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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I personally think you two are the angst queens of neighboring kingdoms! Speaking of which, get to it, I'm waiting for some of the stuff we've all been waiting for on the show. I think most are fed up with what's on right now, I, myself, am just really anticipating something good (or anything at all)... some L/T lovin'

Oh yeah, and Hi to MF and Regency!!!! didn't mean to ignore ya there

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Ooh, tons of posts!

Lady Ashton, yay! You got the avatar. Welcome to the thread, btw.

Deb, loved the fic, as usual. I wish we could have seen Tracy and Luke dancing as you had in the photo description. And cute title, LOL.

Oh. My. God. This reminds me of my mother!!! Yes, we've discussed GH again against my better judgment. (Note to self: Staci, do NOT do this again. Change the subject) Anyway, give/take...

Mom: Tracy knows this is temporary. Why did she have to act so mean to Luke the day of the wedding?

Me: You really think she was mean, huh?

Mom: Your sister did too.

Me: Ughhhh. Okay, the day of the wedding, Tracy was upset. Was she NOT allowed to be upset that the man she loves was marrying another woman in her own backyard?

Mom: It wasn't legal.

Me: (tries to come up with something good) It was in every way in that counts.

Mom: Well, Tracy should know that Luke loves Laura and always will.

Me: And she does. She said so herself. But that doesn't mean she has to be all right with it. She'll never completely own Luke's heart. She knows that, but is she supposed to just smile and say, "Aww, it's okay. You marry Laura, and when she slips away, I'll be the consolation prize?"

Mom: Well, if she really loves him, she will be there.

Me: And according to spoilers, she is going to be there.

Mom: Okay then, but she still didn't have to be such a b-tch.

Me: Well, this is going well. [/sarcasm]

I ended the conversation with something stupid about her opinion meaning nothing to mean if she can't validate it. Gah. I guess she did validate it (i.e. Tracy knows this is temporary), but still. That was a crappy validation, LOL. IMO, anyway. And there we go...In my opinion. Ugh. Opinions can be dangerous. Why, why, why am I so wrapped up in a fictional character? Why????

Oh, for the record, we all know Tracy can be a b-tch. She can be downright cruel. BUT! I don't think those scenes with Luke before the wedding were a shining example of this. Now, who's with me? LOL. Oh, 10 bucks says after Luke lashes out at Tracy tomorrow, my mother goes, "She had it coming." Gah. I'll stop. I'll stop. Thanks for letting me complain. *hugs to everyone*


Edit: Aww, Regency, you used the birthday banner in your signature! I'm glad you think it's special enough to go in there.

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*shakes finger*

What did I TELL you?

Honey, we are going to have to get you a stress ball or something.

There's a REASON I don't talk GH with people I know, especially my mom.

My mother was probably cheering Big Alice on, if she watched it at all.

OTOH, my mom's like me, she can take GH or leave it, and can walk out of the room and not care if she's missing something.

Well.....I can't miss the Tracy stuff. But everything else, I can toss or keep.

We are a strange lot, us Tracy fans.

We "get" her, and not everyone does.

That makes us SPESHUL.

Just remember that, the next time your mother deliberately tries to antagonize you. Just keep repeating to yourself, "I'm special and you're nottttttt......"

Because we're mature and all that.

Remember: We're SPESHUL !

LURVED the fics, Debbie and Reg. Loved them.

Bawled at both.

I'm a sap, and one more time, WHY can't we get that kind of stuff on screen?


And ETA welcome Lady Ashton ! :)

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Never heard this song. Kathy's got some voice! She used to be in the B'way show I work at - "Hairspray" !

Ever hear her bang out "Another Little Piece of My Heart (Janis Joplin)"? Totally amazing!

Do the vid Deb! sounds like a great song choice.

I will sing praises to all you fanfic authors when I get a chance to read them. I still haven't read AU yet Deb. But I will read that one first, first chance I get. I have like 5 papers due for school next week and I haven't even finished one. YIKES!!

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Is anyone else worried about the whole "lashing out/apologizing" and "breaking down in Edward's arms" thing today? Cuz I am. Still riding the LuNacy bus, but his apology better be DAMN STRAIGHT BETTER than his lashing out, if you know what I mean.

And I really hope Edward is nice to our girl. Because I don't want to have to kill an old man off in a story. I really don't.

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You know what, I am going to go out on a limb and say "I am excited about todays show." There is nothing to worry about because we all know that whatever the writers have Luke and Tracy say to each other, Tony and Jane are going to ROCK it!!! This confrontation between them might also work to our advantage because it might show some sympathy toward Tracy. We are just going to have to wait and see!

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Okay, everything has been timed perfectly. GH coincides with my lunch break, but I've already eaten, so yay! :) Now, to have everything else work in my favor. The lady was pretty darned determined to show Barney but fate loves me.

Now, I'm watching GH and I've seen no Tracy. A moderate amount of Laura, which is nice, but no Tracy.

And everything that just went wrong in the workplace is my fault. Great.

ETA: 2:29, Well, holy heck. I have a whole new respect for what Jane can do without words, both Jane and Genie. Yikes.

ETA: 2:35, Jane owns me. LuNacy is history unless Luke does something drastic. I love Tracy unequivocally. Wow. So glad I have this on tape at home.

ETA: 2:45, mmm, girl can do so much with a short scene. And she looked so beautiful with Dillon, who becoming more and more like Paul Hornsby with a heart, except no brain. My Loving Laura&Tracy heart is breaking.

ETA: 2:55, how frakking on target was I? Tell me. Not that she wasn't awesome, but how close did I come? Man, I love me some Tracy/Edward interaaction and Luke, despite his best intentions, needs to die.

ETA(for the last time) : Well, that was some breakdown. Way to go, Jane! Guza, don't frak up Laura's farewell, or LuNacy. I mean it. And now my break is over.

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