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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wait, did I miss something, was there a link to a new fic that flew completely under my radar or are you asking about putting it up now... b/c if that's the case, get on it Regency!! Can't wait!

oh yeah, and ca anyone tell me how to get an icon up?

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Breakroom? It's 10:20-ish central.



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I have seen nothing of this new fic. (Although I loved what you wrote in the 11/19 chat transcript SO much it's my new sig line.)

Where is it posted, Pookie? I need love and inspiration for my couple, now that everyone's jumped ship...

ETA: I'm online working...I'll have the Break Room open until about 2:15 Eastern if anybody is interested.

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I'm with you MF. I am still a believer in our couple. When and if I ever jump ship I am a good swimmer, I'll survive it and be back for more! That time has definately not come yet, so I can't wait to see what happens, but I do need those fics to feul my obsession and keep it going string, not that it will need much help, it's more of an "I want it" kind of thing than an "I need it", but keep 'em coming guys. I have my own that play in my head at all hours, but I have no time to write them and I want the ones from you all.

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WARNING -- Spoiler mentions below




You talking about me, Minerva or Ms. Q and TracyLuv ?

I haven't jumped ship (yet. actually I think I used the term 'bus' - ha!). Anyway, I'm off to the side waiting to see how they pick up the pieces from this horrible crash. I am heartened by the spoilers about Tracy trying to be there for Luke when Laura slips back, and about how there is a tender "goodbye" between the two of them. I even like the spoiler about how Tracy is encouraging him to be there for Lulu because that all points to signs that she still cares for him, and wants the best for him. And I am fairly certain that when he comes back he will see all this, and there will indeed be LuNacy Love.

I am enormously disappointed in the way this whole thing was written. Luke is up there telling the world (and himself and Laura), how much he loves Laura. Sure, he tossed Tracy an "I love you," but in the middle of what was happening it seemed so trite and unimportant. For 1.5 years now Luke and Tracy have been written and acted with this wild, crazy spark -- it reeked of lust and lunacy and possibility. And I know that it was partly that way because Jane and Tony have been pushing for it, but the writers went along with it. And for them to just IGNORE that history the way it was ignored was completely unfair. It COULD have been different. Luke could have come to Tracy beforehand and told her about his plans for Laura, and there could have been this heartbreaking scene where he tells her he cares but he has to go down this different path for now. It COULD have been dramatic and funny and wouldn't have spoiled thier L&L extravaganza (barf. gag). IT COULD HAVE BEEN 'SOAPY' WITHOUT BEING 'BAD.' IT WAS BAD!!! AND THAT IS WHAT IS SO DISAPPOINTING. :blink:

So.. I haven't jumped the LuNacy bus yet, but I might.. we'll see.

In the meantime, Ms. Q , your avtar is HILARIOUS! :lol:

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I agree with you on this, and most of the other stuff that you said. I don't think that the story was that bad, but I do not like how it was written. I am also very hopeful based on the spoilers. I know that they can do a lot with it so I hope they don't just let it float by without the story it deserves. I also like that they are writing a "new" thing for Tracy in how she is handling this. I love it when she is [!@#$%^&*]y, but like MF said, the get revenge for being dumped thing has been done, so I'm glad to see that she is [!@#$%^&*]y when she needs to be in that she puts him in his place and will call him on all his crap, but she does still care and wants him to be happy.

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Thanks, Lainey. But I'll probably change it come Tuesday, if Luke proves himself to be worthy, LOL.

Oh, I've been in the "Insider's Lounge" and SoapDish, and some of the spoilers that were listed with "Tracy can't have her cake or eat it either" have aired. So...despite the fact that the timeline for these spoilers didn't match with the first timeline, I now believe this was referring to the cake/closet thing. So much for the spoiler idioms I kept complaining about. Turns out it was literal. :blink:

Edit: Last night in the breakroom, Regency shared her dialogue for the upcoming Edward/Tracy scene. It's really good, and I hope it's all right that I share with the rest of you...

Edward: He was wrong. Luke was. Now, that I know the whole truth, I can say you've been nothing but kind throughout this whole...Laura debacle. I'm surprised at you, though. This isn't your modus operandi, putting your needs aside for others. It's a good things you've done. And I'm proud of you.

Tracy: Well, this is a surprise for me as well. The day I get my feelings stomped on my father decides he's proud of me...What a trade-off.

Edward (pats her thigh comfortingly): At least you're rid of him now. You can finally find yourself a more..."suitable" husband.

Tracy (scoffing): I don't want "suitable." I want Luke.

Edward: Then, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Tracy, but he *doesn't* want you.

Tracy (tearing up against her will): I'm just beginning to get that. (shuddering) I sure know how to pick 'em, don't I, Daddy?

Edward (strokes her back): You love too much and then you can't stop. They simply don't love you. They're the idiots.

Tracy (dropping her head as Edwardy pulls her to him): And I'm their fool, as always.

Edward: You have been many things in your life. You have been young. You have been disgraceful, you've even been an embarrassment...

Tracy: Thank you, Daddy.

Edward: But you have never been a fool. What you are is Quartermaine and we are survivors. You are, I am. You will survive Luke Spencer. (somewhat uncomfortably) His careless way with your heart. Or I will destroy him myself.

Tracy (pulling herself together): Thank you, Daddy. Those are some of the kindest things you've said to me I think ever.

Edward (bringing their moment to a close): Well, they'll be the last if I catch you blubbering over this no-good hood again. You're too good for him. Remember that. Make him beg for your hand. He deserves nothing less than Hell for this, of which you are more than capable

Tracy (drying her face and sitting tall): Of course. I love you, Daddy.

Edward (before he turns to leave): And I you, my dear

(Tracy nods and sets to regaining her composure. Edward looks back once more.)

Edward: Never make it easy for him win his way back into your heart. Or he'll do it again. And I won't stand for that.

(Edward shut the door behind him and left Tracy alone. Hesitating only momentarily, she removed her wedding band and sat it down. Then, she stood and poured herself a drink.)

Tracy (lifting her glass): To never again. (She drank.)

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Aw, I'm glad ya'll liked the Edward/Tracy dialogue. If only they really talked to each other that way. Maybe they'd actually resemble a loving father/daughter relationship. Shocking! :o I know. And, Deb, I'm glad you liked it enough to stick it in your sig line. I feel so creative. I even came up with another LuNacy idea. This is way out of character for me. :blink:

So, by later tonight, gods willing, I should have four TQ fics to present. two non-LuNacy and two pro-LuNacy. How's that for balance? ;)

ETA: Okay, maybe three LuNacy ones then.

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I've still got one foot on/one foot off the Lunacy bus.

You know I think Tony Geary is charming, most of the time, in interviews.

But I just hate how he continually says that Lacy serves both Luke and Tracy well.

Okay Tony, I give up. How is Lacy serving Tracy well?


Yeah that's what I thought.

Anyway, I watched Thursday's first scene with Luke and Tracy and I shut it off. I don't think I can go on and watch the rest. I don't think I want to.

I LOVE the possibility of Lacy, the chemistry between the actors, the rapport between JE/TG.

But TG said he wanted to play a different beat after this, and not the same old same old, and let's hope he also meant with Lacy as well as his children.

Or else, I'm not only off the Lunacy bus, I'm going to have to start "muting" TG/Luke in scenes with or about Tracy.

And then, I'm starting campaign "Give Tracy a love interest who will REALLY respect and love her" and not just give lip service.

And BTW, does it bug anyone else that people are hating on Tracy and Lacy, because of Luke's actions, and TG's words?

Cause it sounds pretty irrational to me. All right if it's just me but it's crazy, some of the stuff I've read on the boards.

Glad to hear you're feeling better Reg, and I happily await your fics.

Debbie, it WILL be okay.

Reg I like your Edward/Tracy scenario, but I'm thinking (or hoping) that TIIC are going to write it as more raw emotion and probably not a whole lot of talking. But who knows?

Every spoiler site has labeled it a "breakdown" or "meltdown". I can't wait to watch. I think it will almost rival the "I Want My Mommy" Speech.

And I hate how some are acting as if Tracy has no right to feel real emotions, just because she knows it's temporary. She does THINK Laura's return is temporary, because that's what Luke has told her, but I'm not sure she completely believes him, and besides that, even if Laura's return is temporary, that doesn't mean Luke will stay with her afterwards, and even if he did, it's like she'll always know she's the consolation prize. I totally "get" Tracy in this.

Jane Elliot is the best actress on this show, and I know she'll rock this week's scenes, either way.

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I'm right there with you on all of that ILTQ, but I do think that how Lacy has served Tracy is that she's getting any scenes at all. I can't say anything about what would have happened if they never started this story, but now that they did, we know that she isn't in any scenes when he is not there, or God forbid, on vacation, then it's month's of nothing. So I guess we can *cough* thank him for helping her keep her career as opposed to doing nothing at all... I think

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I am mortified of Tracy having a breakdown. I have no idea what that will entail but I really am afraid to find out. I want Jane to rock it in her non-verbal way and I hope she will. I don't even write dialogue because it isn't my area of expertise, but that was the mildest breakdown I'd accept. I'm sort of just praying this isn't a yoooge "over the top" mess. Tracy isn't always that person and Jane shouldn't have to play her as such.

She's a fractured, layered human being! And she's been hurt again. At least they have the decency not to let her break alone. What's worse? Falling apart and no one being the wiser? Or falling apart and someone, anyone caring enough the hold the pieces together?

Luke Spencer, BEG! :angry:

Yeah, I've spent a total of five minutes on the LuNacy bus. The people are nice and all but I think I prefer my neutral Bentley. There are martinis and a liberal helping of olives.

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