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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey guys, just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Tanksgiving!!! I guess I'm joining the veg-club here. Well I have been a member for a few years and also mocked at every family function, but I've got a few family mambers joining the ranks as well, so it's not as big a deal for us. Plus, being italian, we always have some other main dish besides turkey (really it's because none of us like turkey and it's only there b/c it's tradition)... woohoo lasagna!

anyway, have a great day, all!

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*waves to Ms.Q*

I'm at work and about to go eat at my parent's so I have to hurry.

Happy T-Day everyone.

Yesterday, I actually watched most of it.

Tyler and Greg made me cry.

Tony over acted.

JMB under acted.

But Tyler and Greg were wonderful.

Reg I don't know about status quo.

I'm not a couple FF, never have been, never will be.

I'm a TracyFF, and her happiness is all I care about really.

I'm an odd one on online message boards, I guess...because lots of other people are all. about. the couples.

*shrug* I do like Lunacy/lacy, but I'm just going to take one day at a time.

And DEBBIE, I do think it was your letter in SOD, I didn't buy the mag but saw it last night at WalMart.

Great letter.


I think it was the one you posted here.

Congrats girl. :)

See you all tomorrow or Sat probably.

Have a great day everyone !


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Hope you all have a great holiday!

Stay safe!

Be happy!

*waves back to ILoveTracyQ*

Oh! Guess what? I think Tracy actually starts singing the song in the montage. If you watch the clip (at the JE site), the camera shows her mouth at the word "ask," (We gather together to ASK the Lord's blessing...), and either she's opening her mouth to burp, LOL, or she's singing with the rest of them. Then, she goes offscreen, and it looks like Skye offers her pizza, but then Skye turns around and brings the pizza back to the table. Anyway, just wanted to share really quick. I was amused.
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Hope you all have a great holiday!

Among other things, like being thankful for my babygirl Dana (my daughter) and our health and my family and friends, I am thankful to have found all of you Tracy (and LuNacy) fans to share my obsession with and of course, I am thankful for Tracy/Jane, even with the few stuffin' crumbs they through her :)

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Jumping on the HAPPY THANKSGIVING bandwagon. I've been a sourpuss today--mainly because I'm still feeling kind of bad from yesterday. But I'm very thankful to have found this online community, and I"m extremely thankful to have Fey in my life--even if I drive her crazy with my mood swings and negativity.

You guys are great, and Fey is great, and well--I'll try to be more positive.

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Let me jump on the holiday greetings train with a loud HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all you wonderful people. And propose a toast...TO ABSENT FRIENDS AND THOSE THAT ARE HERE NOW. See ya'll later. :D

I have relatives to ignore.

Oh, and I sold my LuNacy bus pass. I'm driving in the Bentley again. It's okay though, because I still love Tracy. And she's having drinks with Coleman this evening, so there are worse things in her future.

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It's a miracle!

My family.


Minimal GH discussion.

No arguing (about GH).

Although...For whatever reason, I was kind of sad today and didn't enjoy the holiday like I should have, but anyway...POSITIVITY!!!

You all know I'm thankful for you (among a list of other things, which I won't list, LOL). :)

Something else positive: Tracy's on next week! And Ned was on yesterday! (Yes, I'm still excited about that.) But LadyAshton, I agree with what you said. Maybe we're just supposed to assume he's been hanging around somewhere, but where was Ned for the Luke/Laura Wedding?

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful day! And Deb, I hope you're feeling better. And Michelle, are you trying to be cool like me with your Thanksgiving colored letters? :P J/K.

See ya all later!

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Well, Will Ferrell has done the impossible. I just got back from seeing "Stranger Than Fiction" and have been guilted into starting back on the AU fic. Hell, I can't leave poor Tracy/MaryLee/whoever she is the way I left her. :)

Sooooo....hopefully I'll get some serious writing done tomorrow during my eight hours of extemely lucrative boredom....

ETA: Ya know, Regency, it's a traffic violation to keep driving that Bentley alongside the bus like that. Just pull that gas-guzzler to the curb, park it and get on, like you know you're dying to do.....


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Five new bunnies--free to loving homes---

1. Ned is back for the Thanksgiving holidays. Where has he been? And what has he got to say to Tracy about the recent goings on in her marriage? Ms.Q has already done this! Yay! Missing Scenes!

2. Georgie was not at the wedding. She voices her opinions when she has a chance meeting with Tracy at the hospital.

3. Leslie confronts Tracy about her marriage to Luke, and about her behavior at the wedding.

4. Tracy meets up with newly-returned Scotty Baldwin, and they discuss Luke and Laura, their own affair (in the far-distant past), and their prospects for the future.

5. When Tracy develops a mysterious illness, many people think it's a scheme to win Luke through sympathy, now that Laura is out of the way.

6. (Started out as five--these bunnies have a life of their own.) Tracy deals with the town's reaction to Laura's relapse in a uniquely TQ fashion. Bonus points for including the following people: Anna Scorpio, Bobbie Spencer, and/or Reginald the Butler.

Okay, folks. Live Long, Prosper, and FEED DA BUNNIES!

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great little bunnies; almost made me want to pet them... almost, if my own hadn't been the real live "cute little rabbit" version of Satan. Don't have time to write at all now, but I'll definately be going with one of these when I get a chance. I say that a lot, but I haven't had the time yet. Looking to get some time for it soon, but not quite yet.

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woot for Black friday! I don't think I actually knew that 4 in the morning was a real time. I mean I knew of it, but I always thought it was a myth, something parents told there kids about when they wanted to guilt them about all their responsibilities and the things they used to do. No, it's real, I've seen it... and it sucks!!!!!!!!

Now I'm off to draw and watch wedding crashers b/c, oddly enough, I'm not tired anymore and now I'll be up forever. man.............

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