett and The Roller Skates kiss, a Dayum You are One Hot Woman and I Can't Keep My Hands Off You kiss.

Luke needs to be the one doing it, boys and girls. He's the only man in PC smart enough and strong enough for her. Just watching this string of losers Tracy's been stuck with has convinced me. Tracy needs this Bad Boy to pull himself together and be man enough for her.

And if he can't do that, then Tracy needs to drop him, do the Helena thing. Become a force unto herself, surround herself with boytoys and give up on the whole love and marriage thing. She was on her way to doing that before Luke derailed her. If he's not going to step up, he needs to back off so she can continue on her path to replacing Helena as the resident Ultimate Evil Bad Girl on General Hospital.

I'm sick of Tracy being SH$T on. She's beautiful, sexy, intelligent, talented, funny, strong, and capable. She's borne more pain and disappointment than any one person should ever have to suffer, without the family support and love most of the people on the show have had. Tracy is the ultimate survivor, and she gets spit on by everyone.

If the Qs must perish, I want Tracy to be the last Q standing. I want her to wind up with all the toys, all the money, all the power. I want her to OWN Port Charles. She may not have love, but she will have what the Qs have always wanted most--money and power.

I want Tracy to win, finally, at long last. It's what she deserves.

I'm so sick of this BS.

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Awww Deb. *sends ultra chocolate fudge brownies your way*

I agree. I don't think the vid depressed me though, although it definitely wasn't a "happy, perky" one, but as always Stace, I am in awe of your talent.

You rock, Sista friend.

And Deb, yours too...your dad has a GREAT voice, and has he ever done commercial work or anything? I swear I've heard him before, but maybe it's just because he sounds uncannily like Louis Armstrong.

Well, I think so, anyway. :)

And wow, yes...I posted that roller skate clip at SZ. I forgot how hawt the roller skate kiss moment was till I watched it again, years later.

And how fun Scott/Tracy were.

And while I LURVE Lacy, if Tracy would get better treatment elsewhere (see with this regime, I think Lacy- still married and still fairly intrigued with each other after two years- is as good as Guza gets) I'd drop them like yesterday's news.

Brownies all around ya'll. :)

I still have to say in principle that even when they aren't nice to each other, that's part of what defines them.

They won't ever be typical lovey dovey....to put it bluntly, but that is part of who they are.

It doesn't mean Luke has to keep disregarding or ignoring her...surely the writers see it now too, or otherwise, why the comment from Scott about self respect?

But it does mean he COULD and SHOULD treat her kinder than an afterthought he remembers on his "things to do" list.

*kicks Luke back in line*

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Hey, I checked out that thread that you posted, MS Q. I thought it was funny how, with the exception of maybe 2 or 3 who agree with Guza that they don't want to see older couples having sex, the only reason anyone had for not wanting to see Luke and Tracyget together was Laura. Get over it people!

I can't wait to read the upcoming stories... I'm waiting for them today!

Hooked comes home today, so she should be back on sometime later... just to fill you all in

Sorry about the tornado, Angel

and I hope all is well with everyone else. I know I'm forgetting someone, so I am including everyone in that.

MinervaFan- Well said! I agree with everything you wrote.

smirks, as much as I'd like to say that your reasoning for the lack of Lunacy lovin' is the one I favor, though it's true that they are way too hot together if I agree with it, it would mean that I am saying that there will never be any love scenes with those two b/c it will always be too hot... and that's just not acceptable. I'd rather go on thinking that Guza is just a sh-t who doesn't like the fans to have their way.... but he is changing his mind based on the general opinion that they HAVE to be together, hence the loving in May!!!! Guza should once in a while just get off his ass, or stay on it... whatever works, and check out these threads to see what everyone thinks. If he did, we might get a little more or what we want out of the show and a little less of CarSonJazJaSamLiz. That was way too long

PS. Georgie is annoying. That's all I have to say.

Now OT for anyone who is internet savvy, cuz I'm surely not. For my story I wanted a scene to take place in a cafe I went to in France. It's gorgeous and secluded and a very lowkey, out of the way kind of place, so I liked it for the location. I can't remember where it is located. It's only important b/c I have written a lot involving the surrounding and I don't know if it is at all accurate. I need it to be across from a park, a very lively place. I think it is there, but I don't remember, so I want to look it up. I checked it out and I only found one cafe by the name and it's not the one I'm looking for. I have a picture that I can scan in later, but I don't know where I can find it. I'm pretty sure it's in Paris, but not positive. It's called Camille. It's a cafe/restaurant and it has very dark wood on the outside of the bulding and with a green shade above the windows. I'm not sure anyone can help, but if you can give me any hints it'd be much appreciated. Thanks so much. I'll post the pic later if I have to. (It's beginning to drive me crazy, I even found another restaurant I saw just based on the picture, but I have a name and a pic for Camille and am getting nowhere.... argh!!!!)

Thanks so much if you can help

And Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone. don't know who's Irish here... I guess it's kind of like saying Happy Kwanza to a Catholic if you're not, but I'm putting the general happy holiday or happy Saturday greeting out there to you guys

Edited by knh
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Hi everyone! I'm back from vacation. No broken bones and 9 days of family togetherness! Boy was I ready to come home. I think 8 days is my limit. I couldnt wait to get back home and have everyone get away from me--ha ha.

So my tivo worked and I have 7 days of GH to catch up on. What days was Tracy on this past week so I know which ones to watch???

Hope everyone is doing well. I have SO much to catch up on. I just wanted to say hi. Going to go try to read my email and get caught up. If anyone is around later, let me know!

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Aww, MinervaFan. I'm sorry for the video. If you have Around the World, that (along with When You're Smiling) can cheer you up. :) And I totally hear you on the whole Luke thing. *please don't make this worse, TIIC, please don't make this worse*

angel and ILoveTracyQ, many thanks for the video feedback!

knh, I don't think I'll be able to help you with the OT stuff. Sorry. And eh...St. Patrick's Day is one of those things that some people celebrate even if they're not Irish, no? So, I guess it's okay to say it to everyone. Maybe. :lol: In any case, I'm not Irish, but I'll say it anyway...HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY.

WELCOME BACK, HOOKED! Tracy was just on Tuesday, 2 scenes with Luke and Alan in the PCPD interrogation room and 2 scenes with Luke, Scotty, Bobbie, and Mac outside the room. (It was a VET party!) Anyway, we've missed ya. Glad that you're back. :) Oh! Edit: She was on Thursday and Friday from the week before too.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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