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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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You are the nicest person ever! I can't tell you how long I spent last night going through Hellagood and downloading clips on MegaLoad or whatever. They had 3/23 and 3/24 and 3/28 clips that all had tracy in them (I looked the transcipts from those dates) but not the 3/21 date. They also weren't labeled with characters like their newer clips, so I had to dowload them all, watch them and then delete the others. You saved me from having to put in video requests, etc. thank yo uso much!!

I am heading to Florida tomorrow for my grandma's 93rd birthday with no kids or husband for four days--yeah! I probably won't be online that much, but hope you all have a great weekend!!!

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Ok. Let's try this again...

Ready. Set. Go.

MinervaFan, links are working now for me. Let me know if you have the problem again. And a weekly scheduled chat sounds good. We'll miss you though!!!

ILoveTracyQ, is that spoiler too good to be true? I read it at SD too, and it sounds plausible, but like MagicHappens, I thought KS was only around for Sweeps, so I don't see how there can be spoilers for Scotty afterwards (unless they do what they did with TR/Robert...although, that didn't work out too well in the end).

hookedongh, I know what you mean about the clips. I used to memorize the segments Tracy was in, LOL, to make it easier. HellaGood/NeverQuiet stopped doing the character thing for awhile 'cause of Feb. Sweeps last year when all characters started interacting (so it was too hard to separate). If that makes no sense, never mind. Anyway, have fun in Florida!

I miss Tracy!!!

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Deb, I'm all for this. I am starting school on Monday, and it is imperative that I stay on track this symester. Last symester I was doing great until I let my Tracy obsession take over at the end of the symester and I didn't do too well on my finals. It would be nice to have a scheduled time for at least one of the chats, that way I will be able to chat with you and others that I rarely catch in chats.

hookedongh, Thanks for the tip, I saw those YouTube videos/clips of Tracy's reaction to Lila's death, although I would like have the clips for myself. Since I have seen those already, I am actually looking for the eulogy clips with Tracy.

MagicHappens, Welcome to the Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest!

Edited by TracyLuv
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OK I know I have the all the clips surrounding Lila's death! When I get home I will try my best to remember and I will post them. Lets just hope I remember before Grey's Anatomy starts! :)

MinervaFan, I think its a great to actually schedule a weekly chat.

hookedongh, Have a great time at your grandmother's 93rd Birthday!!!

Also, I thought I would insert the link for Soaps In Depth's poll section, I know SD has made it to the Top 5 and Alan & Monica have made it in the Top 10, but I think Lacy could use a boost. :) We need to knock the Un-fab four of that list! hehe


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OH my gosh, I could actually contribute something!! I have that clip that someone gave me I am sure. Now I just have to figure out how to upload it. I think I signed up for a sendspace account. When I get done with my carpools today and kids activities I will try to figure it out. Wow...I can be a pusher instead of a taker--ha ha!

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Hey MF, I think it's a great idea, not that it matters seeing as nearly everyone has already said that, so it's a safe bet it's going to happen. Probably can't make every time, but I'll try. Who am I kidding, I'm an addict, I'll probably rearrange my schedule to get on.

Ms. Q, as for the Scotty for sweeps thing, those spoilers were why I was wondering too. I though he was only back for sweeps, but why, if he is only coming back for a short time, would there be SUCH and intricate story for him unless they want him back longer (which I am all for if it means he gets Luaura away from Luke and he can go groveling back to him wife

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Mrs. Q, do you remember the dates or month of Justus's funeral when Tracy and LUke had that scene on the patio with the kiss? I think it was in June sometime. I have been downloading clips from hellagood but then you get the whole long segment. Anyway, I am goign to go through the transcripts, but just thought i would check if you knew the time frame as you are the Goddess!!

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Mrs. Q...I found out the date was 6/28/06 for the tracy luke stuff/kiss after justus funeral. However, now I do have to ask if either you or Nex has those scenes as I went to try to get them from Hellagood and the files are outdated. Just whenever anyone gets a chance......

Were you guys proud of me that I figured out how to post a clip????

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*waves wildly to TracyLuv.*

I am all for a weekly scheduled chat, the only question, should it be the same time, same night every week?

Like I'm thinking Monday or Tuesday sometime between 8-10 central...or therabouts.

Just a thought.

Angel I totally want some flirtage with Scott/Tracy.

MinervaFan I'd love to FINALLY truly get to see Tracy/Luke teamed up together.

Magic I am a member at GHFF, it was one of the first sites I joined, but I rarely post there, usually just to bump up the Tracy thread if she was on recently. And I'm sure I've seen you there, too. I definitely know your name from GH2 for sure (I only lurk there).

About sweeps, well...Guza has told Alan relapsing and getting hooked back on drugs, a story that lasted about two weeks, (that should have lasted MUCH longer), so I totally can see LUke and Tracy teaming up to see what Scott is up to.

Here's the thing: the explosion tomorrow, I think is the very first of the show, then the next sixteen shows are tracing time back sixteen hours, so even though it's only one day, there is almost a month of episodes that technically take place BEFORE the explosion, for Tracy and Luke to plot against Scott.

So yeah there's time for it to happen. I am confused as well about Kin's time back. I had heard he refused unless they offered him a contract, then I heard he got one but it's short term, then I heard he'll be recurring, and on and on......basically I think him being here for sweeps is a guarantee and everything else after that is a toss up. I'd like to see him stay longer though.

I have also heard the "who killed RW" story will wrap during sweeps, then I heard the "fallout" would last until May.

So I'm just going to watch and see I guess. LOL

hooked I think SD DOES make more than JZ...but I agree, Alan has WAY more purpose than Bobbie these days.

Oh and have fun in Florida and drive safe.

Ms.Q IS the Clip Goddess, is she not? As compared to GH's fake Goddess, Sam I am.

I am proud of you hooked that you were able to post that clip. WAy to go ! LOL

Now YOU can be a clip PUSHER too !

Oh and I voted for SD, JE and Lacy too !

ETA oh yeah, on my home computer, it does not bring up options like "bold" or font or colors, when I click to post a reply, like it did before.

What have I done wrong to make it do that, and how do I fix it?

I just have one big blank square, no options are available at all.........

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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