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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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The limbo contest begins promptly at 4. Winner gets an autograph from Jane's Stunt Olive, Earl.

Earl's a very happy olive. :D

ETA: Omigawd. I just cruised SZ's Live Post, and I think our girl was on again TODAY. That's EIGHT EPISODES IN A ROW, and no Lucas Lorenzo in sight.


I think I'll hang out at the buffet for a while. The Steel Drum Band is setting up for the limbo contest, and the Tracy Impersonator Drag Show will be beginning after the contest.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Huge favor to ask of my Clipmongers--

I need Tracy scenes from Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and today, if anybody can post links.

GAWD, that was a rush just typing all those days.

Mannnnnn....eight days of Tracy.

Somebody be online later tonight--say in about an hour. I should be at the computer lab for a little while (cross fingers) and I'm really feeling the JE/TQ lurve today! I'd love to hang in the break room for a while.

Congrats on the 200th post, Nex!

Edited by MinervaFan
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Happy Birthday Jane Elliot!

And I'm TOTALLY missing so much of the party today! :(

About clips...



FRIDAY (forthcoming) Hella Good never got them up. I gotta get them from GHVT.



WEDNESDAY (forthcoming)

All above come from Geena of Hella Good.

About the other clips...

7/10: Boathouse (Credit to Geena of Hella Good)

7/19: TraLu Advice (Credit to Shazzer of GHVT)

tracyluver, if you can, you should post more!!! We've missed you SO much!

nex, congrats on 200!

I tested the breakroom about 10 minutes ago. It's STILL down. *sniff*

Woo! Cable Guide Spoilers weren't repeating themselves, and our girl is ON! (as others have mentioned)

Make-Up/Hair/Wardrobe: Eh. Make-up seemed kind of harsh. Nice hair, even if it's getting too long IMO. And GAH to the jacket. It's the "That's it; I'm done" one she wore when Luke left in November. Might have been better if was open and not buttoned or whatever.

Sort of OT: Leslie Charleson looked VERY sad throughout the episode IMO. If I could have, I would have reached through the screen and gave her a hug (and I'm not the kind of person who goes giving people hugs all the time, LOL). Anyway, it's gotta be about Stuart Damon. :(

Brief recap: Dillon calls another meeting, so Lulu can continue her search. The Q's are less than thrilled and all start moaning and getting up to leave, but Dillon stops them. There's some discussion of Sam. Alan is hilarious: "Sam ALSO quit the job at GH, and I gave that one to her." (I'm leaving out context. Sorry!) Lots of lines about the Q's family ways, who's got approval/who doesn't. Mentions of Ned and AJ. Monica to Tracy: At least your sons are both alive. Me: Ouch.

Anyway, Dillon has this whole spiel, goes on and on. Edward accuses Tracy of putting Dillon up to this. The word "nincompoop" is thrown aroung AGAIN. Alan sides with Tracy. It's nice. Edward: Jason is the ONLY Quartermaine worth a damn. Tracy has a bit to say about that. Wants Daddy to spare them of Jason's "imaginary virtues." Edward mentions Jason's going to give him his heir. Alan: Is Jason having a child? Edward's all, "I don't have confirmation, blah, blah, blah, but it's going to happen" (or something). That's all for the Q's. Well, Dillon and Lulu have a bit more. IIRC, Dillon pretty much put all the Q's down. Stupid boy. And, well, that's all I got on that front.

Oops! nex, do you want to get Friday's clips for MinervaFan?

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Did I win the limbo contest? :)

Oh and I've tried several times but no luck with the BR.

But yaaaaaay at EIGHT days of TQ.

I have a feeling though that we all know what all this airtime is leading up to.

Stupid IIC.

We need to create a Quartermaine spinoff .....STAT.

Oh and EEEEEE Jane should have gotten her flowers and cards today.. :)

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Thank you so much for the clips of the boathouse and the tracy/lulu advice! So if I log on to Hella Good I will be able to find these clips or request them?

I loved the scenes of Q chaos/meetings today. I liked Tracy sticking up for Ned and saying at least he got it right. And defending him when Edward said he is a wanna be in leather pants. Tracy said, "My son is a successful record producer in New York". Like she was actually proud of him. I agree...the nincumpoop line was funny the first like 5 times, but now it is getting old. I am glad that Dillon is going back to do what he wants to do. Tracy was supportive of in in the past saying her son had permission to follow his heart.

Sad to think when Tracy and Edward are all each other have left when Alan dies. Isn't it hard to watch the Qs knowing he is going to die in like 3 weeks. Do you think Sam might be Alan's long lost daughter or something from some past affair....maybe she is Rae and Alan's real daughter as Skye wasn't right? Just a thought for after he dies for a way for Sam to be in the family. Although they she would be Jason's half sister and there goes the Super Couple so I will retract that--ha ha.

I can't believe we have had 8 days in a row...there was GH's birthday gift to us!!!!

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TracyLuv, I can't believe I didn't congratulate you on 100 posts! Congrats! :D

hookedongh, the links I gave you should bring you to the Boathouse and TraLu advice clips. Non-recent daily clips can be found at Hella Good, but there's a good chance most of the links are expired. You can still try and post a request there though. Or just request them here. nex and I have a ton of Tracy clips saved. :D

Breakroom, anyone? I'll be in and out, as I'm attemping to write my initial draft of my philosophy of teaching (a foreign language); not to be confused with my philosophy of education (in general). GAH. Why, why, why can't I just write one philosophy and be done?!? :angry: Oh! Breakroom Link: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 PLEASE WORK. PLEASE WORK. PLEASE WORK.

Edit: IT WORKS!!!!!!!!

Also, smirks is doing a wonderful job of defending Tracy at SOC. If you're reading, smirks, you're doing awesome(ly)? Can I make awesome an adverb? LOL. Anyway, I'd go over and post something, but I think she has it covered. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey guys, I don't have much to add, I think you've pretty much covered it all today. But...


Oh yeah, and MF, I don't want to be a pain in the neck about it, but any chance you (or anyone else who has it) have had a chance to resend you AU. For the anyone else I was refurring to: She sent me her story and it came to me as a notepad file and I can't open it so I was wondering if someone could send it or tell me how to convert it to something I can read with microsoft word. Thanks so much!! Night all

Oh man!! I can't believe I missed the party :(

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