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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OM MY GOD!! Marland, GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're not worth it yet you CONTINUE to come back and see what we've said about you and to you and, for what? You obviously LOVE skye so GO START YOUR OWN DAMN THREAD!whew! Okay, nuff said about that crap. no, on second thought, keep posting. noone here will give you the satisfaction of posting a reply anymore, at least, noone should. i know i have enough hostility to encounter in RL than to worry about any sort of manufactured hostility you try to cause here. It wont work. TA! to you.

ok, LURVIN the fics! I gat sooo excited about tracy lurve and MF, you dont sound ridiculous at all. I really do love you guys. You rock my socks and so does jane and NOBODY can change that. especially not with a few negative comments about her, or about us (in a lovefest no less, but, i digress,...slowly). You are all so awesome and talented and you rock!! and, no matter what happens in Nov., let's not lose our spirit and enthusiasm, but more importantly, let's not lose our dignity, shall we?

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Regency is there any other way you could post the stories in some other format?

I can't read them.

MinervaFan I liked your story.

Keith yours as well.

Too bad that on GH...a supposedly professionally written soap, we won't get near the depth. I'll be surprised if we even get much of Tracy beyond maybe one Lacy scene.

It's obvious TIIC don't value her. And considering she's HEADS above any other actress on that show, that's really sad.

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From Soapzone--EddieQ is on today, but it looks like he's with Umily. Oy. And he's drunk. Double-Oy.

Oh, did anybody check out the latest ABC Soaps InDepth magazine? I skimmed through it at the checkout and saw a pic of OUR GIRL in it. Of course, the LOSERS were perpetuating the whole "Tracy's abortion wasn't really an abortion because Erika Kane's doctor stole the fetus" rumor. Oh, yeah, and they listed Skye and Laura as possible DAUGHTERS for Tracy. Skye might...MIGHT...be believable, if of course, there were no justice in the universe. But Laura? She'd have had to give birth at fifteen, which would have had her popping Ned out at, what, three?

:rolleyes: I am so disgusted with how badly people want to destroy this character in the name of propping up other characters. (I'm having flashbacks to SoapDish--Jane as Celeste Talbert and Genie as Montana Moorehead....."Hello....Mother" in the smoker's voice.....)

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tracyluver, you can take a hike! I can post in here if i want, i happen to enjoy Tracy, so stick that in your damn pipe!

I think Skye being Tracy's daughter is a great idea. It would also add further to the duplicity of Gretel Rae... Lets face it, Guza stupidly will never write for her by herself, despite Tracy being one of daytime's classic characters, so if she has to further somebody else's storyline, it should be Skye's.

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SQUEE! Tracy might not be on today, but I'm ON...my now functional computer. :) The only thing is the screen resolution is messed up, and I've done the whole right click properties, settings, and pixel thing. So if anyone knows what I'm talking about, could you check your computer and tell me what the settings should be? It's too wide/blurry if I go in one direction, too thin/still blurry in the other, and it won't let me access the middle.

MinervaFan, SID is where the Laura is Tracy's daughter rumor came from.

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you are so out of order! Trying to alienate me like this. My god, by all means allow Toups to scan the previous pages and realise that you people are blowing this way out of proportion. Are you that desperate for drama?! PLEASE calm down so we can get this thread back to some civilised, normal discussion!

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SQUEE! about your computer being functional again. I do not know the first thing about screen resolution, but I'm sure somebody somewhere can help.

I'm really disgusted by the whole situation with the Tracy's daughter speculation. It really has nothing to do with Skye or Laura. It's just such a TRITE storyline, and frankly, I'm so freaking sick of Who My Daddy and Who My Mama storylines. Really, come on, guys. Show a little creativity. Besides, GH is so damned incestuous right now--Sonny's slept with pretty much everybody at this point. Can't we please keep Tracy out of that disgusting loop? She's married to him, but he was dating her long-lost daughter, who once slept with her son, blah blah balh....

Tracy did her time in that disgusting web back in the Paul Hornsby days. I think one of the perks of lasting so long on a soap should be that you can graduate out of these idiotic plot devices. Again, if TIIC's have run out of ideas, here are a few they could try:

  1. Tracy goes through menopause.
  2. Tracy becomes obsessed with leaving a legacy of her own, separate from Edward and the Qs.
  3. Tracy becomes involved in a media scandal that has the whole town rocking--what is it? And who else is involved? (*Hint: It doesn't make her look incompetent or evil.*)
  4. Led by her own feelings of loss and emptiness, Tracy adopts a child and grooms her to take over when she's gone.
  5. Tracy gets sucked back into her old mob family by a reluctant Carla Solieto.
  6. Tracy discovers a secret about the Quartermaine family tree that sends her on a wild quest for the truth.
  7. Tracy has to do community service for a minor criminal act, and winds up getting drawn into the lives of a less-fortunate family.
  8. Tracy makes the wrong decision about somebody, and it winds up costing them their lives. How does she deal with the ramifications? How does she change because of it?
  9. Tracy finds herself losing some capacity--her eyesight, her hearing, her memory--at a much more rapid pace than normal, and she suspects foul play is involved.
  10. Tracy must give up a vice (alcohol, rage, something) either for health reasons or to achieve a goal. It can be serious or played for laughs. It just has to show her struggling to gain control of a part of herself she never really thought about before.
There. TEN plot ideas that have nothing to do with maternity, maternity, infidelity, or mistaken identity. (Oh, and if anybody out there wants to consider these plot bunnies, go ahead and grab them.) In fact, I think I've just found the October-November Challenge for the Ficathon! :)
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SQUEE'ing again because I *think* the screen resolution is normal. I've been in Safe (aka EVERYTHING IS SUPER HUGE) Mode, so while the font and screen *appears* to be smaller, it's just an illusion. Or something, LOL. *dances around*

Wonderful ideas, MinervaFan. I doubt there's going to be a "Who's Your Mama" SL for Tracy/Skye though. I love both actresses, but for whatever reasons, TIIC don't deem them "worthy" enough. *shrugs*

Kinda OT-AIM is no longer installed on my computer. I could download it again, and it's not like getting rid of the program deletes my Buddy List, but apparently AIM had some problems recently, and the large company my dad works for ordered everyone to remove it. Whatever virus I had *could* have come from that (see Lainey, it might've not been the song...just a coincidence). Anyway, if/when the company lets its workers re-install it, I'll do the same. Until then...We'll communicate here and via breakroom.

*needs to read Regency's latest fic*

*also needs to use the bathroom* I'm paranoid about blacking out again (I guess there's a difference between blacking out/falling and fainting), so I've been drinking a ton of water...hence my need to go to the bathroom. And once again, too much information, LOL.

Thanks to everyone for feedback on Oh, Baby. Will get out more detailed responses later. I do want to address the Q's praying thing here though. I figured since the Q's do the "We Gather Together" for Thanksgiving, they'd pray on Christmas as well. Hope no one found it too out of character.

SPUMOR: Not leaving space because it came from an anonymous SD poster. Chances are it's speculation or a bunch of garbage...Lorenzo kidnaps Skye. Diego turns on his father and informs Luke of Skye's whereabouts. Tracy gets jealous. My comments: I bet it's true afterall. More of the SSDD. Yeah. It's happening, LOL.

Guessing game...The next time TQ is on, will she have the curls? If you want to get specific, will she have the good curls or the lop-sided ones (if that's the correct word, heh). Will she be in Recycled Wardrobe? If yes, want to predict what it will be? Will it be a jacket? Or something nicer? Who will be the first person (people) she shares scenes with? My response: Yes to normal curls (my wishful thinking, LOL). Recycled jacket. It's been awhile since she wore the teal one. And Edward will who she shares scenes with. Yes, I am THAT bored. ;)

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So I popped my head in this weekend and then I popped my head out as fast as I could, it seemed a bit heated so I stayed clear! :angry:

I spent the better of my morning, while at work, reading everybody's new fics and can I just say WOW!! It seems everybody was busy this weekend. They were all great but I must say MinervaFan "Danger" is your best yet!

Keith, Lainey, Ms.Q, and Regency all of your stories were great too!

Here are my answers: I bet her hair will be straight, it just seems a bit easier for the hair and makeup people to do :( I think they tried to do the curls last week and they didn't seem to come out right. I think her jacket will be recycled i'm guessing maybe the red one she wore when she found out Lulu was pg **my fingers are crossed for a whole new jacket** and the first person she will share a scene with........i'm gonna go with Dillion.

**waves to knh**

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