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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Regency, YAY!! I can't wait to read your fic!

Nex?, Ms. Q? Do either of you have edited clips of Tracy/Lulu when Tracy was wearing the blue robe thing last month I think? and Tracy/Lulu/Dillon/Spumoni stuff? AND the segment of the epi from the explosion of the MC from Friday? My damn cable company screwed up and disconnected my cable!!!! When I noticed this, this morning I flipped out! I called them up and they reset it for me. BUT a few of the epis I had saved where missing from my DVR!! ARRGGHHH!!! All my Tracy scenes from last week are gone too but at least I have the clips that you all posted last week. My Alan scene of him having the Heart attack is missing also. If neither of you have them, maybe I can still get them from Hella Good, problem is, I don't know the dates of the shows. I would be eternally greatful if either of you could help me out. Thanks.

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I'm about half-way into the show. So far, I believe all she has done is visit Alan breifly. And she said something like "We were all scared for you." and then(I liked the next remark) Alan says "Get out of here, nothing scares my sister."

Then, Monica and Tracy went outside of his room and she told Monica about the explosion, and Monica said "Well, if your showing sensitivity, then it must be pretty bad." or something like that. I am not exact on quotes. :lol:

She's been pretty good. Well, she always is.

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Wow. If we could multiply what Tracy got to do today by like 5...or you know, 10, we'd have a good TQ episode. Unfortunately, it looks like Tracy's only scenes are from what daysfan mentioned. Was she awesome? Absolutely. From the little wave to Alan to watching him ask Monica if he could see AJ, Jason, Emily, and Skye. (I can't figure out if Alan's confused, or if GH forgot that AJ was um...yeah. I'm telling you; I'm sticking to my story that AJ lives in Florida).

Anyway, JE looked younger today, and get this...Tracy was at the hotel when it exploded!!!! WTH? Do we get to see any of that? Why wasn't she hanging out with Luke? Why wasn't she b-tching out Skye? Why wasn't she comforting Dillon? Gah. Instead, we get a throwaway line about Tracy just coming back from the hotel and seeing the explosion. We also got a mention of Lulu today from Tracy. Monica was asking if there was info. on Emily, and Tracy shook her head and pretty much implied there was nothing on Lulu either. (I can't remember, exactly). She was going to yell at Mac and then realized that his daughter was inside. But, anyway, Tracy is looking on the bright side...Alan is awake! :D






Someone on SZ brought up that Alan says "Nothing scares my sister," and how he's going to be appearing to her as a ghost, and the person said, "Well, that might scare the crap outta her." (something like that) It's not really funny, I know, but it made me laugh. And I'm still in denial about this whole Alan thing. I really am. I was thinking about it the other day and realized how close it is to the "end," and then I was like, "No, not doing this...NOT. HAPPENING. AT. ALL." Someone tell me I'm not nuts.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks soooo much Hooked!! I really appreciate it. I downloaded Friday's explosion from Hella Good and well they showed Alan having his heartattack again today outside the MC, so I don't need those clips.

Oh, one more please... Do you have the clips from when Spinelli was first introduced to Tracy and the rest of the Q'maines?

I am so pissed off. I'd hate to regularly start having to download from Hella Good just for backup because I'm only interested in Tracy and hate having the extra footage I don't need. I"m afraid my computer is going to crash. I have to figure out a way to burn the clips, and mVids etc. to a DVD, so I can't take the rist of having extra stuff. I am also very pissed cause there's nothing like watching on my TIVO. I usually save all my tracy/LuNacy scenes on my DVR and when Jen Bengley comes out with a new Luke and Tracy DVD I erase them BUT she doesn't have every Tracy scene on them. Usually only with Luke/Lulu and by herself only if it has to do with Luke s/l.

But thanks again! You're a lifesaver:)

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Just an observation from today...

I just rewatched the tracy/monica scene today (JE is such a better actress than LC) and when Monica asked about Emily, Tracy said no, and there is no sign of lulu yet either. Then she said she was going to yell at Mac, but realized he had a daughter in there too. It was like she was relating them all three having daugthers in there like Lulu is sort of like her daughter! I hope we get at least one touching scene between them at some point in this crisis.

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I think she definately thinks of lulu as her daughter now, especially if you look at the way she and her own kids interact... not that different, so why wouldn't she? I also think she is much better than LC. No disrepect to her at all cuz I do like her, but there is just something about it that always seems like she is acting to me. and her teeth bother me a lot. don't know why, they just do, they look really fake.

Oh yeah, and i thought she looked amazing today, by the way. She looked younger (not that that makes a difference)and happier and less tired than she has in maybe 2 weeks. LOVE her!!! (and she was hysterical and fabulous, even for only one scene)

Ok, here's is the question I know is on everyone's mind... (obviously, not really, but I'm going to take my own little opinion poll) way OT, sorry

What should Kristin do?....

my friend Louise wants me to take over her yoga class for her Mons, Weds, and Fridays. a couple of problems to go along with this so I've made myself a little pro and con list.


-I enjoy yoga and would be doing it anyway

-would be another job, so extra much-needed money

-can make my own schedule, so don't have to change

anything at work now.


-I haven't had the time to practice lately, so bit of a problem

-Haven't been to an actual class in 2 years so not sure what to do

-probably run out of things to do pretty quickly.

list goes on, but it stays pretty even and I can't think of them right now. I really do want to teach the class and it is in my town, which is a plus, but I haven't been to a class in so long that I really don't think I'd remember what to do or enough to keep it fresh. I can do the same thing over and over again in my own practice and it won't bother anyone, but not so much there.

so, again, what should Kristin do?..... feel free to share, even if it's an eeny meeny miny mo kind of thing.

thanks so much

oh yeah.... and thanks so much for the story Reg, it's been so long! I can't wait till you put it up

Edited by knh
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Catching up...

Regency, looking forward to the fic. You know your stuff is amazing, right?

TracyLuv, here is when the Q's meet Spinelli. Credit to Geena. Sorry about your DVR, etc. troubles.

hooked, when I was typing up the recap, I also thought about the Lulu as her daughter reference. I just couldn't remember if she had said "Mac has a daughter in there," or "Mac has a daughter in there too." But I'm thinking it was the latter now.

knh, I can't make the decision for you (I can't even make my own decisions, LOL), but good luck.

ATTENTION!!! I've been working on vids on/off lately. The frequent breakroom visitors have seen the "rough" versions of some of them. Today, I edited some things, saved them, and uploaded them to SendSpace. Enjoy!

Number 1: Short, simple LuNacy video starting with a recent scene, and then returning to the beginning and ending with the HUG (Instrumental).

Number 2: Tracy vs. Skye...Instrumental with 3 different songs. You might not like the Skye V.O., but I decided to keep it in to make me appear less biased. LOL. There's clips of Tracy going after Skye and vice versa.

Number 3: It's LuNacy. It ends on a good note, don't worry. Song is "Listen to Your Heart."

As always, feedback is appreciated.

On another note, SOC has a couple of Tracy threads up...One about an emotional Tracy and one about Alan/Tracy. Go show your love, folks. :D

BTW, I might not make the breakroom tonight...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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