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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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TracyLuv, I most certainly do miss you guys. Lots and lots.

I saw the episode last night on Soapnet. The mute button works pretty well, in lieu of a FF button. Tracy On = Sound On. Tracy Off = Sound Off. I'll agree with the assessment of the stairwell scene. I loved the TQ/LS interaction. And while I agreed with Monica that it wasn't really the time or the place for a marital spat, I could have slapped her when she ended it. I wanted them to just stay there for hours and bicker--that close, face to face, with her on the higher step so she was actually eye level. (TG is much taller than JE, so she's always looking up at him.) Dillon could stay, as long as he didn't interrupt too much. I will also agree that JE/TQ got the best lines of the show.

Okay, can I make a point that just cracks me up? I mean, it just cracks me the heck up about GH on so many levels. Here is this big local charity event. I can see Bobbie there, because well, she's running it. I can even see Mike there, because he's a local business owner and has a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" connection with Bobby through Carly and Sonny. I can even stretch my mind into Silly Putty and find a reason for Pervy Pete to be tehre....Okay, maybe not. But he's irrelevent.

But come on, guys. ALICE? Alice the housekeeper? Alice the professional wrestler? What reason, in the history of all reasons, could the so-called writers have (besides needing B-listers to "worry" about the A-listers downstairs) for bringing Alice into this? I mean, seriously, my mom used to drag me to these boring charity functions years ago--back in the 70s, some of these things were $100 a person. Did Alice buy her own ticket with her minimum wage salary? Because I can't see Edward going, oh, yes, don't forget the ticket for Alice and the gardener and the boy who cleans our pool.

Rich people do not bring their household staff to formal events. At no time, ever, did Leona Helmsley turn to Harry and say, "Mouse, make sure that Gertie the third floor scullery maid has an appropriate gown for the GOP thing at the Waldorf-Astoria." Donald never turned to his yard man and said, "Raul, grab one of my spare tuxes and get your butt down to Trump Tower."

It's sooooo calculated and stupid. And wow, it's proof that I'm watching on mute/ff, because it's really the only thing I have to whine about. And you know if I was watching the actual A-storyline, I'd have much much much to whine and complain about....

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I agree 100%...I was cracking up when Alice came in her black formal dress with sheer sleeves to give Luke a welcome back kiss! Not even his own daughter gave him a kiss (only a hug), but Alice does and then she goes with them to the charity event? What is the deal? Reginald never went anywhere with them...stella didn't go to formals, jennings didn't go, even Dobson didn't go!! Too funny....

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I agree 100%...I was cracking up when Alice came in her black formal dress with sheer sleeves to give Luke a welcome back kiss! Not even his own daughter gave him a kiss (only a hug), but Alice does and then she goes with them to the charity event? What is the deal? Reginald never went anywhere with them...stella didn't go to formals, jennings didn't go, even Dobson didn't go!! Too funny....

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I actually watched the whole show. It is gonna get old quick, but it actually for now held my interest.

Seeing Tracy was definitely a highlight, and it was sweet to see her concern over Lulu.

As far as Luke goes, I thought the stairwell confrontation had too many other people coming and going for me to think too much of it, although I love that she never lets him off the hook for ANYTHING. :)

About his not mentioning Tracy being in the building, I think he was too concerned about Lulu to really stop and think about anyone else, oh and Bobbie. I didn't take that as a diss to Tracy, although we all know by now Luke thinks Tracy can take care of herself.

And while more concern on his part would've been nice, I think I would ever cringe if he completely ever went into "she's in trouble and I have to help her" mode. Ewwww. First off, it wouldn't be true to their relationship. That isn't to say he shouldn't and can't show concern, THAT would irritate me.

AND if it were obvious she DID need help, I'd expect him to TRY, or to express guilt and remorse if he DIDN'T try. And maybe....just ONE time, it'd be nice to see him do the white knight thing, but I can actually grasp why he doesn't, and it most of the time surprisingly doesn't bother me.

What DOES kinda bother me is that once again the Q's are on the fringe of things, at least for now.

But I can actually understand why on this one too, because it's not like they have the brains and know how to handle a hostage crisis.

Not much to do for them but wait, although it would have been nice, and more in character, if they refused to go home.

spoiler talk

Well we have Tracy and Scott talking about Laura next week, and Tracy bailing Luke out of jail. I'm wondering and hoping that the "Luke and Tracy team up to find out what Scott is hiding" thing comes true.

Could be waaay too cool.

I also think, that the "Tracy comforts Dillon" spoiler is week after next, not next week. Could be wrong though, but Alan supposedly goes to the hospital by the week of the 12th(probably the end of it)and I assume Dillon is feeling guilty and THAT's why Tracy is comforting him (unless it's over Lulu?)

I have to say I am intrigued about the whole Alan appearing to Tracy after he dies thing, too. Anybody want to guess WHY??

All kinds of reasons why they might do it...what's up with that??

spoiler talk over

And *whew* longest post I've done in a while. LOLOL

*waves to everyone*

Good update Deb, I didn't see that one coming....Hee.

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MinervaFan, TIIC are using Alice as a substitute for the missing Q's. :(smirks mentioned it on another board. The family keeps getting smaller and smaller, so GH figures throwing Alice in the mix fixes the problem. I need Ned and AJ both to return, and soon.

ILoveTracyQ, woot! LONG POST!!!! I love it! Keep 'em coming! About the spoiler...I thought I said it was for the week of the 12th, LOL. Either way...If it's more than 1 scene, it sounds like AWESOME Trillon stuff. I just wish the circumstances were different. And you are too nice about Luke!!! ;) He didn't have to go into SuperHero mode for our girl, but a little mention of her wouldn't have hurt.

Spoiler Dates...






Monday, February 5th: Lucky has no choice but to arrest Luke.

So, this is where Tracy bails him out of jail, right? I wonder if it leads into Tuesday's episode???

Wednesday, February 7th: Nothing for us in the Cable Guide Spoilers.

Boo. However, an anonymous poster, who seems to have been accurate so far, reports Scotty is on 2/7. Will Tracy will be too?

Thursday, February 8th: Alan tells Lulu to follow the money trail. Alan's condition worsens.

I see how it is. For the first time in like 5 years, Alan gets more than one spoiler, and that's just because he's going to die. :angry:

Friday, February 9th: Scotty cannot deny his feelings for Laura. Alan has another heart attack.

It looks like Tracy's on, with Scotty. And poor Alan. *sniff*

Edit: Page 245!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Yeah, Alice is much more a part of their family than previous help! I think it is hilarious that she is a wrestler, has a crush on luke, stands up to them all, gets invited to family meetings (if only to stop her from seeing lulu spying, gives input on Dillon's hair (ha ha). When JI had that quote about being the oldest and Scott Clifton the next in age to him in reference to Alan's death, it does seem like they really need to bring Ned back. At least he is sandwiched in between Edward and Dillon agewise.

It is so strange that it will be on Edward and Tracy left of the true quartermaines. Who is going to say, "I gave it to you" now when Monica reminds them it is her house.

I must admit, I am looking forward to watching on Monday. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Is the GQ Daily totally closed down now? I had gotten some clips there a while back but now it isn't available.

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Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! <<ECHO>> It's too quiet in here. :( I'm going to try and do the breakroom tonight. 9 central again?

So, who haven't we heard from in awhile? Keith, Regency, knh, pinkpopsicle? Lainey's out of town. angel was here the other day. kenna made her reappearance at JE Online. Ooh. There's smirks, tracyluver, coolkid, and 4XCrazy too. Where did you all go? Sorry if I forgot anyone!!!

About GQ-Daily...Yeah, unfortunately, it seems to be completely closed down.

Ooh! Wizard had a spoiler for TQ fans today, but we already knew it...





Week of the 12th: Tracy thanks Luke for helping to save Alan. Other spoilers...Craig threatens to shoot Lulu unless Luke gives him the code. Ric restrains Luke. I'd love a Tracy/Ric scene out of this, but I'm betting Tracy will be at GH, which is actually where she should be (with Alan and the Q's), so I guess I can't complain.

ILoveTracyQ, about ghost Alan...Interesting that it's Tracy he's appearing to, and not the Golden Boy. Although, I say give it a couple weeks...Since GH has to pay Stuart 'til August, they'll probably make his character a ghost until then, and then he and Jason will do some bonding, or whatever. :rolleyes: Anyway...I think it's about what we said in the breakroom. Something LuNacy related???

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Hey guys, I actually posted the other day to check in quick and fill you all in. I'm just now starting to feel a bit better so I figured I'd stop in again. I had a VERY bad sinus infection for 2 weeks that wasn't going away. I had a 103 degree fever for 5 nights in a row (big fun there), and I ended up with pink eye on top of it all. I felt like crap, obviously, and also like I was beaten with a baseball bat against everything around my lungs from all the coughing. It sucked and lasted way too long. Upside... lost a bit of weight though, and I'm starting to feel better, finally.

I don't remember much of what I said in the phantom post as I can't seem to find it anywhere, but I'll say what I do remember.

1) As for T/L not being fun any more, I tihink we just have to keep in mind the storyline at the time. First was when Laura was coming back, so she clearly was not going to be feeling great at that point. She was being replaced again. Now it is sweeps. It is supposed to be the big story/big drama time. After this is all worked out I think they will get back to their former glory and be the same fun/ sexy bickerson twins that we all know and love. (don't know if you all know that phrase, now that I think about it, my mom says it a lot).

2) I also hope that they don't keep comparing Tracy and Laura. They are incomparable, totally different styles and personalities. I think they were just being compared b/c they had brought Laura back. It makes sense for that story. The love of his life came back, so, of course, Tracy would compare herself to her. It's the what does she have that I haven't? thing.

3) I actually loved the scenes yesterday. I can't really explain why, but I did. I though Tracy looked amazing, by the way, but I just loved it all. I just wish they weren't as short.

now for the new things. I think they brought Alice to events b/c they are all scared of her. Isn't she like one step from cook to them. She's a freakin' amazon!

and last, I actually don't htink that these sweeps will get too boring. They usually do one thing and drag it out, like the everlasting train wreck or the epidemic. Now they have the hostage situation, the explosion, and then the scotty returns thing. We may get a lot out of this.

MF, thanks for the CoH update, I'm readin it as soon as i get off here!

Ms. Q, (thanks for missin' me!!) I'm gonna try to be in the breakroom later on, but I'm still pretty tired, so I'll see how it goes.

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Watched the show again. Yeah, she's wearing her wedding ring - YEAH! I didn't even notice it on her hand when she was pushing the elevator button.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED the stairway scene! They were pretty close - thought it was HOT! Under different circumtances could have been a nice sex scene heehee :).... Tracy screaming in Luke's face, he grabs her and kisses her passionately and she succumbs and well woohoo - woulda been great!

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hey guys, I know I've asked this before, but i figured I'd give it another shot since we have some new people on the thread. I was wondering if anyone has:

1) scenes of the first time JE was on soaptalk (I have the second and third, but I didn't know she was on before those times)

2)11/14/03, (all the scenes), I have some but I don't have when Dillon is in the hospital and tracy is meeting Georgie for the first time.





6) the scenes when she first came back in the snow with Jax (I know someone has these at least b/c they have been in a video or 2).

thanks so much, all

ps, SOOOOO happy she has her ring back on!

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Could you describe the secnes from 4/28/03, 2/9/04 and 9/14/04. I probably don't as I am just gathering my collection from all the nice people on this site, but if I do, I would be totally happy to share.

While we are on the topic of clips, does anyone have the scenes were tracy was dancing with Dillon and like dips him down (I know it has been on some of the videos too). I was trying to remember if this was at her engagement party to jax or at someone's wedding, etc. Also, the "take a bus" clip where they kiss in Miami. I know it has been posted before, but I Think I didn't know how to save them back then and would like to save it now.

I know someone had the 2nd time she was on soap talk as it was in an old post, when she was talking about a coaster that Deidre Hall made her. Never saw the first time either. Does someone still have the 2nd time again?

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