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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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TracyLuv, knh and I both had to go! Sorry if you returned to the breakroom, and no one was there. :o I'll try to get Part 2 of those clips up soon. And oops...You just posted. Sorry about your computer troubles!

angel, this is for you! I know it's not technically your birthday where I'm at, but it is your birthday where you're at, and that's what counts! LOL. Happy Birthday! You're awesome! :D


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:blink: Okay, Ms. Q it's not my birthday but that is a hell of a gift to the world at large. There is not a woman on that banner that I haven't adored.

Oh, happy birthday, TIFF!!!

I'm just glad I'm not the baby anymore. :P

What a difference one year, two months and seven days makes. :lol:

Edited by Regency
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don't really need to read this, I'm just taking a minute to vent.

I am pissed beyond pissed at my professor at this point. She still has not graded my work to replace the incomplete she gave me! This was a summer course. She's already had a whole semester go by and I know she's graded their work. I just went through everything so I can call the department later. I have 4 pages, front and back, of very short emails to read them. There are so many and most of them are from me. I counted and she responded to around 4 or 5 of them, was snotty in all of them, and she still tries to say that I am not making an effort to reach her. She wanted me to go down for a meeting instead of sending her my work, but she'd never set up a time. She got mad b/c I couldn't do that b/c 1) I don't drive, 2)I live out of state (the reason I took an online course to begin with) and 3) I wouldn't go down on the off chance she'd be around b/c she wouldn't get back to me with a time!! I sent her the work she wanted 3 sepperate times by mail, costing $50. She said she never got any of it. Then she responded to one email 3 weeks ago saying she was almost done reading al my work, but then she had to compare the 3 sets of work I'd sent her. She bullied me and got snippy with me over not sending the work to her!! Now I ask you... if she is comparing my 3 sets, wouldn't that have to mean she'd gotten it?! I hate this with a passion at this point. It's not really worth it anymore, but I'm really mad b/c she's kind of screwing me here.

count to 10... and deep breath.....

Ok, Kristin. time to get over it

Thanks for the vent time guys

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Happy birthday, Angel! I hope it's a terrific, wonderful, fabulous day, and that you enjoy your party later this week.

KNH, as a person with a wife in college, I'm feeling your pain right about now. Your professor sounds very unprofessional.

MsQ, love Tiff's banner. :) :) :)

Lainey, much as I hate business travel and would never want to inflict it on anyone--kewl! Three days of Tracy! LOL

Oh, and completely off-topic--Dana Ivey will be playing a small role in Rush Hour 3 and she sent me a picture of her and Jackie Chan. Squee. I'll post it to the Ballyhoo LJ and up to her website probably later this week.

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Happy birthday, Angel! I hope it's a terrific, wonderful, fabulous day, and that you enjoy your party later this week.

KNH, as a person with a wife in college, I'm feeling your pain right about now. Your professor sounds very unprofessional.

MsQ, love Tiff's banner. :) :) :)

Lainey, much as I hate business travel and would never want to inflict it on anyone--kewl! Three days of Tracy! LOL

Oh, and completely off-topic--Dana Ivey will be playing a small role in Rush Hour 3 and she sent me a picture of her and Jackie Chan. Squee. I'll post it to the Ballyhoo LJ and up to her website probably later this week.

ETA: I LMFAO last night. Fey and I were watching S2 of Desperate Housewives last night. At one point, Gabriella called Sister Mary Bernard "Sister Mary Hotpants," and I almost choked. I turned to Fey who was like, yeah, yeah, I know that's your nickname for Barbara Bennett.

Well, I laughed, anyway....

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I'm glad you all liked the banner. I think angel will feel the same! Tiff, I hope you're enjoying yourself today! :D

knh, I hope everything works out for you!

Lainey, have a safe trip! *hopes for Tracy goodness*

It's close to 2pm central. I got about a half hour or so, if anyone wants to join me in the breakroom:


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Thanks guys. I jusr really hd to vent a bit. Hopefully it will work itself out, but it's unbelievably frustrating right now.

MF, cool little coincidence!!

Angel, sorry the birthday wish for lots of Tracy didn't come true, but maybe you'll get plenty when Lainey is gone! Not that I want you to go, Lainey, but major benifits for us, sorry.

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took a moment off Tracy related things to update my Dana Ivey site (uh, like I hadn't updated it in months!). Just love this picture.


Actress Dana Ivey at the Black and White Ball.

I so want Jane and Dana to work together. They're my two favorite actresses. I think they would totally work well together--they both have charm, bite, passion, and unbelievable skill and talent. While both can go a bit over the top, they tend to be extraordinarily good at bringing out better performances in the actors they work opposite. So, imagine them playing off each other! Oooh, bliss!

And just so I don't go TOO far off topic...a few reminders of why The Divine Ms. Elliot just revs my motor.




As Rachel Ray would put it,


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